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Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:27 am
by Rxke

(Interested about this, always...)

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:55 am
by Wolfwood
You mean the original topic or the... stuff... that it apparently devolved into? :?

I found Oolite as I was writing a retroview article of Elite for Then I simply had to write an article on Oolite as well!

I actually stopped playing Civ4 and some other games in favour of Oolite... :o

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:20 am
by nanths
Well, I recently switched on mac, so I decided for a nostalgic journey into my old software archive...and among many "diskettes" and old tapes I found my unforgettable Elite box, c=64 version (the poster is still inside :lol: ). After the emotional shock, still in trance I started googlin wondering about destiny of Bell & Braben...after that googling and googling I found oolite...that's it. :D

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:35 am
by Rxke
Wolfwood wrote:
You mean the original topic or the... stuff... that it apparently devolved into? :?
Original topic; Now that Oolite is getting bigger and bigger, it would be interesting to see where people first stumble upon it..

(But going offtopic isn't a crime ;) )

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:57 pm
by Lucidor
I bought my first mac since the Classic last year. After a while I got a craving for playing Frontier and started looking for a mac port. There was none to be found. I think the frontier query at version tracker lead to Oolite.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:50 pm
by Draco_Caeles
I played Elite on the C64, the ZX Spectrum and on the BBC. Then on the Arc, and I played the Elite+ version on the PC.

I played Fronter on the PC and the Amiga, and FFE on the PC. And since then I've been hunting for games to replace my darling Elite. So I've done the rounds: Freelancer, X2, X3, and Gods only know how many versions.

I stumbled across Christian Pinder's Elite:TNK earlier this year, complete with the source code, despite it having been supposed to be taken down. (I didn't get it from his site but from somewhere else; I forget where.) And then a Wikipedia search led me here.

The rest, as they say...

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:48 pm
by Prophaniti
I was trawling the web for elite stuff and started getting hints about elite:tnk. Eventually I stumbled across Oolite, initially thinking it'd be rubbish, I mean it's a soundalike of 'elite' and it's a type of limestone. :oops: Anyhow I thought I'd give it a try and now I'm Deadly 8)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:38 am
by themacman
I was looking for a free flight simulator for my outdated iMac (600MHz w/Panther) and I somehow stumbled accross this. Having never even hear of Elite (before my time) I read the discribtion, saw that it was free and thought it sounded fun, decided to give it a try and loved it. I also love how simple it can be. I can talk to my gf on the phone and play the game at the same time and she never knows the difference.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 5:03 am
by oncebytten
Was lookin around a year-or-so for various elite-clone games (as well the files of the orig.) and found Oolite.

Usually keep 2-3 computers in home, could've beat my head against a wall upon finding Oolite was Mac software- had let go of a OS8 mac the year prior- DOH!

When I heard Oolite was being ported to PC/Linux, well, you just know I checked frequently... .

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:02 am
Draco_Caeles wrote:
I stumbled across Christian Pinder's Elite:TNK earlier this year, complete with the source code, despite it having been supposed to be taken down. (I didn't get it from his site but from somewhere else; I forget where.)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:59 am
by Cmdr. Wombat
themacman wrote:
I can talk to my gf on the phone and play the game at the same time and she never knows the difference.
I think you may be a little delusional there... :lol:

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:51 pm
by Star Gazer
Cmdr. Wombat wrote:
themacman wrote:
I can talk to my gf on the phone and play the game at the same time and she never knows the difference.
I think you may be a little delusional there... :lol:
yep, I think the commander is probably right there!!

Mine used to notice the suddenly longer pauses as something happened, and say, "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING??????"

"Oh, nothing really, just tryyyyyyyyyyiiiiiinnng... ...damn, oh, sorry, not you, ....uuummmmmmmm, eeerrrrrrr, just ummm trying to finish a sequence, you know?"

....bbbrrrrrrrrrrr... :shock:

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:46 pm
by Recluse
I saw it in someone's sig on I was a huge fan of elite on the C64. I got up to Deadly but lost interest after that. With this version the space battles are so hard that I'm getting all the upgrades for my ship before I try to fight anyone. Docking is a lot harder than I remember as well. The first upgrade I bought was docking computers.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:46 pm
by Rxke
Recluse wrote:
I saw it in someone's sig on
:cool: That must be Winston's. Or, if long enough ago, mine. (deleted it once for a vague reason, don't post there that much anyways)

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:52 pm
Recluse wrote:
Docking is a lot harder than I remember as well. The first upgrade I bought was docking computers.
Actually I think docking is easier, try searching the BBS there are some interesting threads on docking technique, if you become a fugitive you will need to dock manually. I find lining up at a lowish speed and then hit full throttle or injectors at the right moment squirts you in.
Have fun!