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Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:34 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
So there's no advantage to coming up behind a big freighter and hacking his computer, scooping his cargo and running for it before he can react? I think the correct response is "I've been mugged!" You could be a pirate fugitive having never destroyed a single ship with the right scripting. How's that for a career path. And don't forget the candy locked away in the derelicts. :)

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:37 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I still like it - my commander would almost certainly use it (for derelicts at the very least) [but of course I'm not upgrading Oolite because I use "Save Anywhere"]

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:53 pm
by Wildeblood
DaddyHoggy wrote:
I still like it... [but of course I'm not upgrading Oolite because I use "Save Anywhere"]
What is it about Save Anywhere that makes it not implementable in 1.75? It's certainly a function I'd like to have.

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:00 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Wildeblood wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
I still like it... [but of course I'm not upgrading Oolite because I use "Save Anywhere"]
What is it about Save Anywhere that makes it not implementable in 1.75? It's certainly a function I'd like to have.
It doesn't work - that's all I know - some of the jiggery-pokery that made it work, doesn't work any more.

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:04 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
I'm not entirely sure... I had a quick look through it the other day. The only log errors that popped up were s/System ones, which I fixed, but it still didn't work properly. I wondered if it was because there were previous missionVariables in the test save game I used, but I couldn't see any.

When I launched from a constore, I was transported back to the main station, but it didn't seem to recognise that I was there, and so wouldn't allow me access to the save option. But I don't know enough about mission or GUI screen things yet to be able to proceed any further.

Does anyone know if Frame is planning to update it? I never used it regularly, but it was a useful thing to have around, and it seems a shame that some people aren't upgrading because of it...

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:43 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Wildeblood wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
I still like it... [but of course I'm not upgrading Oolite because I use "Save Anywhere"]
What is it about Save Anywhere that makes it not implementable in 1.75? It's certainly a function I'd like to have.
It doesn't work - that's all I know - some of the jiggery-pokery that made it work, doesn't work any more.
The language of science goes right over my head some days. :P :lol:

All kidding aside why doesn't someone, preferably someone that has an incentive because they use it, go over that save anywhere oxp and fix it. Then there will be no excuse for NOT upgrading. This actually should be a board priority because the game mechanic underlying being able to save anywhere is now vital to the way some people play Oolite and the way a lot of people would like to play. Some things are hard to give up once you've tasted them. This discussion has been discussed before and should have it's own thread. I believe it was reasons to upgrade to 1.75.2.

So DH, you don't want to try being a pirate/robber without destroying/killing your victims? How about just the salvage oxp ideas mentioned earlier in this thread. I can't see any of it being compatible before 1.75 or 1.75.3 for that matter due to bugs. You know the best way to overcome the fear of jiggery-pokery is to get to know it and make it your friend. get it to do what you want. Perhaps you should tackle this project so that you can join in on all the other really cool things coming down the pipe and everyone will benefit from your creation. Besides, I think you would enjoy sneaking up behind some bloke with a blackjack and running away with his wallet! :lol:

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:48 pm
by DaddyHoggy
At the moment RL(tm) says priority is writing lectures and exams, but if it goes quiet in the summer like it's supposed to - an I'm only left with my research, I will investigate the Save Anywhere mechanism.

(I was kind of hoping the Devs would give in and make it part of the game engine for random but repeatable stations)

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:53 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
DaddyHoggy wrote:
At the moment RL(tm) says priority is writing lectures and exams, but if it goes quiet in the summer like it's supposed to - an I'm only left with my research, I will investigate the Save Anywhere mechanism.

(I was kind of hoping the Devs would give in and make it part of the game engine for random but repeatable stations)
This was my hope as well, actually. :wink:

Re: new device, pirates tool perhaps

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:14 am
by Ganelon
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
...(I was kind of hoping the Devs would give in and make it part of the game engine for random but repeatable stations)
This was my hope as well, actually. :wink:
It would be good to have it working again with current versions. I can understand it not being a super high prio since in the "vanilla" game, there wouldn't be much of anyplace to dock except main stations anyway.

I don't understand near enough about the code involved, having only a very rudimentary idea of how it worked in the first place. So I'm just chiming on on the "yeah, that'd be nice" sentiment.