Looks much better, though its still (a little) thicker, and space compass flickers a bit.
Still thinks it would be better to scale with vertical, which is afaik a standard for doing that (examples 720p 1080p)
Though with regards to viewing angle and FOV, I think (if its possible) it should automatically scale for horizontal (which afaik is a standard for FOV).
So if the "intended" FOV for Oolite is 57.5 for a 640x480 (4:3) resolution, then when changing resolution, the FOV should follow it.
Now, before I go all mathematically here, keep in mind I have a 6 month daughter and a 3½ year old, very energetic son running around, so my calculations could be way off
But if...
4:3 (640x480 (1024x768) - 1:33) = 57.5 FOV (43.125)
5:4 (600x480 (1280x1024)- 1.25) = 53.9 FOV
16:10 (770x480 (1680x1050)- 1.6) = 69 FOV
16:9 (853x480 (1920x1080) - 1.77) = 76.7 FOV
and if I'm not wrong... for triple monitor setup (48:10)
48:10 (2310x480 (3x1680x1050)- 4.8 ) = 207 FOV
So, to get the same zoom level as a 4:3, the 1920x1080 would need a FOV of 76.7 (the zoom is same, just more to see on the sides)
and a triple monitor setup with 3 1680x1050 would need a 207 FOV.
Which, if implemented and still wanting a FOV manual setting in Settings, it should imho be a % of the resolutions FOV.
Examples to illustrate different aspect ratioes with 57.5. The greater the widescreen, the less is actually shown (vertically).
Even with FOV 80, a triple monitor setup will be zoomed way too much, and be difficult to control.