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Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:48 pm
by Critter
Hi Ramirez, still no joy buddy, visited about 5 of the participating Gal1 Feudal States, spent 100Cr on a duel at each to test, sometimes I get a beacon, but never an opponent, oh and btw my self-repair system fixes the energy bomb disabling, but i'm a sporting kinda guy so I wouldn't use it anyway... and when I return to the lodge, I don't get my missiles back... now that's just sour grapes on their part, IMO :lol: - note, all my pod ordnance is OXP-based these days.

I'm not convinced it's a spelling error, because apparently no-one else is having this drama, or you'd at be aware of it already... and if it's not an OXP conflict, which I doubt since I removed the other ones and reloaded to no avail, i'm at a loss to explain it.

The good news is, all that flying around and trading and shooting pirates has got me to deadly status in 200 game days :D

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:15 pm
by Zireael
The download link for Feudal States on Ramirez's page does not work :(

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:18 pm
by Ramirez
FYI the link to the Feudal States should be back now after temporarily going AWOL!

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:28 pm
by LordHaHa
Hello there. Registered just to comment on the mod though I hope to contribute beyond that in the future.

Anyway, this does seem to be a rather interesting expansion to Oolite, and the instruction manual was actually very tastefully designed.

However I appear to be having technical difficulties with (v1.9.5 of) this mod. I can land on planets and do planetary "Royal Court" missions without any apparent issue, but the Royal Hunting Lodge facility has not physically appeared in any Feudal system I have entered, either in a generic Feudal solar systems or in one of the main Heraldic ones. I have checked by flying from the Witchpoint to the sun and on the compass. No dice.

I am, by the way, in Galaxy 1.

I looked at my log file, and I've seen these two errors referencing the OXP:

Code: Select all

04:17:01.750 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-challenge.js 5.0): TypeError: system.systemNameForID is not a function
04:17:01.750 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]:       ../AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-challenge.js, line 476.

Code: Select all

04:25:10.343 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (feudal-mission.js 5.0): Usage error: mission.setInstructionsKey() called with no arguments. Treating as Mission.setInstructionsKey(null). This call may fail in a future version of Oolite.
04:25:10.343 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]:       ../AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-mission.js, line 399.
I am running Oolite v1.75.1. I can give you a OXP/order list, if that would be useful. I have done some scripting in other programs (though not Javascript but I'll try anything once), so I am willing to modify the OXP, if necessary.


Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:53 pm
Welcome aboard Lord Ha Ha, your input is very welcome.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:58 pm
by LordHaHa
Thanks. It also just occurred to me that I haven't seen any Ritter, Freiherr, or Prinz-class ships flying around in Feudal systems, either. Don't know why that slipped my mind but I guess not being able to make outrageous bets on myself in space combat tourneys was more immediately noticeable.


Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:09 pm
by Smivs
Hi LordHaHa, and welcome to the board.
I can't actually answer your question, but the errors you posted might be significant as the OXP was tested on Oolite v.174 and there have been changes since then on the introduction of v1.75. I notice in the OXP table this one has not been verified as working.
You might need to wait for Ramirez, the author, to visit the board. He's a frequent visitor, so I expect you'll get a definitive answer soon.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:25 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
LordHaHa wrote:
The Royal Hunting Lodge facility has not physically appeared in any Feudal system I have entered, either in a generic Feudal solar systems or in one of the main Heraldic ones. I have checked by flying from the Witchpoint to the sun and on the compass. No dice.
This is due to this error:

Code: Select all

04:17:01.750 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-challenge.js 5.0): TypeError: system.systemNameForID is not a function
04:17:01.750 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]:       ../AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-challenge.js, line 476.
'Tis occuring in the function where it sets up the system, which explains why you haven't seen anything. "systemNameForID" is a static method, and so needs to be called from "System", rather than "system". Change line 478 in "feudal-challenge.js" from

Code: Select all

		var currentLocationName = system.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo])

Code: Select all

		var currentLocationName = System.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo])
and that should sort that problem out. 'Tis one of the things that has been tidied up scripting-wise in the move from 1.74 to 1.75, and so clearly this oxp needs to be updated. I haven't seen any of the problems because I'm in G8, which isn't affected by this oxp.

Code: Select all

04:25:10.343 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (feudal-mission.js 5.0): Usage error: mission.setInstructionsKey() called with no arguments. Treating as Mission.setInstructionsKey(null). This call may fail in a future version of Oolite.
04:25:10.343 [script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]:       ../AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-mission.js, line 399.
As for this one, I don't really know much about the mission object, so I can't really help with that. You could try putting null as an argument and see if that helps, but it might be best to wait for someone with more of a clue than in this case!

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:17 pm
by Ramirez
Hi Lord Ha Ha. Thanks for the comments; glad you liked the design of the readme - it took long enough to write.

I thought I updated this last month but I think I got halfway and forgot to finish it! I've applied those fixes and have uploaded a tweaked version to my site.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:12 am
by LordHaHa
Ramirez's update seems to have worked; I can now see/dock/etc. with the Hunting Lodge and have now a good wad of cash care of the tourneys.

However, I noticed some odd behavior from my opponents; the first 6-10 duelists never fired a shot at me (save for one, who fired a single volley the whole match when I was absolutely totally dead on with them). The last two or three opponents were much more aggressive, though.

I also mysteriously lost a match when in fact the opponent lost. I think I may have accidentally rammed them during the match, so maybe that was the cause, but I received no notification that I lost until I got back. And I saw the opponent drop their flare, too.

But anyway, it's great to see it working at near 100% now. Now I'll try to rank up some in one of the houses of G1. One question though; do you retain your rank if you leave the galaxy, and can you join another house in another galaxy if you are a member of one from a previous galaxy?


Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:29 am
by Mauiby de Fug
LordHaHa wrote:
One question though; do you retain your rank if you leave the galaxy, and can you join another house in another galaxy if you are a member of one from a previous galaxy?
Yep to both! They're quite happy to have someone of your talents join them! I've joined 4 different houses so far, one in each of the 4 galaxies (1, 2, 3 and 5)

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:26 pm
by Ramirez
The higher-ranked nobles do have slightly more aggressive AI; they're less likely to flee and they don't give up quite as easily. Collisions do seem to cause confusion in the challenges though. I suspect it's because I designed it so you have to force down your opponent's energy, rather than destroying them outright. As a result, if things happen very quickly the script thinks you've attacked an opponent who's already yielded, which forfeits the challenge.
Mauiby de Fug wrote:
LordHaHa wrote:
One question though; do you retain your rank if you leave the galaxy, and can you join another house in another galaxy if you are a member of one from a previous galaxy?
Yep to both! They're quite happy to have someone of your talents join them! I've joined 4 different houses so far, one in each of the 4 galaxies (1, 2, 3 and 5)
I'm impressed you've got as far as G5 with the Feudal States - which house did you end up with? That might spur me on to finishing off the other galaxies. I think my next on the list was creating something in the Japanese style - I've already done quite a bit of research on the subject.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:44 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
I'm currently a Grand Duke of Atbiarxe. When I eventually swing round to G1 again I'll get on with doing more missions for other houses. I tend to join the first feudal house I meet in a galaxy, do a couple of missions for them, then do whatever other mission oxps there are available, and then move on.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:52 pm
by lohwengk
Ramirez wrote:
Hi Lord Ha Ha. Thanks for the comments; glad you liked the design of the readme - it took long enough to write.

I thought I updated this last month but I think I got halfway and forgot to finish it! I've applied those fixes and have uploaded a tweaked version to my site.
Don't mean to rush you, but is this done yet? I thought it was, so I downloaded v1.9.6, but still do not see any hunting lodges in Feudal systems. Don't see any exceptions in my log file (for Oolite 1.75.1) either. Or do these hunting lodges only appear in specific Feudal systems?

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:27 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
The lodges only appear in systems belonging to a royal house, if I remember correctly. They are marked on the Advanced Space Compass by "F".