[Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

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"The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite"

Post by Amah »


just uploaded the noshader versions of the missing Griff Sidewinder player-flyable coreship and Dertien's Z Groovy Sidewinder variety pack featuring 7 different looking player and NPC ships. For anyone willing to give them a ride, head over to the box account, where you can download the two oxps.


I kept hyperspace capabilites, missiles, pricing (though not sure about it) and the sinister greenish glows Dertien initially gave his ships and adding a green exhaust trail. You might see them with their fancy outfit like special editions (internally named abel, baker, charlie, doris, emile, farragut and ganymed). The stock Griff sidewinders lack witchdrives, btw.

/e: The missingcoreships bundle was also updated with the Griff Sidewinder and is available via the ingame expansion manager

have fun and happy Halloween,
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by pagroove »

Beautiful 8) Good work.
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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Follow the footsteps of Rufus Skywelder....

Post by Amah »

...and make a name for yourself in the passenger business in a low loader Z GrOovy YellOo Cab Moray Starboat.


Compared to the stock Moray, the YellOo Cab Moray Starboat comes with two permanent passenger berths, a slightly tuned engine to keep deadlines or run from smaller pirates, enough space fitting another optional passenger berth and a bit of extra luggage. A new firmware was uploaded to the stock Moray main central computer banks increasing both the recharge rate, maximum energy and top speed a little above standard, and both ships come with two Hardhead missiles and an Advanced Space Compass by default (after all you'd expect a Cabbie to know his way around safely).

Intended and certified for civilian transport by the OOTB (Ooniversal Transportation board) it has by default a small Pulse Laser on the forward mount to fend off any obstacles like rocks on the quickest lane or highwaymen too interested in your customers or his or her or its luggage. The YellOo Cab Moray can optionally be upgraded with many defensive measures like energy units, fuel injectors and also scoops to pick up escape capsules for a lift to the next station.

Last but not least it sports a tasteful Taxi hullpainting by the famous Z Groovy(tm) Paintshed. Prices are between a stock Moray and the Moray Medical and it's purchasable in all good Docks above techlevel 6. Due to tear and wear refurbished cabs in lower techlevel docks have slightly lower stats and prices than the factory new models.
For anyone interested Dertien's YellOo Cabs OXP was just uploaded to the noshaders section of my box account.

Although the taxi cab works fine with the default Oolite passenger (and parcel) runs, some other OXPs/OXZs extensions could be worth into looking into to add more immersion:
  • In-System Taxi (recommended, but requires anything that adds more dockables, e.g. Wildships or Planetfall and/or ExtraPlanets+Stations). As the name indicates, it adds customers wanting to go to stations in the current system. If In-System Taxi is installed the "Start Choice" already comes with a Taxi licence and its in-flight com service (n, shift-n -> primable equipment).
  • Pleb's Taxi Galactica, featuring Rufus Skywelder's Taxi Emporium. Adding various Missions. (uses shaders, but should work on non shadered machines nonetheless)

have fun

Ps. Thanks a lot, pagroove! You are welcome!. Nice Music btw. :)
Last edited by Amah on Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Z Groovy Cobra Mk3 Variety Pack oxp released

Post by Amah »

just a quick update for the weekend. I uploaded a no shader version of the Z Groovy Cobra Mark III Variety Pack by Dertien to my box account. There are 27 28 different designs (alpha to zulu plus the additional flame design and my admiral paintscheme):


as always, if you find bugs or something that's not quite right just say a word I'll look into it.
have fun

:!: /e: 11-9-2014 hotfix release 1.0.1 - please update.
- had to fix a forgotten dumbAI entry in plist (sorry :( ).
- Added an own bonus paintscheme called "admiral" based on Griff's clean ships.
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yet another update...

Post by Amah »

For anyone interested I released the converted and updated Dertien's Z_GrOovy Cobra Mark I Variety Pack as an individual noshaders OXP. It includes15 differently textured Cobra Mk1 intended for shaderless graphics hardware but should work on shaders nonetheless. Both for players and NPCs available, cleaned up plist and the roles were updated for v1.80.


you can get the oxp and the other converted variety packs from my box account. Dertien's original files for shaders can be found over here

/e: released all Variety packs (Moray Taxi Cab, Cobra1, Cobra3 and Sidewiders) as OXZ bundle for the ingame addon manager.

hope you like them,
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Redspear »

Please keep going Amah, these all look great! :D
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

:-) Thanks Redspear. On my current todo list is Dertien's Cobra AC, but I won't be able to look into it before next week.

And I think I'll elobrate on an idea I got last weekend from the skinners den thread on howto skin the stock cobra3.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Griff »

really greatwork Amah, the silver/grey ship in your avatar looks especially awesome!
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Thanks a lot, Griff!

The silver/grey colour scheme is shameless plagiarism*g* of your clean ships like your Ophidian or the alternate Cobra Mk.III just adapted for your normal cobra3. I came up with it, when hacking together a little pakage for Skinner's Den to customize the textures of the players cobra. There are some more example schemes, which looked rather nice too.
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Back in the snake pit...

Post by Amah »


As promised I looked into Dertien classic Z GrOovy Cobra AC and converted it to use Oolite v1.80's roles and js ai and its engines not to rely on shaders, and have an orange plume. I painted a decal reminding of the famous BBC Micro cover picture( see DW Novella cover, screenshot ) on the rear of the players ship. NPCs are rare and should be having an undecaled ship, both NPC-Traders and Pirates are good marksmen, so beware if you looking into roughing them up.


So, kudos to Dertien for his nice ships and stations!
I hope you like it and have fun with it.

/e: You can find the updated ship on the oxp repository in the noshaders section or bundled up together with the Viper Raider as Z_GrOovy extra ships.oxz in the ingame addon manager.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »


after my little detour with the Custom Paintscheme Creation for player ships here's an update for the Griff noshader retextures. The Oolite system stations use the normal resolution textures like 1024x1024 and lower, so I thought it might be a good idea to convert Griff's full resolution system staion textures as well. So, here you go:


Apart from a higher level of details, this package also comes with v1.1 of Griff's ico station (the blue one) instead of the old v1.0 (the orange one). If someone has the high resolution textures of the old orange ico, I'd be interested to package it as alternative.

you can find the oxp as individual download in the oxp repository.

have fun,


/e1: OXZ now also available with the ingame addon manager
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

yet another update for Griff's extraships. I found another of Griff's older paintschemes in some backups, this time for the Wolf Mk2 and thought it might be nice to preserve them:

The updated oxp is online in the noshaders section of my box.com repository. An updated oxz is shortly available from the ingame addon manager.

hope you like it,


Ps. if you have a backup of the hires ico station with the orange texture by Griff, I'd be interested.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Cody »

Amah wrote:
... if you have a backup of the hires ico station with the orange texture by Griff, I'd be interested.
I have a full-size Griff Ico station from November 2012 here, but I don't know if it's the orange one (probably not, but hey).
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Cody wrote:
Amah wrote:
... if you have a backup of the hires ico station with the orange texture by Griff, I'd be interested.
I have a full-size Griff Ico station from November 2012 here, but I don't know if it's the orange one (probably not, but hey).
brilliant, cody! Thanks. It's exactly what I was looking for. I have found in one of my backups an alternate/orange rock-hermit texture, too.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Cody »

Amah wrote:
It's exactly what I was looking for.
Cool! It's difficult to know exactly what I have archived, tbh. I have numerous OXPs spread across my old HDD, my NAS, and my Box - often multiples.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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