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Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:11 pm
by Poro
The non-aggression issue, and the mixed up kill/award numbers are fine for me now.

P.S. You mentioned mixing up the two numbers... did this mean that I wan't paid enough for the bounty job, in that it awarded me my kill count as credits instead? I seem to remember to remember my account being a few thousand healthier... not sure.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:43 pm
by RustiSwordz
Its an excellent oxp with one drawback for the impatient player. Why do the jobs have top be on the other side of the galaxy? For the impatient player like me a 50 ly jump for a 600 cred bounty is erm a waste of time. Is there a way i can go into the file change a couyple of numbers and make it easier like say a 10ly jump? 50 plus is waay too far for the cost and time to hunt the crims. Thanks. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:35 am
by caracal
RustiSwordz wrote:
Its an excellent oxp with one drawback for the impatient player. Why do the jobs have top be on the other side of the galaxy?
Just keep looking until you find one you like. Me, I cycle through them until I find the right combination of difficulty level, location, payment, and target system. I try to avoid marks flying Adder 2s or BoyRacers, for example--too hard to hit. I also avoid marks who are lurking in Anarchies--too many distractions, and (it seems to me) too high a chance they'll get smoked before I can get to them. And I pick ones who are in systems that are either nearby, or are near some other place I'm wanting to go (a BlOomberg sale, for example). Et nauseating cetera.

But then, I think the hit descriptions are hilarious, so I don't mind browsing several of them until I find a suitable one. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:22 am
by RustiSwordz
Ah right i thought the locations were a fixed distance, i'll keep looking. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:45 am
by Poro
RustiSwordz wrote:
Its an excellent oxp with one drawback for the impatient player. Why do the jobs have top be on the other side of the galaxy? For the impatient player like me a 50 ly jump for a 600 cred bounty is erm a waste of time. Is there a way i can go into the file change a couyple of numbers and make it easier like say a 10ly jump? 50 plus is waay too far for the cost and time to hunt the crims. Thanks. :)

Also, the updated version decreases the distance of the marks.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:12 pm
by Eric Walch
Poro wrote:
Also, the updated version decreases the distance of the marks.
Or to more precise: Level 1 marks are never further away than 21 LY and level 3 marks are as maximum 29 LY away.
Measured in straight line and distance is shown in the hit-offer. It could be that this direct line is blocked and the route becomes much longer in reality. 1.74 allows for calculating the distance along the actually jumped route, but I chose to use to display the direct distance only. (That page does leave no room to add extra info without removing other essential stuff)

I try to have a final version 1.3.8 ready in a week or so (will be 1.4 than). Currently there is only a "do it yourself" version available from my signature were you must copy a few files yourself from the older versions.
Actually I thought a few months ago it was bug free and I only waited for 1.74 to be released.

For your info: Offers are renewed every 60 minutes so waiting this long gives you also a new offer if you don't like the current offers (launching takes 10 minutes, so doing 6 launches in a row might refresh the hit list)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:09 pm
by Commander McLane
I once spent a long time in a certain Anarchy system in Galaxy 5 (I think), which both contained a space bar, and was a target system for Random Hits. So I only needed to cycle through the contracts until I met one whose victim was right outside the door, so to speak. I only needed to fly towards the witchpoint (or the station), open fire, return to the bar, receive my reward, an select the next contract. :twisted:

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:19 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Commander McLane wrote:
I once spent a long time in a certain Anarchy system in Galaxy 5 (I think), which both contained a space bar, and was a target system for Random Hits. So I only needed to cycle through the contracts until I met one whose victim was right outside the door, so to speak. I only needed to fly towards the witchpoint (or the station), open fire, return to the bar, receive my reward, an select the next contract. :twisted:
That's almost funny...

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:02 pm
by Commander McLane
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
I once spent a long time in a certain Anarchy system in Galaxy 5 (I think), which both contained a space bar, and was a target system for Random Hits. So I only needed to cycle through the contracts until I met one whose victim was right outside the door, so to speak. I only needed to fly towards the witchpoint (or the station), open fire, return to the bar, receive my reward, an select the next contract. :twisted:
That's almost funny...
It certainly was when I did it! :lol: And it gave an enormous boost to my reputation as a contract killer. 8)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:18 am
by Poro
Since the newest version, all the Seedy Space Bars have 3T of machinery selling for nothing. I'm fairly sure this wasn't in the previous 1.73.4 versions.

Are they having some kind of clear-out on board? Can't get rid of the construction machinery quick enough? :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:46 am
by Eric Walch
Poro wrote:
Since the newest version, all the Seedy Space Bars have 3T of machinery selling for nothing. I'm fairly sure this wasn't in the previous 1.73.4 versions.

Are they having some kind of clear-out on board? Can't get rid of the construction machinery quick enough? :wink:
I look at this, as this has changed and I never looked at the real values enough.
To be more clear: I didn't change the commodity prising for the bars, but to work correct, there has to be an entry in the commodity.plist for every single primaryRole of the station. All those entries were never there, so all bars used the same default values, that also the main station uses.

In this beta version I fixed this bug by giving all the stations the same default primaryRole after spawning, so now it is using Seedy Bar's commodity.plist for the first time. Result is that commodity prises have changed compared with earlier versions, but I assume most of the changes are what Little Bear always had in mind. However, a low prise for machinery could be intended but machinery for free sounds a bit to cheep.

I found still a few other cosmetic flaws in the oxp and Little Bear mailed me two additional flaws. These are all fixed in the current upload.

EDIT: The values were set so that it resulted in zero or even negative prise values. I raised the values a bit to get an average prise of 5 credits with 2 credits variation between systems. (I don't want to change Little Bears values significantly) But as long as quantities are low, this will not allow for a money maker.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:42 am
by Micha
Instead of forcing the station primary-role in order to get the market you want you can also specifiy a 'market' key in the ships' plist (since 1.74). This will then force that market irrespective of primary role.


Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:52 am
by Eric Walch
Micha wrote:
Instead of forcing the station primary-role in order to get the market you want you can also specifiy a 'market' key in the ships' plist (since 1.74). This will then force that market irrespective of primary role.

I know that key: I added that key to the 1.74 code to make it easier for creating a station with a custom market. Because random hits was not the only one with this problem. Even Aegidian's Behemoths used to have this problem. So yes, I actually use the market key now. But having one single role for all the stations has other benefits. Because with the old version, a lot of the defence ships were constantly scanning for a ship with any of the 42 possible roles the bar could have. Its more efficient when only a scan for one role is needed for detecting the bars presence.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:12 pm
by Micha
Eric Walch wrote:
I know that key: I added that key to the 1.74 code to make it easier for creating a station with a custom market.
Ah, oops.. sorry :oops:
I guess I should pay more attention as to who wrote something as well as the what..

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:27 pm
by RustiSwordz
OK my copy of this doesn't recognise the textures of the space bars or the little tractor whizzing about. Its just the bare models. Everything else works fine though. :) Great little oxp.