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Space MMORPG (more or less Oolite style) in the planning

General discussion for players of Oolite.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

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Post by Sarin »

Note. HOW would you check if the person is really 18+? I fear that just slapping "Adult Content" sticker on it would just make kids go "OMG PR0N" and massively register there.

Edit: damn filter...
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Sarin wrote:
Note. HOW would you check if the person is really 18+? I fear that just slapping "Adult Content" sticker on it would just make kids go "OMG PR0N" and massively register there.

Edit: damn filter...
And? In the long run, they would trawl around space, looking for nekkid chicks, while providing a target rich environment for the veteran combateers. It's a win-win situation.

Except for the kids that get regularly executed and spaced.

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Post by Sarin »

But imagine that mess on the forums.

Besides, I've been playing MMORPG for some time, and I know how vengeful can these kids be...and given how easy to hack Oolite is, you can expect them to try to do something nasty....
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Post by Sendraks »

I've played enough MMOs now to realise that while I like the multiplayer aspect, I'm perhaps not so keen on sharing my multiplayer experience with squillions of other people. Just people I like.

Multi-player Elite or Oolite I quite like the idea of and was something I talked about with my Elite loving friends as a kid. A small number of people (how small I don't know, at least 2 obviously, upper limit unknown) working together co-operatively in the Elite/Oolite universe I would enjoy. People escorting the large trading ships in Sidewinders as the game does or manning the turrets of a larger craft or (pipe dream of pipe dreams) operating fighters out a much larger ship (like Frontier's long range cruisers) would be a fantastic experience.

Sharing the Oolite universe with thousands of others, many of whom will be of the "I R Pirating U lolz!111!!" school of game playing, doesn't appeal.

But a multiplayer environment where its just you and friends, that'd work.
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Post by ClymAngus »

Membership is invitation of the management only, the management reserves the right to refuse admitance. :D
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Damn, that's me out then...

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Post by nijineko »

don't worry, we'll slip you in the back somehow... after all, it's not like we could keep you out for long anyway; someone will get suckered into the furry big eyes.... one or the other. ^^
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Post by FSOneblin »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
Poor FSONeblin - the lad is only 13...
No, I'm 14. Also, I do play a mmo. A mac only mmo. I like it because it has a very small and friendly community, But this one is more friendly. I know what you mean when you say you don't want 12 year olds comming on it (Though I was 11 when I started playing a different mmo, I abandoned it, the community was full of jerks) People keep comming on it and saying "F*ck F*ck F*ck, runscape help!". One thing I like about it, however, is that it is more team work based.

If you do make an oolite mmo, One thing I would like about it is that it would be free, if it is not free, however, you get money, and less 12 year olds come on it. Also, you might also want to make very helpful admins for that game, would help it alot.

Don't Panic: FSOneblin.
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Post by Selezen »

One idea that springs to mind is something EverQuest used to do - there was a PVP version of the game and one that wasn't PVP.

If we want to stop incidents of kiddies "pirating u lolz" then just not allow them to become pirates! If they try shooting at you, either the cops turn up immediately or the perpetrators lasers, missiles and engines are deactivated pending the arrival of the police to arrest them. Then they have to suffer the long, drawn out ignominy of being towed to a station, booked and charged. Each time it happens the fine is larger and the towing time is longer! There could even be an initial 10% chance that a bounty hunter will turn up and destroy their ship. The percentage increases by 2% for each infraction.

Could be a bit of coding work involved but I can't see it being too hard!
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Post by Diziet Sma »

If you're serious about keeping the under 18's out (sorry FSOneblin :( ) try a credit card based registration system... the fee could be just $1, but it would certainly prevent the vast majority of them from joining.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Post by Cmdr James »

I dont think we need to worry that the (mythical) mmoolite is going to be overrun with 12 year olds.

It takes quite some time and to build up the money for a decent ship, so as long as we dont make it easy to zerg rush with cobras at Lave it should be ok.

Anyone who wants to build up a powerful commander who attacks innocents is going to build up a mighty bounty pretty quick, and that will more or less force them (if the police are implemented half way decently) into anarchic systems. To be honest, those are the types of people that should inhabit anarchies.
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Post by Diziet Sma »

Cmdr James wrote:
To be honest, those are the types of people that should inhabit anarchies.
Hey... I don't want my nice well-run anarchy over-run with yvggyr onfgneq 12 year olds!!! :twisted:

(And yes, I do realise there's an oxymoron in that sentence..)
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Post by overmage »

Cmdr James wrote:
I dont think we need to worry that the (mythical) mmoolite is going to be overrun with 12 year olds.

It takes quite some time and to build up the money for a decent ship, so as long as we dont make it easy to zerg rush with cobras at Lave it should be ok.

Anyone who wants to build up a powerful commander who attacks innocents is going to build up a mighty bounty pretty quick, and that will more or less force them (if the police are implemented half way decently) into anarchic systems. To be honest, those are the types of people that should inhabit anarchies.
You know what, why not we use them to our advantage?

You can play the mmo if you don't pay the $1 credit card fee. BUT you are restricted to plying specific, anarchy-heavy routes.

Adds a touch of realism and solves the problem, two birds with one stone! :twisted:
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Selezen wrote:
One idea that springs to mind is something EverQuest used to do - there was a PVP version of the game and one that wasn't PVP.

If we want to stop incidents of kiddies "pirating u lolz" then just not allow them to become pirates! If they try shooting at you, either the cops turn up immediately or the perpetrators lasers, missiles and engines are deactivated pending the arrival of the police to arrest them. Then they have to suffer the long, drawn out ignominy of being towed to a station, booked and charged. Each time it happens the fine is larger and the towing time is longer! There could even be an initial 10% chance that a bounty hunter will turn up and destroy their ship. The percentage increases by 2% for each infraction.

Could be a bit of coding work involved but I can't see it being too hard!
As an alternate to the above idea, if someone wants to be a complete punk and insists on 'pwnage' and 'lolz', then they get their Cobby taken away and replaced with the appropriate vehicle: A Hatchling Boyracer, with a weak pulse laser. :twisted:

Target drones, anyone? :twisted:
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Post by LittleBear »

Ok I know its a bit pie in the sky, but if theoreticly an MMP version of Oolite was developed I think the World of Warcraft model would work well to stop noob bashing and camping. In WofW noobs start in safe zones. In these zones although experienced players can enter, they cannot attack other players. Players can co-operate against NPCs and do missions together, but cannot attack each other. Surrounding the Noob Zones are Contested Zones where PvP is possible. In Oolite, you could make Galaxy 1 a Noob Zone (so no hanging by Zanoce to blast young Jamesons!). Other Player ships would still be drawn, but could not be targeted with missiles, player deployed mines have no effect and lasers do not cause damage and players do not mass-lock each other. Players can build up a proper ship and even be helped out by veterans in G1, but only when you leave G1 are you assumed to be up for PvP. I only recently discovered WofW and as a noob have found this fun and playable. Given that there are 2,000 star systems in Oolite even if 1,000 players were on line at once, meeting another player would still be quite rare, save for situations where players have agreed to meet up (or challenge each other), by posting here!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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