[RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

Povray Planets 2.0 should...

be crowd-source designed.
wait for planet shader support.
hosted by akamai.
not be necessary.
Total votes: 40

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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

Commander McLane wrote:
submersible wrote:
Another issue I have come across with Povray Planets is that because no heuristics are presently used to determine planet type or features , that the resulting texture is totally inappropriate for the description.

Case by case the alternatives for addressing this would be
  • Total re-write of the planet description to reflect the texture. Easy, however it many collide with prior art / emersion and offend some.
  • Flag the planet texture as a 'problem povray planet' and suggest how it should look, allowing me to hand adjust or source a more appropriate texture
  • ???
I think the texture should follow the description, not the other way round. I had kind of assumed that you were working like this when creating individual textures for each planet, anyway. It seemed like the logical thing to do. :?:
Hahaha... I have to laugh. Not to beat an already dead equine, but look at the code in Deep Horizon - Systems. This was already present in version 1, and was refined in the version 2 script that I have repetitively offered. (*sigh*) Oh well... I'm tired of offering and being ignored.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by submersible »

Cmd. Cheyd wrote:
Hahaha... I have to laugh. Not to beat an already dead equine, but look at the code in Deep Horizon - Systems. This was already present in version 1, and was refined in the version 2 script that I have repetitively offered. (*sigh*) Oh well... I'm tired of offering and being ignored.
I'll bite.

It is unfortunate that you feel you are being ignored. I am still grateful for your offer - let me attempt to explain why I have chosen to release these textures without a great deal of consultation, integration , scripting support , or indeed as is becoming more apparent - testing and checking.

When I first suggested the idea of building entire galaxies of textures , offers of code sharing were flying thick and fast. I was overwhelmed by prior maintainers of OXPs that no longer had the time to support or extend their creations - hoping I would pickup their particular torch. I did look at DH and System Redux and Demux and FP all of them had their good points , none had the perfect solution and taking on stewardship or maintenance of unfamiliar code was simply too far out of my initial scope.

Gladly - much discussion has ensued and this is a good thing.

Hopefully when the rendering pipeline is more mature - I will have time to look at federating Povray Planets and Deep Horizons Systems and Famous Planets and any other system tweaking OXP that cares to jump on the bandwagon.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by CaptKev »

submersible wrote:
Hopefully when the rendering pipeline is more mature - I will have time to look at federating Povray Planets and Deep Horizons Systems and Famous Planets and any other system tweaking OXP that cares to jump on the bandwagon.
You don't need to worry about System Redux (the original :wink: )

I believe there should be a couple of choices available, plus I don't really like the idea of the main system planet being a Gas Giant.

There will be a new release of System Redux soon, if I can tear myself away from Skyrim.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0 - Galaxy 5 problem - SOLVED

Post by SandJ »

submersible wrote:
Galaxy 5 is now available.
I have installed this and I am getting errors in Latest.log and no pretty planets. SOLVED.

I have downloaded and installed [size=120]Povray_Planets_Galaxy5_Textures_v1.0_2012-02-28.zip[/size]

In the folder [size=120]~/GNUstep/Applications/Oolite/AddOns/Povray_Planets_Galaxy5_Textures.oxp/Textures[/size]

there are 256 files called "[size=120]gal-5-*.png[/size]" like this:

The Latest.log says this:
21:03:34.810 [escapePodLocator.js]: Range in normal space modifier: default. Range in interstellar space modifier: default.
21:03:34.810 [POV Planets]: Initialising OXP
21:03:36.492 [POV Planets]: populating
21:03:36.493 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Inriisus.png".
21:03:36.552 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (POV Planets 0.14): Cannot find texture "Inriisus.png". Value not set.
21:03:36.552 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: AddOns/Povray_Planets_v0.14.oxp/Config/script.js, line 34.
21:03:36.552 [POV Planets]: finished populating
21:03:36.560 [bigShips_populator]: 0 big trader(s) added to the Inriisus system.
21:04:06.887 [testscript.spawn]: Generated 1 nest for testing purposes.
21:04:06.887 [POV Planets]: populating
21:04:06.889 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Inquveri.png".
21:04:06.945 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (POV Planets 0.14): Cannot find texture "Inquveri.png". Value not set.
21:04:06.946 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: AddOns/Povray_Planets_v0.14.oxp/Config/script.js, line 34.
21:04:06.946 [POV Planets]: finished populating
21:04:06.951 [bigShips_populator]: 0 big trader(s) added to the Inquveri system.
Edit: hang on ... I have Povray_Planets_v0.14.oxp installed too ... wait while I disable that and re-test ... problem went away when I disabled Povray_Planets_v0.14.oxp. :oops: Sorry for the false alarm; but I'll leave this post here in case someone else has the same error.
Flying a Cobra Mk I Cobbie 3 with nothing but Explorers Club.OXP and a beam laser 4 proper lasers for company :D
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by Wildeblood »

Well I think these textures are superb, all two gigabytes of them! So, submersible, are you still planning to do the other four galaxies, or do we have to be satisfied with just 1024 different textures? :D And if you're still going, which galaxy are you doing next? Don' be so mysterious, man.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by submersible »

Wildeblood wrote:
Well I think these textures are superb, all two gigabytes of them! So, submersible, are you still planning to do the other four galaxies, or do we have to be satisfied with just 1024 different textures? :D And if you're still going, which galaxy are you doing next? Don' be so mysterious, man.
You're too kind.
There have been some issues raised regarding the believability of the generated textures , as detailed in Problem Povray Planets. In light of that - I have temporarily paused texture production to try and devise a better system of choosing an appropriate planet type.

In terms of a release roadmap - expect to see a merged galaxy 1 (Famous Planets + Povray Planets), followed by a merged galaxy 2 - hopefully before May. After that I'll get back to texture production - unless the votes have changed it looks like galaxy 3 will be next.

Of course I am also presently burning all my spare time fiddling about with the Oolite NEW_PLANETS source , some discussion of that at https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5997
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by Wildeblood »

Any objection to me uploading my planetinfo files that map the other four galaxies with the existing 1024 textures in Povray Planets? Having all 2048 planets textured and using each texture twice is better than having four galaxies of textured planets and four galaxies of untextured planets, IMO.

Bonus piccy because I like this piccy so much.

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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by submersible »

Wildeblood wrote:
Any objection to me uploading my planetinfo files that map the other four galaxies with the existing 1024 textures in Povray Planets? Having all 2048 planets textured and using each texture twice is better than having four galaxies of textured planets and four galaxies of untextured planets, IMO.
No objection from me - as long as you don't object to downloading the last 4 when they're finally done :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by Wildeblood »

Another 1024 planets in just 11KB, how's it done!? :shock:

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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by Lestradae »

Is the newest version of Povray planets already compatible with Famous planets?

Because I am waiting for that before I will start the mega-download ...
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by submersible »

Lestradae wrote:
Is the newest version of Povray planets already compatible with Famous planets?

Because I am waiting for that before I will start the mega-download ...
Not yet - there will be a 1.1 version of the Galaxy1 texture OXP very soon. That will be followed by an updated Galaxy2 with FP rolled in. If you're still in G1 or G2 - I suggest waiting a few more weeks.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by JazHaz »

submersible wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
Is the newest version of Povray planets already compatible with Famous planets?

Because I am waiting for that before I will start the mega-download ...
Not yet - there will be a 1.1 version of the Galaxy1 texture OXP very soon. That will be followed by an updated Galaxy2 with FP rolled in. If you're still in G1 or G2 - I suggest waiting a few more weeks.
What's the timescale on G3? As I'm getting fed up with G2 and probably will be going to G3 soon.

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by submersible »

JazHaz wrote:
What's the timescale on G3? As I'm getting fed up with G2 and probably will be going to G3 soon.
In short - delayed. I'm still fussing about with the 1.1 releases of G1 and G2 . The way RL is for me at present - G3 could be more than 2 months away. You could use the planetinfo from above to 'reuse' the textures you currently have in the galaxies which don't currently have povray planet textures.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by Wildeblood »

pagroove wrote:
I did give you full permission to convert my textures to cube maps and integrate and even distribute them into your package.

Sorry to be a nuisance but this is only valid for Galaxy 1/2. So maybe the easiest solution is:

1. to take my textures (you have full permission for that)
2. resize them as you see fit
3. convert them to cube maps
4. copy the converted cube mapped Famous Planets textures into your packages for Galaxy 1 and 2.
5. redistribute the packages for galaxy 1 and 2.

...I can as an alternative give a description to the existing Famous Planets 2.5. users that they must simply copy the textures from Famous Planets into the Povray texture directories for Galaxy 1 and 2...
PAGroove, Submersible,

Could one or other, or both of you, or someone's brother, hairdresser or cat, or anyone you have already shared them with, please make the cube-mapped Famous Planet textures available for download?
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Post by pagroove »

Wildeblood wrote:
pagroove wrote:
I did give you full permission to convert my textures to cube maps and integrate and even distribute them into your package.

Sorry to be a nuisance but this is only valid for Galaxy 1/2. So maybe the easiest solution is:

1. to take my textures (you have full permission for that)
2. resize them as you see fit
3. convert them to cube maps
4. copy the converted cube mapped Famous Planets textures into your packages for Galaxy 1 and 2.
5. redistribute the packages for galaxy 1 and 2.

...I can as an alternative give a description to the existing Famous Planets 2.5. users that they must simply copy the textures from Famous Planets into the Povray texture directories for Galaxy 1 and 2...
PAGroove, Submersible,

Could one or other, or both of you, or someone's brother, hairdresser or cat, or anyone you have already shared them with, please make the cube-mapped Famous Planet textures available for download?
Wll do on or before friday :D
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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