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Re: Screenshots

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:19 pm
by Disembodied
another_commander wrote:
The Anaconda's Final Moments
Oh, the humanity/felinicity/insectivity/lobstidity/lizidity/birdidity/frogicity/rodicity/humanoidity (delete as applicable)!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:26 pm
by Amah
:shock: Ay caramba

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:35 pm
by ffutures
So I'm on a fairly tight cargo run to drop off 120K's worth of jewels in a TL1 anarchy. Managed that part all right, though to get there I shot off most of my missiles then couldn't buy replacements. Refuelled, I jumped for the next system - and of course came out in the ass-end of nowhere with a hilacked generation ship aft of me - are there any that AREN'T hijacked?

I had enough fuel to jump on, but for some reason the Thargoids were very thin on the ground so I decided to blow it away. Yes, you can take out a generation ship with two standard missiles and sufficient laser fire, but it isn't easy... Unfortunately I was too slow on the camera button to get the explosion. Then got bounced by a Thargoid minelayer and several fighters, took them out too, and decided to piss off sharpish before my luck ran out... I suspect that in a smaller weaker ship I would have been toast, I do love my D.T.T Cyclops - even with the extra power unit rather than a Naval power unit it's a really tough ship.



Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:32 am
by Fritz
Escorting a Boa Class Cruiser using synchronised torus drives:


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:53 pm
by UK_Eliter

I am amazed, frankly, that you managed to take out a hijacked generation ship with so little firepower on your part. Wow! Well done!

You ask if there are any that are not hijacked. There are. Indeed there are more of those than the hijacked ones. Still, I think that the hijacked ones tend to be further away from the player upon entry to witchspace than the non-hijacked ones. Also, in recent versions of the Interstellar Tweaks OXP (which I wrote, and which is responsible for the hijacked ships - well, it is in conjunction with the Generation Ships OXP), you get more non-hijacked versions. So ensure you've got the latest version of Interstellar Tweaks. You can get it from the in-game expansion pack manager. Tell me if you think I need to adjust any of the probabilities. Perhaps I should make the hijacked ships appear a bit further from the player.

EDIT: Ah. Oops. I think I may have uploaded a testing version of the OXP, in which hijacked ships were much more common. Oh dear. Uploading new version now!

To gild your achievement: try docking with one of those hijacked ships . .

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:33 pm
by ClymAngus
Hijacked generation ships? A couple of thousand civilians trapped in a slowly spinning metal tube with a deranged pack of rapists and murderers with a massive tec advantage?
What could possibly go wrong. Apart from everything of course?

There's a story here and not a nice one. One akin to lord of the flies crossed with heart of darkness.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:03 pm
by Cody
A busy aegis: half a dozen offenders, a lone cop doing his best, and five assassins waiting to follow me - and my next jump is a max!


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:22 am
by CaptSolo
Cody wrote:
A busy aegis: half a dozen offenders, a lone cop doing his best, and five assassins waiting to follow me - and my next jump is a max!
Time to thumb for a ride, master Cody.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:51 am
by Cody
CaptSolo wrote:
Time to thumb for a ride, master Cody.
Indeed, amigo - though it took some patience! Shortly after came the perilous crossing to Timaesin - more troublesome than I've ever known it!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:22 am
by ClymAngus
Cody wrote:
A busy aegis: half a dozen offenders, a lone cop doing his best, and five assassins waiting to follow me - and my next jump is a max!

I know a song about that:

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:08 pm
by Cody
That old song is a cracker!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:16 pm
by spud42
thanks for that... i just spent an hour chasing down the rabbithole of youtube videos!!

the link lead me to The Humblebums... followed by some billy connolley ( yes he sings an played with Gerry Rafferty)
this lead me back to the humbelbums and then a compilation that started with them then seemed to drift off somewhere but had a gem of a live acoustc of David Gilmore playing wish you were here!!!

press space on that commander back to trading.....

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:05 pm
by ClymAngus
I have found that the odd song or playlist can actively improve my playing of computer games. There is a lot to be said for getting yourself in the zone for some intergalactic merriment and mayhem.

Case in point I remember back in the 80's, playing a bit of Michel Jackson's "bad" whilst playing "Target renegade" increased playing ability by about 20% give or take.

Not really scientific but interesting.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:57 am
by UK_Eliter
Going back, for a moment, to Huntress's post (a page or so back): hold on, what's the new, amazing-looking witchjump effect? I don't have that, and I'm on Oolite 1.82. Is it a trunk thing?

EDIT: also, Griff's ships. I thought these were now included in the core game. Are there some one has to install in expansion packs, please?

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:25 am
by Amah
iirc the witchspace effect comes with BGS oxp/oxz if you enable shaders.

The Griff ships included in the core game are toned down (based on Captain Solo's work), that can also be used on low spec machines. (Thank god for that! :-)
You get the full monty shader effects like red alert effects, funky Thargoids and Morays, random paintschemes with his orginal shipset.