Quick update on this one. I have found the problem. It's the plist-file that is used for market hud. In that file I have defined ~130 equipment images that are the ads. In script I toggle the visibility of those equipments to show ads (by adding and removing equipment). The problem is the timeout that kicks in when I read the plist file in fro the first time. I'm now pondering the next solutions:
1. Remove ads. (Ouch. I really like those ads. I find them very athmospheric)
2. Reduce the number of ads. (There are already some ads that are already ruined after resizing. But what would be the amount that would work? Trial and error I guess)
3. Somehow preload the hud when all is quiet. (I've been experimenting with this one and I'm not very optimistic with it. It seems to cause timeout whenever I read it. Solonar is also trying this for me.)
4. Write a different plist hud-file for all ad-pairs. Without reducing the number of ads that would meant ~130 hud-files. Would that be a problem somehow? That would probably also mean that I need to do some compatibility stuff for AI Trading Assistant.
Number 3 seems to be dead end. And number 1 is the last resort. That means its either number 2 or 4. I think I'll go with the 4th solution, it's probably the easiest for me, just coding. If there is some problem with the large number (~130) of hud files, please let me know.
Time to dust off my Bash and Gawk skillz and split the plist-file
