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Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:49 am
by drew
Thanks guys! :)

New versions of Incursio uploaded as of 8.45 GMT+1 this morning. This fixes all known typos (particular thanks to Disembodied for his usual thorough job) and includes a change of future career for Derik, edit of the 'two weeks' section (lots of complaints about that!) and a few other tweaks based on feedback.

I suggest downloading the definitive version to replace what you've currently got.

Write on, Commanders!



Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:22 am
by DaddyHoggy

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:47 pm
by Spooky
No! No! No!

Mr Wagar, you are my nemesis. My rage burns with the fury of a thousand dying suns. How dare you! How very dare you!

Do you have any idea how far away Christmas 2011 is? DO YOU??!?

I hate waiting.

(Translation: Thank you! This was a fantastic read, I await Finis with baited breath.)

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:13 pm
by drew
I refer the honourable gentlemen to these paragraphs from the 'Author's Notes' in 'Incursio.
So I gave up on it being a Trilogy and I’ve turned it into a four part-er. If you’ve downloaded this just after it’s been published that’s going to leave you on a cliff hanger for which I provide no apology whatsoever. The fourth part of this tale will be available late in 2011 – in time for Christmas. If you’re reading this after 2011, then you can go straight on to ‘Finis’ and find out what happens next.

I said in the notes for Mutabilis that I’m not a great fan of sequels, as they’re usually not as good as the original. According to my reviews, most people prefer Mutabilis to Status Quo – saying it’s the better story. I’ll have eventually provided three sequels by the time I’m done. I have a sneaking suspicion Incursio will turn out to be more popular than Mutabilis…

This all goes to show you shouldn’t pay any attention to what I say, as I clearly have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.



Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:32 pm
by Bugbear
Just finished reading Drew. A fantastic read, you've been responsible for slashing my productivity at work this week. I've been unable to resist the temptation to fire up the book on my phone and pretend that I'm attending to text messages...

Can't wait for Finis...but then again, I don't have much choice do I? :-)

I like the way you've been able to escape from the timeline set out in Mutabilis - I especially like Rebecca's comment "This timeline sucks" The future is well and truly not pre-ordained.

I also like your explanation for the various species in the Elite / Oolite universe.

Great effort, loved it.

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:25 pm
by pagroove
Just finished it.

A movie playing in my head!

Very good writing.

One thing though. Are Trumbles not aliens?

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:31 pm
by Bugbear
I don't want to be accused of spoiling so...

Jvgu gur eriryngvba gung Gunetbvqf ner npghnyyl na vaqhprq zhgngvba bs gur cenlvat znagvf, tvira vagryyvtrapr, nonaqbarq, gura fhofrdhragyl crefrphgrq, V zhfg dhrfgvba:

Qbrf guvf zrna gung jr abj unir gb fgneg srryvat fbeel sbe gur Gunetbvqf orpnhfr bs gur jnl gung TnyPbc (naq gb n yrffre rkgrag, uhznavgl) unf gerngrq gurz?

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:44 pm
by Commander McLane
V thrff vg'f hc gb lbh ubj fbeel lbh srry sbe gurz.

Crefbanyyl V yvxr gur vqrn gung gurl unir n ernfba sbe gurve orunivbhe. (V nyfb yvxr gur snpg gung Qerj unf nafjrerq fbzr zber dhrfgvbaf nobhg gur Ryvgr/Sebagvre havirefr va bar guebj: jul ner gurer ab aba-uhzna enprf va rvgure gur Srqrengvba be gur Rzcver? Nafjre: nyy fragvrag enprf jrer qevira vagb jung yngre orpnzr TnyPbc fcnpr.) Gung qbrfa'g zrna gung V pbaqbar gurve orunivbhe, abe gung V jba'g pbagvahr gb svtug gurz. Nsgre nyy, gurve iratrnapr qbrfa'g uvg gur crecrgengbef, jub ner nyy qrnq sbe praghevrf.

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:52 pm
by drew
V thrff vg'f hc gb lbh ubj fbeel lbh srry sbe gurz.


V jnf qrrcyl hafngvfsvrq jvgu gur Gunetbvqf whfg orvat 'gur onqqvrf' va pnaba. Va zl qernzg hc uvfgbel, cerivbhf trarengvbaf bs uhznavgl jrer whfg nf 'onq' vs abg jbefr. Gurer jvyy or shegure eriryngvbaf va 'Svavf' juvpu jvyy pnhfr bhe urebrf naq cynlref dhrfgvba znal nggvghqrf gbjneqf gur Gunetbvqf naq jr'yy trg gur bccbeghavgl gb ernyyl urne 'gurve fvqr'...
Are trumbles not aliens?
Good point. My guess would be either a genetically engineered pet gone awry, or another form of bio-weapon...!



Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:08 pm
by Capt. Murphy

V'ir tbg gur srryvat gung Svavf znl oevat erirny Erorppn nf gur Gunetbvq 'zrffvnu', naq fur'yy yrnq gurz ivn Enkkyn gb n gvzr yvar jurer gurer ubzrjbeyq fgvyy rkvfgf naq gurl ner ng crnpr jvgu gur erfg bs gur Bbavirefr.

Gunetbvqvn - ghea yrsg ng Enkkyn.

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:30 pm
by pagroove
drew wrote:
V thrff vg'f hc gb lbh ubj fbeel lbh srry sbe gurz.


V jnf qrrcyl hafngvfsvrq jvgu gur Gunetbvqf whfg orvat 'gur onqqvrf' va pnaba. Va zl qernzg hc uvfgbel, cerivbhf trarengvbaf bs uhznavgl jrer whfg nf 'onq' vs abg jbefr. Gurer jvyy or shegure eriryngvbaf va 'Svavf' juvpu jvyy pnhfr bhe urebrf naq cynlref dhrfgvba znal nggvghqrf gbjneqf gur Gunetbvqf naq jr'yy trg gur bccbeghavgl gb ernyyl urne 'gurve fvqr'...
Are trumbles not aliens?
Good point. My guess would be either a genetically engineered pet gone awry, or another form of bio-weapon...!


Maybe they are the first 'unstable' genetically experiments. Would be a nice side story. :wink:


Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:42 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Ending copying the entire thread into rot13!!!

I'd just like to say - I agree - and I like the trumble angle...

Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:44 pm
by drew
Yeah, things were getting a bit crphyvne there. :lol:



Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:16 pm
by drew
I'm also a little surprised that nobody seems to have figured out who 'Garew Ward' is. It's not that difficult...



Re: Incursio... is online

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:22 pm
by Cody
drew wrote:
I'm also a little surprised that nobody seems to have figured out who 'Garew Ward' is.
Well... I wasn't going to say anything, but...