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Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:14 pm
by ClymAngus
OK delay that toolkit update, there are some loose ends to tie up on all the maps;

centring titles, makeing sure the keys are properly displayed, no white marks around the edges, loosing the graph information making sure the special routes overlay the normal ones.

general neatening up. should be done by the end of tomorrow.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:09 pm
by ClymAngus
GALAXY6 (compromise reached over zones, 2 maps basically)


OK that's everything neatened up and pretty enough to be printed. The pdf's are very wide spec and infinate zoom. If that isn't good enough then you'll find the ai files, a template file even a basic read_me in the tool kit. Down side is it's 14 meg and 18 uncompressed.

Well as they say if you love something set it free.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:05 pm
by pagroove
ClymAngus wrote:
GALAXY6 (compromise reached over zones, 2 maps basically)


OK that's everything neatened up and pretty enough to be printed. The pdf's are very wide spec and infinate zoom. If that isn't good enough then you'll find the ai files, a template file even a basic read_me in the tool kit. Down side is it's 14 meg and 18 uncompressed.

Well as they say if you love something set it free.
GR8 works. Compliments 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:48 pm
by ClymAngus
it has been brought to my attention that there may be a little something called CalculateMilkRuns

which if g1 is fed into it gives us this:

4 Tianve (Rich Industrial Democracy) <-> Teanrebi (Poor Agricultural Corporate State)
4 Inera (Rich Industrial Corporate State) <-> Aanbiat (Poor Agricultural Democracy)
4 Ceesxe (Rich Industrial Corporate State) <-> Leoned (Average Agricultural Corporate State)
3 Zaatxe (Rich Industrial Corporate State) <-> Alaza (Average Agricultural Democracy)
3 Rexebe (Average Industrial Corporate State) <-> Usatqura (Poor Agricultural Democracy)
3 Rexebe (Average Industrial Corporate State) <-> Aanbiat (Poor Agricultural Democracy)
2 Tianve (Rich Industrial Democracy) <-> Alaza (Average Agricultural Democracy)
2 Ororqu (Average Industrial Democracy) <-> Usatqura (Poor Agricultural Democracy)
2 Ororqu (Average Industrial Democracy) <-> Aanbiat (Poor Agricultural Democracy)
2 Esteonbi (Average Industrial Democracy) <-> Tiinlebi (Poor Agricultural Democracy)
1 Arexe (Average Industrial Democracy) <-> Riveis (Average Agricultural Democracy)

would this be a useful addition? or would it just confuse matters?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:44 pm
by lfnfan
Forgive the self-promotion, but the Oolite 'Trade Contract Timekeeper' is available here: . One feature is a galactic chart (you specify the galaxy) which shows potential milk runs, and also flags govt types below Multi-Government, and tech levels above 14 (you can choose other baselines if you like):

Edit: [damn, why can't I paste a picture into a post?]

Anyway, on the Star Chart tab, look for green diamonds (poor agri) next to blue triangles (Rich industrial). If you're lucky the blue triangle will have a red circle round it (high tech), and if you're unlucky the green diamond will have a black circle round it (prepare to defend your cargo).

More importantly: awesome work with the maps Clym and all! 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:53 pm
by ClymAngus
lfnfan wrote:
Forgive the self-promotion, but the Oolite 'Trade Contract Timekeeper' is available here: . One feature is a galactic chart (you specify the galaxy) which shows potential milk runs, and also flags govt types below Multi-Government, and tech levels above 14 (you can choose other baselines if you like):

[damn, why can't I paste a picture into a post?]

Anyway, on the Star Chart tab, look for green diamonds (poor agri) next to blue triangles (Rich industrial). If you're lucky the blue triangle will have a red circle round it (high tech), and if you're unlucky the green diamond will have a black circle round it (prepare to defend your cargo).

More importantly: awesome work with the maps Clym and all! 8)
ooo that's pretty, I'm thinking that this might clutter things up on the existing maps but would be useful to know about as

a) an addition to the galaxy guide on the wiki
b) as a map layer when ever a flash guru stumbles along.

I'm certainly going to be downloading this nifty little tool. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:19 pm
by lfnfan
no no, no changes to the existing maps for this!

Thanks for the compliment on the Timekeeper. As it happens, props are really due to a co-collaborator of yours on the vector maps (PhantorGorth) who replicated in spreadsheet form Christian Pinder's reverse-engineering of the original Elite galaxy algorithm. I just added a few fields, an extra few XY plots, and a timekeeper to tell you if you will be able to deliver your lucrative GPG contracts on time :D

For a while the spreadsheet has been linked on the Wiki in the 'How do I make decent profits?' FAQ question question, and also on the Planets page (2 bullet points up from the vector maps, as it happens!) A few people seem to stumble on to it every week or so.

I am addicted to cargo contracts so I almost never leave orbit without my route being plotted in the Timekeeper....sad really. I keep telling myself that after this contract or that contract, I will put my Iron Ass to good use and work on my combat rating, but it never happens :?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:05 pm
by treczoks
ClymAngus wrote:
it has been brought to my attention that there may be a little something called CalculateMilkRuns
Indeed, there is. And it takes about three seconds to find all the milk runs in the eight galaxies.
But the question is: Wouldn't it give too much away?

Yours, Christian

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:13 pm
by Kaks
And the answer is: yes, yes it would!!! :D

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:51 pm
by lfnfan
how about an OXP that limits info available on the F6 F6 and F7 screens to only planets within 7LY of current location, or planets previously discovered? A sort of 'fog of ignorance' variant on the established 'fog of war' concept?

Would give us all more of an incentive to get out and about in the galaxy, and young Jamesons could have the opportunity to buy galaxy maps, or fragments of galaxy maps to fill in the gaps. Or spend days on end Oogling details on 2048 individual planets. Or befriending gnarled old traders in seedy space bars, getting them blind drunk, and extracting their milk

run routes.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:53 pm
by treczoks
lfnfan wrote:
Or spend days on end Oogling details on 2048 individual planets. Or befriending gnarled old traders in seedy space bars, getting them blind drunk, and extracting their milk run routes.
Well, thats what the Traders Almanach is all about. And in addition to trading tips, it sometimes gives us insights into questions that haunted us for a quarter of a century, like what that "edible poet" is supposed to be.

Yours, Christian

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:10 pm
by lfnfan
very true. the Galaxy Guide and Almanach are awesome pieces of work.

it's realistic that 'the information is out there' on every planet in each galaxy, and the style of the Almanach is much more to my personal preference than the output of a CalculateMilkRuns routine.

Having consulted the Almanach, though, I'm still none the wiser re. whether members of the 'Poets Society are actually as edible as they would have us believe. Next time i'm in G1 I will be reserving my table at NOobu in Tibecea to find out - I hear they have all sorts on the menu :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:02 pm
by seventh
Very good. I'm impressed

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:31 pm
by ClymAngus
Hang on, you did work for this?

High praise from someone as talented as yourself!

Guys, (I'm talking mainly to the UK people here). Look at this site

How come our sites don't look this good? Eh? Our countrymen invented this game. We are lagging behind in the presentation department!!

seventh, feel free to grab the toolkit on the wiki, it has all the ai files in it if you wish to have a play.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:42 pm
by Kaks
Seven, I'm well impressed with the scanner! Even though 'Obsuzdenie' doesn't seem to work, it's just a pleasure to swirl the mouse arund & click the links! :)