Code: Select all
It results in this in the log file:
and then follows all the text from every oxp![script.missionDescription.noMissionText]: ***** ERROR: in <anonymous actions>, no mission text set for key 'trident_down_raceedat_squadron' [UNIVERSE missiontext] is:
Edit: Question! Are we supposed to have to annihilate all 5 of the Bellatrix bombers? Because in trident-down-bellatrix.js that is only required for one of the scenarios: "DEFENDRACEEDAT2". For the other two, "DEFENDIMPERATORDEAD" and "ESWBRIEFB", only killing one is needed! If indeed we do have to kill all of them, then the "}" on line 21 should be moved to line 33.
Also, in scenario "ESWBRIEFB", I can't work out what the point of the imperator is at all...
On the plus side, your fix to the Raceedat station worked perfectly!