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Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:04 am
by Cody
cim wrote:
Yes, but only by restricting what people are allowed to call their stations
Heh... I'd be content with just 'Rock Hermit', 'Hermit' or 'RH' after the system name.

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:07 pm
by Commander McLane
El Viejo wrote:
cim wrote:
Yes, but only by restricting what people are allowed to call their stations
Heh... I'd be content with just 'Rock Hermit', 'Hermit' or 'RH' after the system name.

I'd apply it generally, though, not only for rock hermits: system name and station name. And to keep it short, I'd use name, not displayName.

Also, if it really needs to be shortened, probably "Market" would suffice (instead of "Commodity Market").

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:43 pm
by cim
Commander McLane wrote:
And to keep it short, I'd use name, not displayName.
"CoachWhip hOopy Casino" and "Imperial Astrofactory" are almost as long as that rock hermit. Some of the bars in Random Hits have names longer than their displayNames, for that matter.
Commander McLane wrote:
Also, if it really needs to be shortened, probably "Market" would suffice (instead of "Commodity Market").
Now there's no longer a contract market on F8 F8 which it needs distinguishing from, that's possible.

Looking through the station OXPs, I think "[displayName] Market" will probably fit in all cases. (And "[system] System Market" for main stations and flight: "Lave Market" sounds too terse to me)

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:55 pm
by Cody

Nothing too unusual there... except that I had just docked at Elvin's Dream, and was about to peruse the unavailable interfaces on F4 (thinking dark-side thoughts):


I'd fled from Tetiri under Viper fire, made it out to the rock hermit... and was cleansed!

I think that needs changing... if it's possible to so do?

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:56 pm
by Rese249er
Cut the Rock Hermit part out?

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:32 pm
by Commander McLane
El Viejo wrote:
I think that needs changing... if it's possible to so do?
Yep, that sounds buggy. The whole getting-clean-through-a-fine-and-attitude-adjustment business should only happen on main stations, not on rock hermits or any secondary stations.

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:00 pm
by cim
That is a bit strange. Fixed in r5117, and a trial version of the new market screen title added as well.

Really, I think there needs to be more distinction possible between stations between "main" and "not main", but that can wait.

Re: Contraband and legal status

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:10 pm
by Cody
cim wrote:
That is a bit strange. Fixed in r5117
Rats... another loop-hole closed! Thanks, though.
cim wrote:
... and a trial version of the new market screen title added as well.