Here's an update for those of you still following this thread.
So, thanks to all of your OXZ/OXP suggestions, tips, advice, etc., I believe I've managed to water down Oolite to a manageable state. I have what I consider my test/non-cannon commander, just for me to learn how exactly each addon works, and see how it'll be like once I've got every piece of equipment.
It's become much easier since I started, but victories are still hard to come by, even
with the most decked out ship in my Ooniverse. I've slowly getting better though, I can tell when a ships' shields are depleted and when it's low on health. I've forced ships to warp away from a battle and even earned several kills. But often it hasn't been counted because I haven't managed to defeat a whole group on my own. I can take a couple out, but then either the rest kill me or another group of ships joins in and saves me from whoever's left, so I can't take all the credit.
Until now. I'm fresh from my first legitimate win, hard won on my own. (In game I mean. Couldn't've done it without you guys
I warped into a system and ran into a pack of hostiles (I'm not really sure who they were. I didn't do anything aggressive, they just flew right at me and they all turned red. No demand for cargo so they weren't pirates
) and just as our dogfight began, through open comms I saw a plea for help. I saw a ship under fire by two pirates, so I boosted over into weapons range and fired a volley at the lead pirate. The ship thanked me for the help, and sped away while its attackers peeled off to engage me. I was pitted against about 8 enemy ships, and I was certain I was going to loose.
I must've had an enormous amount of luck, because I didn't just scrape by, it was a solid victory, with missiles to spare and nearly all of my cargo still intact. One by one I picked them off, and most of them died, but a few were able to flee. I needed all of my equipment to pull it off though. Even if I was missing one part, that battle would've ended very differently. Most importantly was the ECM, about half of them launched missiles when they were low on health, and I still haven't found out how to deal with them without an ECM. When I start my real commander, it's going to be high up on my to-buy list.
Even after I bought everything I needed to fight, it was chance that got me through my first major win. I know it's going to be rough until I can grind my way up to that point. But it's going to be so much more satisfying when I finally do.
If there are any other new players who think Oolite's too hard, here's a list of addons that were recommended to me that make it easier. Maybe this'll help.
- IronHide
- Military Fuel Injectors
- Police Scanners
- SniperLock
- Engine Trails
- Start Choices
- Telescope and Telescope Extender
- Cheat Menu
- Jumpgates
- Combat Simulator
- Combat Balance Mod (Created during v1.8, effects were implemented in v1.82 so there may not be much difference.)
- Total Patrol (only if you stay clean)