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Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:27 pm
by JensAyton
GoreLeech wrote:
I must say, I was irked that Marathon didn't make it on that list
Oh, come on. I liked Marathon, but it doesn’t come anywhere close to a reasonable claim at changing the world, which is the specified criterion.

(Also, please change your signature to be less… wide.)

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:34 pm
by richard
Captain Hesperus wrote:
I mean if it didn't 'change the world' how come the first run sold 150000 units, which meant one for every BBC Micro in the world.
I must admit, I actually bought Elite twice (tape then disc - I wanted the extra ships I'd seen in the manual / Dark Wheel). So there's one lonely Beeb out there somewhere that never got its copy, and it's all my fault :oops:

Hello, BTW.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:13 pm
by Frame
richard wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
I mean if it didn't 'change the world' how come the first run sold 150000 units, which meant one for every BBC Micro in the world.
I must admit, I actually bought Elite twice (tape then disc - I wanted the extra ships I'd seen in the manual / Dark Wheel). So there's one lonely Beeb out there somewhere that never got its copy, and it's all my fault :oops:

Hello, BTW.
Nice entry, welcome to the board... now is that richard from looking for a group... or just richard...

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:51 pm
by Screet
Ahruman wrote:
GoreLeech wrote:
I must say, I was irked that Marathon didn't make it on that list
Oh, come on. I liked Marathon, but it doesn’t come anywhere close to a reasonable claim at changing the world, which is the specified criterion.

(Also, please change your signature to be less… wide.)
Hmmm. Marathon had it's specials:

1) It had a true 3D world, which it's competitor on the PC did not have!
2) I never heard of the idea to grenade or rocket jump before
3) tempus irae probably was the biggest fan-mod of it's time

The sad thing is, that they banned me to the 68K mac or they would not play with me - and they kept complaining!

Screet who loved to fly by using the flamethrower in low-grav environment

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:50 pm
by Disembodied
There's another "Best Games of All Time" list we can bicker about here. Elite gets a proper mention, and it's full of pithy observations such as "If Asteroids has a message, it's this: you are insignificant, the universe doesn't care about you, and you are definitely going to die".

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:55 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Disembodied wrote:
There's another "Best Games of All Time" list we can bicker about here. Elite gets a proper mention, and it's full of pithy observations such as "If Asteroids has a message, it's this: you are insignificant, the universe doesn't care about you, and you are definitely going to die".
Pssh. It's not even a 'Best Games', it's just a guy's experience of games. and yeah, he is insignificant.

Captain Hesperus