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Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:30 pm
by gsagostinho
@another_commander beautiful shot!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:20 am
by Diziet Sma
Seconded! Just lovely...

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:51 pm
by Selezen
another_commander wrote:
Looking down our port side while crossing a fellow trader:
Thirded - awesome shot. Do you have a high res version you wouldn't mind sharing? ;-)

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:08 pm
by another_commander
More than happy to share, this one was taken in 1440x900 full screen. Download the original from ... sp=sharing

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:55 am
by Selezen
Awesome, a_c, thanks :-)

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:22 pm
by Amah
Some ingame screenshot of the ship I am currently updating for Oolite v1.80:

Mimoriaty's Radical Logistic "Yasen-N" class ship passing a Dodo:


I thought it looked quite nice for a shaderless shot,
hope you like it,


@another_commander: brilliant shot!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:37 pm
by Cody
I'm roughly halfway through a cross-chart parcel run, and about to dock, knowing my next jump is an unavoidable 6.8lys - the Timaesin/Tiarice gauntlet (one of two choke-points in the seventh). Those six heavy assassins (comprising two Ferdies, a Krait, a Moray, an Asp, and one other) were buzzing me as I waited for clearance, and are now waiting for me to launch so they can follow me through my wormhole, where there'll be another bunch of 'em waiting! This could be a very tough run, methinks


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:09 am
by Anonymissimus
Just in case you don't know...
if you're and the assassins are just out of the aegis previously to the jump they will attack. Then there aren't so many of them at a time and you've got a full tank during that fight still, should you want to flee. Optionally, jump when all are dead, and/or move back into the aegis to make them offenders like they should be as they will continue their attack. That should attract additional ones though which are not yet offenders then. So better just jump once that all are dead. Judging from your screenshot you're currently performing these tactics.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:18 am
by Cody
Yeah, the heavy mob and I are old friends! As you say, there are various ways of dealing with 'em - including ramming them within the aegis!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:33 pm
by CaptSolo
Cody wrote:
Yeah, the heavy mob and I are old friends! As you say, there are various ways of dealing with 'em - including ramming them within the aegis!
Yes, I am well acquainted with the heavy mob. Don't mistake them for joy riding juveniles or bumbling fools by their distinctive behaviour within the aegis. They are a dangerous lot. If not waiting for you where you exit the tube, they may find you along the lane. Then you will see how fast and furious they can be.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:30 pm
by Cody
CaptSolo wrote:
I am well acquainted with the heavy mob.
I encountered the other heavy mob a couple of nights back - a dozen or more iron-assed pirates. They'd just started laying into me when the cavalry came riding over the hill - one of those rare occasions when the Vipers arrived at exactly the right moment! I was then treated to an amazing furball, 'til eventually the Boss Boa jumped out. I couldn't resist following, but that dropped me into more mierda! No cops turned-up this time, but I splashed the Boa and managed to survive.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:42 pm
by Layne
Cody wrote:
CaptSolo wrote:
I am well acquainted with the heavy mob.
I encountered the other heavy mob a couple of nights back - a dozen or more iron-assed pirates. They'd just started laying into me when the cavalry came riding over the hill - one of those rare occasions when the Vipers arrived at exactly the right moment! I was then treated to an amazing furball, 'til eventually the Boss Boa jumped out. I couldn't resist following, but that dropped me into more mierda! No cops turned-up this time, but I splashed the Boa and managed to survive.
The best Cavalry moment I've ever has was having a Navy Behemoth and escorts come sailing onto my radar when I was out-gunned by about eighteen ships. Quickest fight I've ever seen, the Behemoth just spit out Viper after Viper at them and they crumbled, and in less than half a minute there was nothing but debris and cargo canisters all over the screen.

My GalCop tax dollars at work, thank you very much.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:44 pm
by cbr
Playing with the goliath oxp from Thargoid

Making a laser projectile elongated along the z axis, fires like a star wars laser

[img] ... .jpg[/img]

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:56 pm
by cbr
This time playing with the carrier oxp from Norby

I tried my hand on incorporating new escorts :)
Looking at the oxp each escort is to be placed on certain coordinates of the carrier so only 8 of these devils

These escorts are small, agile, trigger happy and rather cheap :evil:


Also visible are two multidocks ( based on the multidock oxp from Cim ) they happen to have the shape of the galactica hangars :roll: enlarged to
the standard dock size. Docking and launching happens from the two sides of the hangar with some cosmetic errors inside the hangar...

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:00 pm
by cbr
Ok last one for now.

One more for the carriers...


Albeit undockable and gimpified... :)