I'd guess the first 38 lines are caused by you using a Mac-specific text-editor which has added some hidden mark-up in what appears to be plain-text file, but isn't really. Just a guess.
Thanks for this!
I'll sneak a peek at some stage when I'm not feeling Aushke-wombatificated.
I've just been looking at the lo-o-o-o-ng list of Warnings for my Vital Statistics OXP.
I don't understand any of it - and thus have no idea as to what might be able to do about it.
Can you help?
I'ma guess the first 38 lines are caused by you using a Mac-specific text-editor which has added some hidden mark-up in what appears to be plain-text file, but isn't really. Just a guess.
Good guess. In reality, that Mac specific editor or archiver added a file into the OXZ. It is in the directory "__MACOSX" and it's name is "._requires.plist". Be aware Linux and Mac define filenames starting with a dot as "hidden". So if you want to see it, you may have to tell your tools to show that entry. On the command line, when running the command "ls" you would have to use "ls -a" to also see hidden files.
Remove that file from the OXZ and most of the warnings are gone.
If you look at the global warnings list you can quickly see that this OXZ is not the only one with such additional content.