Page 39 of 70

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:26 pm
by Eric Walch
Frame wrote:
just wanted to let you know that on Oolite 1.75 it now looks like this.

rvn 3744
trunk contains all kind of cut-off code that cuts off code execution after some very short time. I assume that this is happening with you. It is only worth working on this, after this part has settled in trunk.
In my old trunk I even get:

Code: Select all

[script.javaScript.timeLimit] OOJSEngineTimeManagement.m:196: ***** ERROR: Script "Save Anywhere OXP" ran for 0.0639002 seconds and has been terminated.


[script.javaScript.timeLimit] OOJSEngineTimeManagement.m:196: ***** ERROR: Script "oolite-random-hits-spacebar" ran for 0.0509599 seconds and has been terminated.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:48 am
by Switeck
Random Hits v1.4.5 seems to have a bad commodities.plist file.
Gold, Platinum, and Gem-Stones are all set to tons instead of kg, kg, g.
The other values may not be show-stoppers, but they look really strange as well. :P

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:10 am
by Kaks
Weird. Oolite 1.74 + should ignore attempts by oxps to change commodities units. IIRC that code was put in there almost a year ago...

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:05 am
by Switeck
Those settings are bad even if Oolite ignores them now.
And the very odd settings that do work seem unintentional/crazy. :lol:
(like nearly 40 credits for FOOD!)

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:00 pm
by Commander McLane
Switeck wrote:
And the very odd settings that do work seem unintentional/crazy. :lol:
(like nearly 40 credits for FOOD!)
That's intentional, as far as I know.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:40 pm
by Switeck
My bad, misread the numbers. :oops:
It's 38 with +6 per economy type, for only 32 credits max theoretical value.
That's not as bad as I originally thought. Max profit for that would be 127 tc x 30 credits/tc = 3810 credits profit. (assuming you paid 2 credits for each)

What's really strange is both Narcotics and Machinery have negative values -- how does that work?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:04 am
by LittleBear
It's (sort of) intentional. I'd ment food to be about 4 Credits higher than the price at the main station and similar for liquors and wines (seemed fair enough that a bar would pay a bit over the odds for these things as the need them in higher quantities). Machinary and minerals are meant to be a bit cheaper than average (due to the surplus from the mining activites). Slaves and Alloys also a bit cheaper (hunters bringing in captured criminals and bits of destroyed ships floods the market a bit). I hadn't meant though that you could make too much money with in system trading (added this more for flavor really). Although Commander McLane posted a very good explanation of how the commodities plist works, the maths made my head hurt so went with trial and error and probabley didn't test it properly. :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:41 am
by Switeck
I have to figure out what price ranges I want, multiply them by 2.5 to convert it to Oolite's internal values.
So 4 credits higher would be the same as raising the original value for food from 19 to 29.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:32 am
by Eric Walch
Switeck wrote:
I have to figure out what price ranges I want, multiply them by 2.5 to convert it to Oolite's internal values.
So 4 credits higher would be the same as raising the original value for food from 19 to 29.
I once made an spreadsheet to calculate the minimum and maximum results for different economies. Here is a spreadsheat for the current random hits commodity plist. (I converted it now to excel format for general use)

Narcotics have a special calculation, that is not mentioned on the wiki pages. And when you choose values that generate negative results, Oollite will just show the value zero.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:50 am
by Ganelon
I've noticed the writing on the tombstone is backwards as well.

That the seedy bar will pay a good bit for a load of food or booze is not really surprising. They charge around 3 cr for a meal and drink, which is about half what a *ton* of food would cost at the main station? When you consider (as is discussed in assorted other threads) that would work out to anywhere from over 150$ to 3k$ (depending on how you figure the Oolite monetary standard as compared to current USD) for a sandwich and a bottle, they can afford to pay a bit for a *ton* of food or booze. Especially when you consider that only "clean" rated commanders can land at the seedy bars, which is also bound to drive the prices up a bit.

I had not noted plat/gold/gems being "in tons", but I can say that when you actually buy them you get kilos or grams in any case, not tons. I might not be paying close attention to the units on a list, but I definitely would have noted if I suddenly had tons of precious metals or gems in the ship's safe.

As such, the actual glitches are really very minor, and it's a great OXP.

EDIT: PS- Think of a 5 gallon plastic bucket. Now think of approximately 70 of them stacked up neatly. If they were full of wheat or soybeans or whatever, that would be about one ton of food. That's a lot of food or booze, we're talking about there.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:53 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "specials-tex.png".
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "specials-tex.png".
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "specials-tex.png".
I wasn't sure what caused this.

Code: Select all

grep -lir "specials-tex.png" *
(Thank you, Google...) gave me
This would make sense, considering I had just left a Seedy Bar to get a contract, although I wasn't paying attention to what ships were around or what I was told to kill...

"neopython.dat" does indeed use "specials-tex.png" and there is no texture file of that name in the folder. There was no noticeable effect from this; I just happened to notice it in my log file and was curious!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:38 pm
by Micha
The texture can be found in the Neolite OXP.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:52 am
by Eric Walch
Micha wrote:
The texture can be found in the Neolite OXP.
Ill add it to a next release. I never noticed it as I also have neolite itself installed.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:23 pm
by Eric Walch
There were at least two reports that the text on the grave stones was mirrored. I never could find the course because the code was correct. However, today I found the reason when working with Tionisla Graveyard. I noticed Little bear used the gravestones from this oxp. But they were mirrored in that oxp. In Random Hits this is corrected, but because TGY loads after Rand.., the corrected date is overwritten again with the buggy data when you also have TGY installed.
I'll make sure that the mod files are renamed in a next release to avoid this problem with TGY.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:29 am
by JeffBTX
I just looked version 1.4.5 over; there is at least one old error still in it.

Go back to page 32 of this thread, third post down, Mon Dec 28, 2009, ADCK posted a "Bug Fix Guide".

The commodities.plist still has the wrong weight measurements for mining products such as (but not limited to) Gem Stones, Gold, etc.


I would be interested in this OXP if there was a "Lite Version"; if the code and files were trimmed down (a lot), if the OXP used only the *DEFAULT* ships, certain features such as the NPC "Hunters" were removed (or at least simplified... they get in the way too much), the "revenge" features removed (or at least simplified, AND use only the default ships), etc. In other words a simple "Random Hits" where you can take contract missions to other systems for... Random Hits.

I.E. something like the assassination missions in Elite Frontier and Elite Frontier First Encounters. But with the Ranks preserved, point system preserved, etc. (I would probably make at least one little change for my own use... I would change the names of the ranks, at least "The Great One" would be named to something else).

I tried to hack together a simpler version myself back at version 1.3.x. The code was so extensive and systemic that I got dizzy. I kept messing up the OXP and introducing errors.

Please don't misunderstand... this is NOT a complaint per se. Just a SUBJECTIVE wish, but it MIGHT be a wish shared by a few others.