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Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:05 pm
by Rese249er
The player-control issue isn't one, in my opinion. The St. J. would could have independence from player control, following one or all of the major spacelanes in a given galaxy. In the original concept, that's what I had in mind.

If one were to start incorporating the crew concepts, then I could potentially see it as somewhat player-controlled. Not flying, slag no. More like autopilot, followed by the player doing his real business when launched.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:56 pm
by Capt. Murphy
Fatleaf wrote:
Capt. Murphy wrote:
(including a long range intragalactic taxi service - completely illegal and mainly used by crime lords to get from Anarchy to Anarchy without being spotted by the Fuzz)
I doubt this is possible but would really open up an idea if it can be worked aroud:- Can you jump from interstellar space past the planet and emerge in interstellar space the other side of the planet? So maybe crossing the chart without entering a system and so completely hidden from prying eyes!!! An issue might be fuel but if the idea is sound then the details can be worked out.
Oh yea of little faith. That is exactly what the Thargoid Witchspace Drive does already - cross galactic jumps via interstellar space only. As said very easy to adapt the existing script for other purposes.

Rese249er wrote:
The player-control issue isn't one, in my opinion. The St. J. would could have independence from player control, following one or all of the major spacelanes in a given galaxy. In the original concept, that's what I had in mind..
Fair enough - the dual ownership has been a feature requested in the past hence my post. I quite like the idea of the best of both worlds, big slow cargo hauler and nifty little fighter in one package.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:03 pm
by Thargoid
And the concept has other variants - like for example a task force sent to do battle with something/someone, or a general war/invasion type OXP.

But that is of course if the fundamental issue that Cim mentions elsewhere can be ironed out in OXP and/or trunk.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:27 pm
by Rese249er
Thanks to everybody for discussing all of this. I appreciate the feedback, advice, and contributions that sprang up around my original idea.
Thargoid wrote:
...other variants - like for example a task force sent to do battle with something/someone, or a general war/invasion type OXP.
With a mercenary fleet, the possibilities for such a task force are endless.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:30 pm
by Fatleaf
Capt. Murphy wrote:
Oh yea of little faith. That is exactly what the Thargoid Witchspace Drive does already - cross galactic jumps via interstellar space only. As said very easy to adapt the existing script for other purposes.
My faith is growing :D

Thanks for this. I have a wip that might be able to use this... :wink:

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:22 pm
by Rese249er
[Derailment avoidance]

Perhaps the St. J. could also use something like that. After all, half as much refueling would help with the operation of a player-centric capship.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:07 am
by Capt. Murphy
Thargoid wrote:
But that is of course if the fundamental issue that Cim mentions elsewhere can be ironed out in OXP and/or trunk.
cim's been ironing...... :) ........ ... 15#p174673

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:50 pm
by Rese249er
Thank you cim!

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:08 pm
by pagroove

Could be an interesting extension for the liners.oxp (Smivs? ;)). and for other Carriers like the Orisis, Bulk Haulers and Behemoths.

My idea is that the player will be presented with a mission screen that presents the proposed 'route', and jump time for the Bigship so they could look it up and see if the destination planet is on their route. The jump time will be a time on the ships clock. So a player could decide to do some in system business and then come back to the liner just before it jumps.

The really big liners like the Emerald could also schedule an intergalactic jump sometimes. These ships are big enough to have a galactic hyper engine on board. But the player would need to rent a cabin on a ship + expenses so the costs for an intergalactic would be higher than buying a drive for yourself. However on shorter trips within the 7 ly range it would sometimes be cheaper to hitch with the ship.

On arrival in the destination screen you would have to pay for the trip.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:13 pm
by Rese249er
Bump/(perhaps overly) Optimistic Statement:

I'm gonna take a crack at it. Expect HOPE to see a preliminary version of the Galcop Capital Class Patron Saint Jameson... Slag if I know when.

Re: Proposed - Massive Ship for Hitching

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:49 am
by Cholmondely
Rese249er wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:13 pm
Bump/(perhaps overly) Optimistic Statement:

I'm gonna take a crack at it. Expect HOPE to see a preliminary version of the Galcop Capital Class Patron Saint Jameson... Slag if I know when.
On a related tangent, I have now on three occasions been docked at an Emerald Class liner, when it took off and witchspaced, and when I launched from the liner, I was in a different system. No notice, no nothing.

Should there not have been some sort of notice that it's departure was imminent when I docked? And, at the every least one would expect a set of Tannoy announcements blaring throughout the liner as witching approached, so that the passengers & crew could prepare themselves.

If one uses 'c' or ILS one would expect to be informed on requesting docking permission. If one hits C and knocks oneself out, at the very least one would expect the information on coming to inside the entrails of the emerald.