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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:29 pm
by Disembodied
Thanks! I can't promise I'll keep it up... :)


Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:10 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Disembodied wrote:
Thanks! I can't promise I'll keep it up... :)

Shame you couldn't have done the old 'Top Gun' Adage:
"I feel the need...The need for speed!"

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:25 pm
by Disembodied
Captain Hesperus wrote:
Shame you couldn't have done the old 'Top Gun' Adage:
"I feel the need...The need for speed!"

Captain Hesperus
You never know... there must be other WDFI manufacturers out there. Or it could be a tagline for the BoyRacer, or the Fer-de-Lance NG... :)

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:10 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
There could be a whole need/speed campaign for a single company. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:47 pm
by Disembodied

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:36 pm
by Dr. Nil
Some lovely new ads there :D

(But beware of the bony red birds in black when making ads mentioning Orbs)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:11 pm
by Disembodied
Dr. Nil wrote:
Some lovely new ads there :D

(But beware of the bony red birds in black when making ads mentioning Orbs)
Don't worry -- their ominous threats won't silence me Commander Jameson! And the publisher's offices are well-defended: you'd be amazed at how much laser fire a stack of remaindered books can absorb...

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:27 pm
by Disembodied

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:18 pm
by Dr. Nil
I have been looking into another way to do this OXP.

Anyone interested in testing it, can download it here: Your Ad Here V3 BETA2
The new spokes-lobstoid for Ad-X wrote:
Credits for Ads

Set A

Billboard 01, front: Pangloss - Lave Fried Trumble
Billboard 01, back: Griff - Edible Arts Graduates
Billboard 02, front: johnsmith - Bibean Lethal Brandy
Billboard 02, back: Twisted - Oo Lite
Billboard 03, front: DaddyHoggy - Open Ooniversity
Billboard 03, back:: Arexack_Heretic - Wartime Propaganda
Billboard 04, front: johnsmith - Pilkerson
Billboard 04, back: Judebert - Jack Voysey P.I.
Billboard 05, front: johnsmith - Don't FWI
Billboard 05, back: DaddyHoggy - Keep safe distance
Billboard 06, front: DaddyHoggy - The Oolite Ordnance
Billboard 06, back: reills - Fritoo Lay Trumble Chips
Billboard 07, front: drnil - OCC Teretrurus MK-I
Billboard 07, back: drnil - Grupo Langostaides Azules
Billboard 08, front: Griff - Laveian Tree Grubs
Billboard 08, back: Griff - Laveian Tree Grubs
Billboard 09, front: drnil - Droogs boxset
Billboard 09, back: drnil - Status Quo
Billboard 10, front: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo Menu
Billboard 10, back: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo Menu
Billboard 11, front: Charlie - Benulobiweed Merlin
Billboard 11, back: Charlie - Benulobiweed Swift
Billboard 12, front: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo
Billboard 12, back: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo
Billboard 13, front: DaddyHoggy - Alien Abduction
Billboard 13, back: DaddyHoggy - Snoopes
Billboard 14, front: Griff - Cat Preserves
Billboard 14, back: johnsmith - Monu's Preservatifs
Billboard 15, front: drnil - Church of Giles the Creator
Billboard 15, back: DaddyHoggy - Thargon Invaders
Billboard 16, front: Twisted - ETT Homing Beacons
Billboard 16, back: johnsmith - Teance Tourist
Billboard 17, front: johnsmith - Lance & Ferman FdL
Billboard 17, back: johnsmith - Lance & Ferman Missiles
Billboard 18, front: reills - Texacoo
Billboard 18, back: reills - Citgoo
Billboard 19, front: reills - BabylOon 5
Billboard 19, back: (requested by TGHC, made by ?) - Oolite bb
Billboard 20, front: Griff - Murgh's Used Craft Showroom
Billboard 20, back: Twisted - Isveveian Isolationist Movement
Billboard 21, front: DaddyHoggy - FedOox
Billboard 21, back: DaddyHoggy - Oops
Billboard 22, front: reills - Hooliday Inn
Billboard 22, back: reills - Sheratoon
Billboard 23, front: johnsmith - Monu Surprise Pills
Billboard 23, back: DaddyHoggy - Accoorist
Billboard 24, front: ramon - Star Sports ZG Hockey
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Trumble
Billboard 25, front: Disembodied - Poopsi
Billboard 25, back: Disembodied - Lethal Zamaon Water

Set B

Billboard 01, front: johnsmith - Diso Tourist
Billboard 01, back: johnsmith - Orerve Tourist
Billboard 02, front: drew - Tianve Pulsar
Billboard 02, back: johnsmith - Inonin Tourist
Billboard 03, front: Griff - Supernova Heights
Billboard 03, back: DaddyHoggy - OO-Haul
Billboard 04, front: johnsmith Goat Soup
Billboard 04, back: reills - Pizza Hoot
Billboard 05, front: johnsmith - Barry's Dry Docks
Billboard 05, back: DaddyHoggy - Elite Insurance
Billboard 06, front: Arexack_Heretic - The Ooliteshow
Billboard 06, back: johnsmith - Bugg-Off!
Billboard 07, front: johnsmith - A Droid Is for Life
Billboard 07, back: Pangloss - GalCop Recruitment
Billboard 08, front: Cmdr Wyvern - Pteradyne Paladin
Billboard 08, back: ramon - Grand Theft Astro
Billboard 09, front: Arexack_Heretic - Planet Express
Billboard 09, back: Judebert - Raaleian Edible Poet
Billboard 10, front: johnsmith - Blue Screen of Death
Billboard 10, back: LittleBear - Shot out screen
Billboard 11, front: Pangloss - AD-X Ride the Wave
Billboard 11, back: Pangloss - AD-X Broken
Billboard 12, front: DaddyHoggy - Tescoo Oxpress
Billboard 12, back: DaddyHoggy - Tescoo
Billboard 13, front: ramon - Marett Mosquito Trader
Billboard 13, back: ramon - Marett Mosquito Trader
Billboard 14, front: Charlie - Benulobiweed Falcon
Billboard 14, back: Charlie - Benulobiweed Kestrel
Billboard 15, front: Twisted - AD-X HD
Billboard 15, back: Twisted - AD-X HD
Billboard 16, front: reills - Commoodore
Billboard 16, back: reills - Oomiga
Billboard 17, front: Arexack_Heretic - Navy Recruitment
Billboard 17, back: Arexack_Heretic - Navy Recruitment
Billboard 18, front: drnil - Stop the Thargoids
Billboard 18, back: Twisted - Don't buy blood blenders
Billboard 19, front: Twisted - B.weed fuselage enlargement
Billboard 19, back: Twisted - Bebidiso T-shirt Store
Billboard 20, front: Pangloss - GalCop Recruitment
Billboard 20, back: Pangloss - Pink Flamingo Lounge
Billboard 21, front: johnsmith - Aesbion Tourist
Billboard 21, back: johnsmith - Aesbion Tourist
Billboard 22, front: Judebert - Boyracer Phreak Attack
Billboard 22, back: Judebert - Boyracer Phreak Attack
Billboard 23, front: Charlie - Benulobiweed Pallas
Billboard 23, back: Charlie - Benulobiweed Condor
Billboard 24, front: ramon - Beyond Witchspace
Billboard 24, back: ramon - Bibeian Lethal Brandy
Billboard 25, front: DaddyHoggy - The Boosh
Billboard 25, back: DaddyHoggy - Friends of Uscela

Set C

Billboard 01, front: HueijRevisited - Oolite drink of the stars
Billboard 01, back: reils - Oopsi Cola
Billboard 02, front: DaddyHoggy - Voodoofoone
Billboard 02, back: drnil - Weyland Yutani Corp
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Starbugs
Billboard 03, back: drnil - Soylent Green
Billboard 04, front: drnil - Booger King
Billboard 04, back: drumz - All Your Base Are Belong to Us
Billboard 05, front: reills - Forbidden Planet
Billboard 05, back: DaddyHoggy - Bee & Qoo
Billboard 06, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Thargoid Queen
Billboard 06, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Kettle's Fungal Cures
Billboard 07, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - H3 Hatchling
Billboard 07, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - L&F Military Laser
Billboard 08, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Elite IV
Billboard 08, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Trumble
Billboard 09, front: drnil - Pi-42
Billboard 09, back: drnil - ORBS conference
Billboard 10, front: Commander McLane - Mabelala Institute of Technology
Billboard 10, back: drnil - Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
Billboard 11, front: drnil - Central Services
Billboard 11, back: drnil - Kruger Oreprocessor
Billboard 12, front: drnil - Happy Eye
Billboard 12, back: drnil - Mad Avian Disease
Billboard 13, front: drnil - Advanced Space Compass
Billboard 13, back: drnil - Onatbeza Medical School
Billboard 14, front: drnil - What Spaceship?
Billboard 14, back: drnil - You are here
Billboard 15, front: drnil - Hoopy Casino
Billboard 15, back: drnil - Lavean Flight Training Academy
Billboard 16, front: drnil - Black Monks
Billboard 16, back: drnil - Madam Krynxf
Billboard 17, front: drnil - Disaster Area
Billboard 17, back: drnil - Slartibartfast Coast Lines
Billboard 18, front: drnil - L-Crate Hauler
Billboard 18, back: drnil - My Generation
Billboard 19, front: drnil - Ooniversal Cooling
Billboard 19, back: drnil - Speciecism
Billboard 20, front: drnil - Planet of the Apes
Billboard 20, back: drnil - Soinisat Tourist
Billboard 21, front: drnil - Enalno Bananas
Billboard 21, back: drnil - Kruger Fuel Scoops
Billboard 22, front: drnil - Ad-X Self Promotion
Billboard 22, back: drnil - Ad-X Self Promotion
Billboard 23, front: drnil - Steak'n'Brew
Billboard 23, back: drnil - Junk Kills
Billboard 24, front: drnil - Atistiso Döner Kebab
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Xeesqu Tourist
Billboard 25, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Rohan's Real Earth Ale
Billboard 25, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Tionisla Stellar Cemetary

Set D

Billboard 01, front: drnil - Medicinal Megaweed
Billboard 01, back: drnil - Snake-Oil
Billboard 02, front: Disembodied - Boorma Shave
Billboard 02, back: Disembodied - Boorma Shave
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Cosmorossi
Billboard 03, back: drnil - Looto
Billboard 04, front: Cmdr Wyvern - Lance & Ferman Energy Arms
Billboard 04, back: Cmdr Wyvern - Bender Wanted
Billboard 05, front: drnil - Ormala Vacuum Karate
Billboard 05, back: (requested by LB made by ?) - Galactic Racing League
Billboard 06, front: (requested by LB; from - Cmk3
Billboard 06, back: (requested by LB; from - Cmk3
Billboard 07, front: Arexack_Heretic - Speciecism Kills
Billboard 07, back: Arexack_Heretic - Thoraxxx Twister
Billboard 08, front: drnil - Aegis Secoority
Billboard 08, back: drnil - Esisor Tourist
Billboard 09, front: Disembodied - Azaqu
Billboard 09, back: Disembodied - Bookfast Toxic Wine
Billboard 10, front: drnil - Western Oonion
Billboard 10, back: drnil - Space Rickshaw
Billboard 11, front: Disembodied - Support the Moray Medicals
Billboard 11, back: Disembodied - Direbea Tourist
Billboard 12, front: Disembodied - Mycomechanoid Infestation
Billboard 12, back: Disembodied - Dannebrog Ore Processor
Billboard 13, front: Disembodied - Space Marines
Billboard 13, back: Ahruman - Esgeer University
Billboard 14, front: Disembodied - Roloo
Billboard 14, back: Disembodied - Tyley-Feynman Q-mine
Billboard 15, front: Disembodied - Rossum's Universal Robots
Billboard 15, back: drnil - Marlbooroo
Billboard 16, front: drnil - The Little Secret
Billboard 16, back: drnil - Hand Crafted Wheels
Billboard 17, front: Disembodied - Iru al ofico sur uno ovo
Billboard 17, back: Disembodied - Mama Mantis' Mating Relish
Billboard 18, front: Disembodied - Team Sissu grafitti
Billboard 18, back: Disembodied - Boing Miracle Plastic
Billboard 19, front: Disembodied - Umpty Candy
Billboard 19, back: Disembodied - Bistoo
Billboard 20, front: Disembodied - Mental Fixative
Billboard 20, back: Disembodied - Mecha Bingo
Billboard 21, front: drnil - HM3 Homing Missile
Billboard 21, back: drnil - Escape Pod
Billboard 22, front: drnil - Dead Poets Sushi
Billboard 22, back: drnil - Froot Shuit
Billboard 23, front: drnil - Texeonis Blender Massacre
Billboard 23, back: drnil - Sleazy Pete's
Billboard 24, front: drnil - Fuel Tank
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Adder Owners' Association
Billboard 25, front: Disembodied - Stridulation Compilation
Billboard 25, back: Disembodied - Mange

Set E

Billboard 01, front: Disembodied - ORBS Just the Facts
Billboard 01, back: (requested by an angry mob) - Hesperus Wanted
Billboard 02, front: Disembodied - Spawn Responsibly
Billboard 02, back: Disembodied - Kitintek Command Couch
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Poet Haggis
Billboard 03, back: drnil - Single Malt Alethma
Billboard 04, front: Disembodied - Scutum Shield Systems
Billboard 04, back: drnil - Xeoresce Mud Hockey
Billboard 05, front: Disembodied - Wattney Laser
Billboard 05, back: Disembodied - Fuel Injectors
@Disembodied: Nice one with the snakes on the radar :)

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:26 am
by Dr. Nil
A simple test on my setup indicates that v3BETA2 works really fine - perhaps even better than v2.


Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:28 pm
by Dr. Nil

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:45 pm
by Disembodied
:lol: @ Astroklompen!


I've been testing v3 and have encountered no problems... all smooth and easy so far!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:16 pm
Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,and lovely Shrew,

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:38 pm
by Captain Hesperus
TGHC wrote:
Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,Shrew,and lovely Shrew,
Bloody Vikings.....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:42 pm
by Dr. Nil
Disembodied wrote:
I like it :D

...and set E needed a fitting horizontal food ad for the con store.
Disembodied wrote:
I've been testing v3 and have encountered no problems... all smooth and easy so far!
Sounds good. It'll be so much easier to release updates with v3 and players can install as many sets as their setup can handle.

(37 spaces available in set E)