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Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:18 pm
by Diziet Sma
Smivs wrote:
This doesn't sound right. The beacon shouldn't disappear at all should it, as it's attached to the Nav Buoy, not the station itself.
Well, the Kiota are not main stations.. they don't have nav buoys. Not needed for their type of dock.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:22 pm
by Diziet Sma
Incidentally, so far as I could tell, I just destroyed an undamaged 4-arm type Kiota Research Station with a single Nexus ultimate missile. I mean, sure, it has 4 heavy warheads, but WTF? :shock:

This was with 5505, btw.

Almost forgot.. quick report on the Tracker Cam. Marvellous bit of kit. Only one gripe though..

The camera is locked to the ship's "up" orientation. This causes the camera to twist/rotate at odd times as it attempts to reorient itself. To see this in action try watching yourself perform a barrel-roll or a loop. If the camera could be de-coupled from the ship's orientation, the results would be much more cinematic.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:29 pm
by Wildeblood
cim wrote:
Wildeblood wrote:
Sorry, I assumed it was well known. Launch, target main station in compass, system.mainStation.explode(), look at your compass - still showing the station beacon. Cycle through the compass and it disappears, but it stays until you do.
Are you using your "launch away from planet" OXP here? If you happened to blow up the main station while you weren't in the planetary aegis but were in the original station aegis you'd get this effect. That's the only situation I can duplicate it in.
No particular OXPs needed. I haven't used trunk for a while, and actually supposed it to have been fixed by Kaks'(?) last meddling with improving of the compass, the introduction of inactive mode. Then I supposed, if it did still exist, it would have been fixed by your changes last week. So, it's news to me that it still exists at all, but it isn't news that it did/does exist. It does - or used to - happen with other beacons, it's just the station beacon is/was the quickest way to demonstrate it.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:26 pm
by cim
Well, I still couldn't find it, but fixed in r5513 anyway.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:49 pm
by JazHaz
Diziet Sma wrote:
Incidentally, so far as I could tell, I just destroyed an undamaged 4-arm type Kiota Research Station with a single Nexus ultimate missile. I mean, sure, it has 4 heavy warheads, but WTF? :shock:
OMG, you what?! Sounds like a war-crime to me!

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:51 pm
by Thargoid
I'll have a look at those missiles and see what damage they are actually doing. The strength and recharge rate of those stations should be enough for anything this side of a q-bomb.

I wonder if it might be the tweaks done on missile damage a while back causing the things to do more damage than they were originally designed for?

To be clear, what rev of trunk was this under Dizzy?

As to the tracker-cam - I know the effect you're meaning. Not sure if it's going to be too easy to deal with that, although I can certainly look at just leaving the orientation as it is rather than trying to maintain it. But of course as it's a quaternion the orientation deals with pointing the camera at the ship as well as which way up. But it may be possible to just lock it to the camera orientation, which is actually set separately from the view orientation.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:47 pm
by Cody
Just had this error appear in the log (r5505):

Code: Select all

19:39:23.214 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (commodityMarkets 0.1): Error: Station.setMarketPrice: Invalid arguments ("luxuries", 1043.8768604279835) -- expected Price must be between 0 and 1020 decicredits.
19:39:23.214 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]:       ../AddOns/BETA-Commodity Markets 0.1.oxp/Config/script.js, line 43.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:02 pm
by cim
Thargoid wrote:
I wonder if it might be the tweaks done on missile damage a while back causing the things to do more damage than they were originally designed for?
Shouldn't be. The new damage routine uses a script command rather than an AI command, so all existing OXP missiles should be doing exactly the same as before.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:42 pm
by Thargoid
Diziet Sma wrote:
Incidentally, so far as I could tell, I just destroyed an undamaged 4-arm type Kiota Research Station with a single Nexus ultimate missile. I mean, sure, it has 4 heavy warheads, but WTF? :shock:
It spawns 4 sub-warheads which can do a max damage of 8800 each based on the shipdata.plist entry (of course will depend on range) and the missile itself has a weapon energy of 15000; Roughly double that of a normal missile per warhead, for reference.

So depending on proximity and whether the mother missile ends up exploding or detonating, the missile will do an absurd amount of damage to anything in range. You'll probably find it'll take out any non-main station.

PS trying to do a non-rolling tracker cam is doing my head in, especially as it's the bit I had working prior to nicking Cim's code but I've junked that script :evil:

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:32 pm
by Thargoid
El Viejo wrote:
Just had this error appear in the log (r5505):

Code: Select all

19:39:23.214 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (commodityMarkets 0.1): Error: Station.setMarketPrice: Invalid arguments ("luxuries", 1043.8768604279835) -- expected Price must be between 0 and 1020 decicredits.
19:39:23.214 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]:       ../AddOns/BETA-Commodity Markets 0.1.oxp/Config/script.js, line 43.
Thanks. I'll cap it in the next version, although that will mean that the reversion afterwards won't be quite right. Can be worked around, but it will mean storing the original table which I was trying to avoid doing.

Will give it a ponder.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:35 pm
by Cody
<nods> I forgot to mention that I had to launch/redock to re-access the F8 screen too.
I should clarify that: I could access the normal F8 screen, but not your 'purchase or sell' F8.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:25 am
by Diziet Sma
Thargoid wrote:
I wonder if it might be the tweaks done on missile damage a while back causing the things to do more damage than they were originally designed for?

To be clear, what rev of trunk was this under Dizzy?
The same thought crossed my mind, as the Nexus ultimate warheads have injectors.

As the report specified, it was r5505 (forgot to prefix it with 'r' though, sorry)
Thargoid wrote:
PS trying to do a non-rolling tracker cam is doing my head in, especially as it's the bit I had working prior to nicking Cim's code but I've junked that script :evil:
You have my sympathies.. I'm trying to mess with the turret quaternions on the Falcon, and that's doing my head in!
JazHaz wrote:
OMG, you what?! Sounds like a war-crime to me!
Well, an important part of testing is trying to break things.. sometimes the direct approach pays dividends.. :twisted:
Case in point, the beacon and station-bounty problems highlighted when I killed the Kiota Solar Station.. :wink:

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:49 am
by Thargoid
As noted above - those missiles do an absurd amount of damage, and with injection then they will have a good chance to get in close to maximise that damage. Plus they are extremely resistant to ECM, so trying to deal with them would end up with a station that's too strong.

You'll probably find they will take out any non-main station in the game. For me there's nothing to be done with the Kiotas as it's not an arms race I'm interested in. If you want them then consider them station-killers :twisted:

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:32 am
by Diziet Sma
Heheh.. I mostly keep a Nexus missile around for the occasional bunch of overly diligent henchmen on RandomHits missions. If you have multiple targets in targeting memory, the warheads will take one apiece. Very useful for getting them off your back while you deal with the mark. They do cut into the profit-margin rather drastically, though, so it's a last-resort type thing.

Re: Beta OXPs for Trunk 1.77

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:20 am
by cim
Thargoid wrote:
and with injection then they will have a good chance to get in close to maximise that damage.
This is the key bit. Eight times the damage of a standard missile between the main body and the four sub-munitions is high, but wouldn't normally take out a station. That's only about 2000-3000 damage, and that's assuming that none of the sub-munitions get taken out by the blast from the other missiles before they can detonate. An iron-ass Cobra III can do that much damage just with its lasers.

It's the injectors putting them considerably closer to the hull before they actually detonate that's the problem. (I wouldn't be surprised if you could take out a station with a 1.76-model hardhead, if you gave it injectors)

1.77's missile damage routine does not have this problem, but missiles have to be explicitly rewritten to use it.