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Re: Swarm OXP

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:45 am
by Capt. Murphy
Wil do Thargoid. Work has unfortnately got in the way of further investigation today but I intend to build a little test OXP to try logging an undefined variable in varoius circumstances to try and pin down the crash circumstances.

Re: Swarm OXP

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:36 am
by Eric Walch
Capt. Murphy wrote:
I notice that this.startWeave is called from the AI. I would hypothesis that the AI is loading and managing to send the sendScriptMessage: startWeave before this.shipSpawned() has fired some circumstances.
That is probably true. On adding ships, the ENTER message of the GLOBAL state is executed immediately. In most cases this message contains an instruction to go to another state. In that case, also the ENTER message of that state is immediately executed.

Only after all ships are added, updating of ships start. That means that only than the UPDATE messages in AI start and all ships receive an this.shipSpawned() event. In general, when you don't want that AI messages start immediately, you should not do things in the ENTER part of the first state, but in the UPDATE part. I am not sure when happens first on the first update: this.shipSpawned() or AI UPDATE

Re: Swarm OXP

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:33 am
by Switeck
Thargoid wrote:
But you may be onto something with why I can't reproduce it, as my machine is lower power and has nowhere near that frame rate (I get max about 50, it's only a netbook). But it may be useful to the dev's for a possible underlying issue that is being highlighted here (and elsewhere).

For reference I've got a bug open on Berlios about this (bug 18485) - can you add your details to that please?
You mentioned having wormholes that did nothing and you could fly your ship through them...which typically only happened to me when there were NaN Thargoid Swarm ship/s in the system. It was a rare event, so at your lower framerate it may happen maybe once out of 10-20 instead of 1 out of 2-4 for me. :(

Re: Swarm OXP

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:53 am
by Capt. Murphy
Thargoid wrote:
Also logging an undefined value like that definitely shouldn't cause a CTD.
For info - there appears to be a bug in the log command that manifests as a CTD when the messageClass is undefined. This is the construction that Switeck had used in the script. ... 7&p=164697

Re: Swarm OXP

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:35 pm
by Fatleaf
Is there something wrong with the collision radius of this oxp. I was fighting a swarm drone and was flying up behind it, cloaked, intending to ram it but four times it bounced off me as if it was rubber without the collision sound and no damage.

Re: Swarm OXP

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:41 pm
by Thargoid
Collision radii aren't modifiable by OXPs (aside from the size of the model itself of course).

I would guess that your combined speed wasn't fast enough to do damage, and you just "bounced off". If both you and the drone were heading in the same general direction, then your combined velocities would tend to cancel out rather than add, as in a normal head-on collision.