I've forgotten to amend in the AI scripts that I changed the roles for the stations...I will fix this later tonight, sorry!Cody wrote:I happened to be close to Xeusreor, so I jumped over there for a look round. The Navy station was in the GalCop aegis, very close to the main station,and did not challenge me as I approached. The log threw five of these, btw:Edit to add: the Navy station is now challenging me on approach.Code: Select all
01:39:53.348 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (himsn_station_defender_ai.js 0.2): TypeError: this.homeBase is null

Perhaps for the purposes of this test I will set the ships to select a destination and fly away for now - when a cruiser is developed for an actual release maybe having it have a small dock for shuttles would be the best course of action, and setting the cruiser to have a restricted allegiance. It would also make more sense for the cruiser to have shuttles, as otherwise how would people get to and fro?cim wrote:Yes, though only until the next AI reevaluation for a JS AI. If you're just trying to keep them at 7km distance, then it'll probably be enough, though. However, if the ship has escorts, the escorts at the next reevaluation will pick up that the mothership is in a fleeing state with a ship targeted, and may well attack to cover its escape...
Setting a destination and getting them to fly there at top speed is probably more reliable, though still might not work in certain cases.
Plist AIs are trickier - it'll certainly get them to run, but there's no guarantee that anything in the plist AI will then respond correctly to the AI events once safe distance is reached, so they might just end up dead in space afterwards until something "expected" like an attack interrupts them.