spud42 wrote:as for the asteroid belt ,well it is mostly empty space. the belt is not at all like it is depicted in SciFi movies/books/TV.
Yep, most of the mass of the belt is in the three spheroids, Ceres, Pallas & Vesta. The rest are just mountain sized chunks of rock floating around millions of miles away. We have thousands of mountain-sized chunks of rock here on Earth, and they've been mined for thousands of years. Asteroid mining is a furphy. It'll only ever happen in video games.
The real prize in the inner solar system - and this should be the explicit long-term goal of the space program - is moving the three spheroid asteroids into Earth orbit, so Earth would have four moons. Why should humanity undertake such an ambitious and seemingly pointless endeavour? To demonstrate that we can. That should be reason enough. We're human beings, not bacteria. As Kennedy said of the Apollo programme, "We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." The operative verb being
choose; waiting for necessity to give birth to invention is a strategy for deadbeats & plantae, not for men.
Terraforming Mars should have begun decades ago and ought to be well underway by now. There is no technical impediment, just a lack of will. That's what you get for dumping flouride into your water supply, two generations of people growing up lobotomised from birth, completely lacking any ambition. Phooey!
(This chick on #QandA is irking me: talking really fast to try to disguise the fact she isn't saying anything. WTH is an "innovation strategist" anyway?)
"There are large, white swans, and there are small, black swans," he explained, "But there are no medium-sized swans, and there are no grey swans. The non-existence of grey swans mitigates against belief in Mr Darwin's theory."