Commander McLane wrote:I only can suggest that you study Selezen's excellent work again and carefully. Okay, it can be fun to come up with a different, contradicting theory to his. But it doesn't really make things easier, as far as getting a consistent backstory is concerned.
As I said in my earlier posts. I'm not putting any of this stuff in to the manual. I am focusing purely on providing an introduction to the game mechanics and how to last longer than 5 minutes in the game. I will include links to the wiki material and the excellent fiction and back story work created by others.
I am not trying to re-write the future history as it currently exists. All I was trying to to was to provided an alternatives to the concepts as a way to promote the discussion. If that didn't come across in the posts, I apologise.
Anyhow who's says that the time line of
Elite-Frontiers universe, is the same as the
Oolite universe's timeline. Consider this point, both Elite and Oolite are meant to start at the same point in the space time reality matrix. Yet there are several differences between in technology between the two reality threads. Perhaps the time lines diverged at some point in the pre interstellar humanity past, and has resulted in a similar but divergant realities. Maybe in the Thargoid/GCW war is more a border dispute cool-war instead of the outright white hot war of the Elite timeline. Maybe Earth is under a self-imposed isolation for some reason and so isn't part of the GCW.
I could go on, but that's an off thread discussion. Returning to the matter at hand.
In regards to the 'mass bubble', which I really should be calling 'a single mass point in 4d-space.' You are correct Disembodied about the reduced mass effect. The single point effect of the Torus Drive does not stop the flow of gravitons, but alters their effect. The field acts a insulating effect, slowing the flow of the gravitons thereby reducing the apparent mass of the ship and it's impact in the fabric in space. With the mass reduced from tons to a few kilos, there wouldn't be the need for big engines to provide enough thrust to overcome the breaking effect of the 'bubble.' Another effect of the reduced 'density' is that ambient effect of other gravity masses are reduced, hence no tidal effect of stellar bodies and even the space stations.
I am aware the the ship's physical volume would still provide a breaking effect as it force itself through the matter that composes deep space. This is why most ship in Oolite have a 'aerodynamic' look to them, to reduce drag.
So the in review....
* the Torus drive generates a field that convert all masses within it's sphere in to a single point mass in 4d-space.
* All forces on matter within that sphere are applied equally so to prevent Newtonian issues.
* The sphere has an interference effect that reduces the flow of gravitons though the sphere resulting in the reduction of the ship's mass to kilos.
* This same interference reduces the attravtive effects of other matter in space, which in pratical terms reduced the issues of gravity wells.
* The automatic breaking effect of the drive is due to the field disrupting the natural flow of gravity and thereby becoming meshed in the fabric of space..
* With the reduced mass, only moderate sized drives are required for acceleration.
* The field can not overcome the natural drag effect of a ship moving though space so the ships must be of a streamlined designed to reduced this effect.
All this discussion about the technology has prompted some interesting ideas fiction wise. I think I'll be dipping in to my story idea files and doing some re-writing over the next few weeks.