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Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:58 pm
by Cody
DeathKnyte wrote:
... to break the game balance of Oolite.
A well-balanced game usually provides the most enjoyment. Add OXPs selectively, one at a time, and decide for yourself if it suits... they are easily removed, if they don't fit your game style, or unbalance things too much. Sticking to eye-candy (ie ship-skins, planet textures etc) at first, is often best.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:23 am
by DeathKnyte
I searched the forums, and couldn't find the appropriate thread to post this in...

I got the Docking Clearance OXP (looks like it was Eric Walch who made it).
I want to say, "thank you very much for that".

I read about the 'Docking Clearance Protocol' in the 'Oolite Instruction Manual' document and wanted it since I started playing, but when I saw that one has to program it to work, my heart sank.
However, going through the wiki listings, I saw it was available as an oxp and just placing it in the correct folder (I figured that out all by meself). it does the programing for you.

I would (humbly) suggest that; in future Oolite versions you just put a switch in the "F2" screen, under the "Game Options" section, on whether someone wants to enact this feature or not. Would make things simpler (for someone like me, any ways).

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:44 am
by another_commander
DeathKnyte wrote:
I would (humbly) suggest that; in future Oolite versions you just put a switch in the "F2" screen, under the "Game Options" section, on whether someone wants to enact this feature or not. Would make things simpler (for someone like me, any ways).
I find this suggestion a very reasonable one. I think it's worth considering it.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:05 am
by Eric Walch
DeathKnyte wrote:
I got the Docking Clearance OXP (looks like it was Eric Walch who made it).
It is my oxp, but the only thing it does is setting a switch from off to on. :)

The switch, and the underlying code was added to Oolite by another_commander. I agree that it makes sense to make it an Oolite settings switch. After all, it is not a feature added by oxp's but a feature that already is part of Oolite. The switch, only changes the global settings for the default values for stations. It was already possible to set the clearance explicit for a station. e.g. in my opinion should clearance be always on in the seccom stations from galNavy. I myself have often thought of setting it on for the seedy space bars so that players without the Docking Clearance OXP would need to ask permission there. :lol: (If it was my own oxp, I would have done it)

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:47 am
by DeathKnyte
another_commander wrote:
I find this suggestion a very reasonable one. I think it's worth considering it.
Wonderful, another_commander and Eric Walch.
Ja, if it is supposed to be a real part of the game, why the need to have to go into the program and change things yourself?

Next earth shattering inquiry: if someone has an idea on how I can find the oxp thread that discusses the Trumble Treats, oxp. I'd be very happy to be made aware of it.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:43 am
by JazHaz
DeathKnyte wrote:
Next earth shattering inquiry: if someone has an idea on how I can find the oxp thread that discusses the Trumble Treats, oxp. I'd be very happy to be made aware of it.
Best way to find stuff on the BB, is to use Google instead of the built in search function, which isn't great.

For example to find Trumble Treats OXP, use the following search term in Google:

Code: Select all

Trumble Treats OXP
Which finds this thread: [RELEASE] Trumble Treats - Try it Now! {beta}

An alternative to doing searches like this manually, is to set up your browser search function to use this method. See this thread about doing it: Oolite Bulletin Board browser search plugin now available

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:37 am
by Commander McLane
JazHaz wrote:
DeathKnyte wrote:
Next earth shattering inquiry: if someone has an idea on how I can find the oxp thread that discusses the Trumble Treats, oxp. I'd be very happy to be made aware of it.
Best way to find stuff on the BB, is to use Google instead of the built in search function, which isn't great.
That's totally a myth. I have never used anything but the built in search function, and up to this day I have always found what I was looking for. :)

@ DeathKnyte: if you want to search something on the boards, please click on the small button named "Search" in the top right corner of your screen. Then enter your query in the search field. For instance, typing "trumble treats" and hitting "Search" finds the thread instantly. It is now the fourth item on the list, but only because these very three posts are newer and appear at numbers 1 to 3. :wink:

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:56 pm
by Eric Walch
Just start using google for site search and you don't want to go back to the internal one. For single word searches it does not mater much, but how about a search for trumbles messages that don't include bbq souce. You can do than in google but not internally :D

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:02 pm
by another_commander
Eric Walch wrote:
Just start using google for site search and you don't want to go back to the internal one.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:16 pm
by Shipbuilder
@ Deathknyte - You can definately still buy joysticks I bought one for my for my brother, (to play Oolite on), only 3 weeks ago. Any decent computer store will have some i.e. PC World, Game etc.

Regarding the docking computer issue that you have mentioned you can carry out an instant dock, where you won't receive any damage, by pressing shift and c rather than control and c.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:42 pm
by Eric Walch
Shipbuilder wrote:
@ Deathknyte - You can definately still buy joysticks .....
Yes, they are still made for use in the european Airbus :wink:

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:29 pm
by DeathKnyte

Okay, I tried both ways you said, and I think I'll stick with that "plug in" thing from Diziet Sma.
Thank you.

Commander McLane:

Thanks for your reply, but somehow it didn't work like that for me.
I tried exactly what you said, at the time. I got so many results (I think somewhere like 56 pages), after flipping through 12, I said; "there has to be a better way".
I tried again using different words, and staying just in the expansion pack part of the forum (of course) to search, still got a bunch of results, and none that lead to that thread.
After that, I simply went to the Expansion Pack section of the forums, and manually flipped through page after page, hoping to find it.
Of course, I could very likely not be the best at defining or refining search parameters, or whatever it's called, but I do remember spending a considerable amount of time before deciding to ask about it.

(Looks like with Eric Walch and another_commander's post, that it would be 4 to 1 for using Google instead of the forum...)

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:48 pm
by DeathKnyte
Shipbuilder wrote:
@ Deathknyte - You can definately still buy joysticks I bought one for my for my brother, (to play Oolite on), only 3 weeks ago. Any decent computer store will have some i.e. PC World, Game etc.

Regarding the docking computer issue that you have mentioned you can carry out an instant dock, where you won't receive any damage, by pressing shift and c rather than control and c.
I don't know those stores you mentioned.
I live in Canada, and tried places like Walmart, Future Shop, Staples, Radio Shack, EB Games - all informed that they either did not exist, or were no longer being produced. Some of the people looked at me like I was coming from the stone age, even - lol
But with Smivs post, it prompted me to search the site at Logitech Canada (I think his was from somewhere in Europe), and after a few phone calls, was directed to a small computer shop out of town.

For the docking computer; It has a draw back, because when I exit the station again, I get 10 minutes added to my clock.
If I do an instant dock with it, it is something like 30 minutes added. although it does eliminate the chance of the autopilot crashing into the station front face, or bouncing around in the landing bay.
But, I like running passenger, cargo (and the occasional UPS) contracts, from one end of the galaxy to the other. I will enter 20, 30, and often times more, systems on my runs.
30 systems, at 10 minutes each is 5 hours total. If I fuel at the station, it adds more time, and will usually only do so if the sun is on the other side of the planet, or has a government type with poor pirate system suppression.
I'll have to factor in at least one maintenance overhaul too, plus the time it takes me to figure markets, examine the charts, etc.
I don't want to think about how much time would be added with instant docks.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:18 pm
by Cody
DeathKnyte wrote:
For the docking computer; It has a draw back, because when I exit the station again, I get 10 minutes added to my clock.
All launches add ten minutes to the clock. Manual docking adds zero time to the clock.

Re: New Player + Manifest (and many other) Question(s)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:45 am
by Commander McLane
El Viejo wrote:
DeathKnyte wrote:
For the docking computer; It has a draw back, because when I exit the station again, I get 10 minutes added to my clock.
All launches add ten minutes to the clock. Manual docking adds zero time to the clock.
Yep. The difference is in docking, not in launching.

"And why does it take 10 minutes to launch?", you may ask. - Because you can't just launch from a station. You have to go through some preparation and pre-launch protocol, at least checking your ship, starting your engines, asking for launch permission and other stuff like that. The game summarily assumes that all of this will take ten minutes, on every launch.

By the same logic (manual) docking should also take ten minutes, because you surely have to go through some post-flight routine, at least reaching your parking position, powering down the engines, checking your ship, probably filling out some paperwork. However, it doesn't. What can I say? It's a game. It doesn't need to be consistent in every aspect. :wink:

The 20 minutes for insta-docking are more like a penalty for laziness. Yes, you can shorten your way through the aegis, but you have to pay a price. Ironically the currency of "time" was chosen for that price. The in-game rationalization is that you don't actually dock instantly, but are sent to sleep while your docking computer lets your ship dance in front of the station.