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Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:05 pm
by Wildeblood
Matti wrote:
I've downloaded Sniper scope, bought it for my Cobra 3 and it worked first time. On second time, when I was actually going to shoot with it, game CTD. This with Oolite 1.75.2 and Windows 7
You've read this thread, and you know it's just an alternative HUD with the Astro Compass drawn extra large, right? It's not any unusual scripting or anything. There's no way this could crash the game, unless it was about to crash anyway and changing HUDs was just the final straw. What HUD do you use, and what was going on at the time?

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:31 pm
by CaptSolo
Sniper Sight downloaded and adapted to my personal HUD. Well done Wildeblood. Took the liberty to reduce the scope size to 50 x 50. Hope you don't mind too much.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:54 pm
by Wildeblood
CaptSolo wrote:
Sniper Sight downloaded and adapted to my personal HUD. Well done Wildeblood. Took the liberty to reduce the scope size to 50 x 50. Hope you don't mind too much.
Not at all. 50 x 50 makes an excellent replacement for the normal cross-hairs at close range. That's where I started, then it just got bigger and bigger. I'll be integrating it with the Fighter HUD in the next few days, with a smaller size than the giant one I prefer. I would like it if you post some screenshots, Capt Solo.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:50 pm
by CaptSolo
Works fine from long range as this pirate found out. I don't switch to the sniper scope in close as the normal target reticule works fine.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:22 am
by Wildeblood
This is what it looks like at 128 x 128. At that size, the inner ends of the non-moving cross in the compass are at exactly the same points as the inner ends of the usual cross-hairs.


Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:44 am
by Matti
Wildeblood wrote:
Matti wrote:
I've downloaded Sniper scope, bought it for my Cobra 3 and it worked first time. On second time, when I was actually going to shoot with it, game CTD. This with Oolite 1.75.2 and Windows 7
You've read this thread, and you know it's just an alternative HUD with the Astro Compass drawn extra large, right? It's not any unusual scripting or anything. There's no way this could crash the game, unless it was about to crash anyway and changing HUDs was just the final straw. What HUD do you use, and what was going on at the time?
There was wolf pack of pirates coming on my way. I targeted one and pressed through the compass modes. Then CTD happen. I have no HUD OXPs installed. I rerun game, played some, blasted pirates (with the sniper sight) and no problems at all.

Could some NPC ships have this equipment too? Player alone with it is too overpowering. I know it's only visual thing which makes no good for AI who can't 'see' in the first place, but maybe AI script which improves their accuracy (not for every ship though)

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:27 am
by Wildeblood
Matti wrote:
Could some NPC ships have this equipment too? Player alone with it is too overpowering. I know it's only visual thing which makes no good for AI who can't 'see' in the first place, but maybe AI script which improves their accuracy (not for every ship though)
Yes, there is an "accuracy" key in the shipdata for NPCs, a number up to 10, which apparently biases their aiming. Making a duplicate entry that was otherwise identical, but had maximum accuracy and occasional appearance should be easy. In Thargoid's Hired Guns OXP for example, the $750 escorts have accuracy=6, the $1000 escorts have accuracy=7, and the $1500 escorts have accuracy=8. That's why I said last week in another thread people shouldn't waste their money on the $750 Sidewinder escorts.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:42 am
by Capt. Murphy
I've found a slight conflict between the stand a lone version and Target Reticle Sensitive OXP - when switching back to the regular HUD the reticle loses its target reticle sensitive status.

Fixed by changing the code too:

Code: Select all

this.compassTargetChanged = function(whom, mode)
	if (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_SNIPER_SCOPE") != "EQUIPMENT_OK")
	else if (mode == "COMPASS_MODE_TARGET")
			{player.ship.hud = "sniper-hud.plist";}
	else if (mode != "COMPASS_MODE_TARGET" && player.ship.hud == "sniper-hud.plist")
				player.ship.hud = "hud.plist";
				if (missionVariables.reticleTargetSensitive == "TRUE")
					player.ship.reticleTargetSensitive = true;
Also I have come across a Crash to Desktop when cycling through the compass modes. It was on loading from one particular save, and only in windowed mode. It was reproducible for that particular save. After re-saving the commander from that save and reloading again I couldn't reproduce the crash. Very odd. I don't think it's the OXP that's at fault.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:40 am
by Wildeblood
Capt. Murphy wrote:
Also I have come across a Crash to Desktop when cycling through the compass modes. It was on loading from one particular save, and only in windowed mode. It was reproducible for that particular save. After re-saving the commander from that save and reloading again I couldn't reproduce the crash. Very odd. I don't think it's the OXP that's at fault.
I've also had the CTD that Matti reported, on one occasion when cycling through compass modes rapidly. IIRC it was on the first flight after buying the equipment and hasn't recurred. Like Matti, I'm using Win7, what OS are you on, Capt. Murphy? Another question, were you using the HUD-switching version i.e. the one now on, or the equipment-switching prototype? (I never liked the idea of HUD-switching)

My OXP simply isn't complex enough to be causing a crash per se, but the impression I had is that it might be drawing attention to something I previously hadn't experienced because I previously had no reason to cycle the compass modes quickly. Obviously, I need to find out if there are known bugs relating to cycling the compass modes.

If anyone else is using this equipment, we need you to speak up and say whether you have also experienced this problem.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:52 am
by Zireael
I deleted it (the scope was too big for my tastes and cumbersome) but I can say that in the 2 or 3 flights I did with the eq version (no hud switching) I had no CTDs.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & stand-alone versions

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:57 am
by Capt. Murphy
I'm on Win XP - using Trunk and the hud switching version. It was a particular autosave that was crashing every time on the transfer back to the normal HUD. Nothing in the log to indicate the problem. Loaded from that autosave, manually saved it again, reloaded from the new save - no crash........

If it happens again I'll keep the save file for submission to the devs.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & BETA stand-alone vers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:19 am
by Matti
I have encountered several CTDs when I have changed modes of space compass to sniper sight. Is there error log somewhere I could copy-paste here?

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & BETA stand-alone vers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:26 am
by Wildeblood
@ Zireael, the purchased EQ version is the one that uses HUD-switching, that's why it's incompatible with other switching HUDs. Thanks for the quick reply.

@ Capt. Murphy, that's the opposite to what I experienced: a crash when trying to switch TO the sniper HUD. Nothing in the log, and didn't recur.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated & BETA stand-alone vers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:32 am
by Wildeblood
Matti wrote:
I have encountered several CTDs when I have changed modes of space compass to sniper sight. Is there error log somewhere I could copy-paste here?
Thanks, Matti. I've changed the first post to warn people the stand-alone version might not be safe. If you go from your Oolite AddOns folder up one level, then down into the folder, you'll see a "Logs" folder with latest.log and previous.log files inside it.

Re: Sniper Sight - MilHUD integrated

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:48 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
This is what I found while playing with it.

- The first working MilHUD-integrated iteration, using Murphy's script code, could and would cause random CTDs. The crashlog was strangely silent on the issue, making the cause impossible to track down. Apparently the standalone, using the same code, would cause CTDs as well. :?

- The second integrated iteration uses, with a corresponding check in the plists. The result is much cleaner and stable. Not a single CTD from using it. :)