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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:25 pm
by Griff
The missing textures on the spacebars etc in oolite 1.74 are probably being caused by missing texture 'uniforms' in the shipdata.plist to 'link' the shaders and the relevant texture files together, it just needs a bit of an edit to get it all working, the problem is the shipdata.plist is written in XML and everytime i open the file to start fixing it all enthusiasm drains :(
the way to do it is here in Ahrumans example ... &start=137

there isn't a magical converter program somewhere that will change this to openstep? some sort of Apple Mac thing or something? you can change it back to XML again after i've added the texture uniforms if you really want to <key> :P </key>

edit: Oops, ignore me, i have lost the plot

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:36 pm
by Porksmuggler
too weird, I was just looking at the shipdata.plist for Random Hits and comparing it to the one for captKev_dodo.oxp you worked on.

I'm a little confused on the XML part though, when I pull up the shipdata.plist in notepad ++ for either it looks like this, the Random Hits is just missing the uniform:

"griff_spacebar_entrydock" = {
"like_ship" = "griff_spacebar_subent_template";
model = "griff_spacebar_dockingbay.dat";
roles = "docking-slit";
shaders = {
"griff_spacebar_dockingbay.png" = {
"fragment_shader" = "griff_spacebar_dockingbay.fragment";
textures = (
"vertex_shader" = "griff_spacebar_dockingbay.vertex";

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:45 pm
by Griff
lol, putting 'xml to openstep' into google brings up a post on this forum as the first in the list of results

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:03 pm
by Porksmuggler
what should the uniforms section look like for the above (in openstep)?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:39 pm
by Eric Walch
Griff wrote:
The missing textures on the spacebars etc in oolite 1.74 are probably being caused by missing texture 'uniforms' in the shipdata.plist to 'link' the shaders and the relevant texture files together, it just needs a bit of an edit to get it all working, the problem is the shipdata.plist is written in XML and everytime i open the file to start fixing it all enthusiasm drains :(
I uploaded the shipdata in ascii here. I left it in xml because my favourite plist editor uses an ascii version that only 99% of the computers can read. This one was made with my old one.
I did remove the shaders from the rock itself because it was a basic shader and that is now transferred to the materials section that uses oolites default shaders.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:47 pm
by Porksmuggler
^I guess I'm missing something, the file you just uploaded looks exactly the same as in the release when I open it with Notepad ++ I'm not seeing it in XML?

I think he's saying openstep only will show the source XML, and he edits only in openstep?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:00 pm
by DGill
Just tried out v1.4.2, I've removed 1.4.1 but log file showing errors for both version?

[script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ***** JavaScript exception (Random_Hits 1.4.1): Error: System.addGroup(): expected positive count no greater than 64, got '0'.
[script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ../AddOns/RandomHits1.4.2.oxp/Scripts/oolite-randomHits.js, line 772.
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2010-07-05 21:55:13 +0100.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:17 pm
by Kaks
Or, more likely, this.version at the beginning of the script file is still saying 1.4.1, even though the oxp's version is 1.4.2.... :)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:27 pm
by Eric Walch
Porksmuggler wrote:
^I guess I'm missing something, the file you just uploaded looks exactly the same as in the release when I open it with Notepad ++ I'm not seeing it in XML?

I think he's saying openstep only will show the source XML, and he edits only in openstep?
You are right, I already converted it to open step with the 1.4 release. It was just that griff told it was xml code. And I did not check.
Actually, I converted all plists to open step except the description and mission.plist because my converter removes than all comments from those plists.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:36 pm
by Eric Walch
DGill wrote:
Just tried out v1.4.2, I've removed 1.4.1 but log file showing errors for both version?

[script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ***** JavaScript exception (Random_Hits 1.4.1): Error: System.addGroup(): expected positive count no greater than 64, got '0'.
[script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ../AddOns/RandomHits1.4.2.oxp/Scripts/oolite-randomHits.js, line 772.
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2010-07-05 21:55:13 +0100.
It is a harmless bug. Its trying to add a random number of ships. And even when using a Math.ceil to round it up it results in zero. In game you won't notice this.
Kaks wrote:
Or, more likely, this.version at the beginning of the script file is still saying 1.4.1, even though the oxp's version is 1.4.2....
But the file does start with 1.4.2. I often forget to raise this number also, but not in this case.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:42 pm
by tonyhippy
BAH! Don't let your Captured Thargons loose when attacking your mark!!!! If they accidentally kill the blighter before you the kill gets credited to "Another Bounty Hunter" and you don't get the pay either. Damn their eyes!

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:22 am
by Griff
hang on, i'm confused, have i got an out of date version? i can't remember where i downloaded it from originally, it was in the big oolite stuff folder on my pc, it's shipdata.plist is in xml format, but in fact in the current version of the OXP it's all in openstep? *goes to download*

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:41 pm
by Thargoid
tonyhippy wrote:
BAH! Don't let your Captured Thargons loose when attacking your mark!!!! If they accidentally kill the blighter before you the kill gets credited to "Another Bounty Hunter" and you don't get the pay either. Damn their eyes!
You think the guild would be happy with it's members being wimps and relying on technology to do their work for them? :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:33 pm
by Griff
Shader and shipdata.plist updates (for Random Hits 1.4.2), hopefully all the glowy is back (and now also available in no shader mode)
:lol: I haven't docked at a Spacebar for ages, I'd forgotten how funny this OXP is

Edit: This isn't needed anymore, Eric's added them all into Random Hits v1.4.3

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:29 pm
by Poro
Is anyone else on a shaderless system getting major slowdown with version 1.4.2?

Whether I enter an anarchy system, or exit from an anarchy station for the first time, it takes a fair while for everything to be populated: and frame rate never returns to normal.

There's nothing in the log file, and I seem to remember someone mentioning the Seedy Spacebar being altered. Could this have affected rendering on non-shaderfied computers?