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Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:05 pm
by Thargoid
Ramirez wrote:
P.S. How do you go about including conditions (e.g. government type, system number, etc) in openstep shipdata plists? All the examples I've seen before have used XML.

Code: Select all

conditions = ("systemGovernment_number greaterthan 0");

conditions = (
			"galaxy_number equal 2",
			"planet_number equal 99"
...yadda yadda yadda. Copy/pastes from Aquatics shipdata.plist, if you want a working example or two.

Note the slightly unconventional capitalisation and usage (it's greaterthan not greaterThan, and equal not =). It's basically the XML code inside an openstep wrapper.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:47 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
Well, I'm at Rabiarce, a TL 10 Feudal State in Galaxy 2. When I jump into the system, it's set up normally, with a lodge and beacon created.

However, if I load a game saved from the main station, there is no lodge or beacon at all! The game recognizes it as a state, because there is a court on the planet and I can accept missions from there, but there is no lodge.

If I jump out of the system and jump back in, though, it appears!

Edit: This is due to a missing this.setUpSystem () in the this.shipWillLaunchFromStation function of feudal-challenge.js (line 441).

There was one in Feudal States v1.9.3, but it is missing in v1.9.4...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:02 pm
by Commander McLane
The obvious explanation is that the station is only created when the player is leaving witchspace, not when he launches from the main station. Which is usually fine, because in order to launch from the main station, you have to be in the system first, so you already have jumped out of witchspace, and everything is in place. Except, of course, for the one instance where you haven't jumped into the system before, because you just loaded your game.

A tiny oversight on Ramirez' side, I guess. (It may just be that the creation of the station sets a mission variable, which doesn't get cleared when you reload the game. A JS-variable would be more appropriate here, because it doesn't exist when you reload.)

EDIT: typo corrected

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:04 pm
by Ramirez
There's meant to be a setUpSystem on launch; not quite sure what happened there. I've reinstated the function into v1.9.4 and have also added an extra count check to prevent ships being repeatedly spawned each time you launch from a hunting lodge.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:34 am
by Mauiby de Fug
Made my way to G3, joined up with one of the houses there and have taken an escort mission.

First time jumping into the system, I completely failed to find the target; whether that is from my own ineptitude or a script error I don't know. Reloading the game, I managed to find him quite quickly, and didn't have much trouble identifying him!


He showed up properly as Earl of Usteer in his escape pod, though.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:53 pm
by Ramirez
Are you sure that was an escort mission - individual targets should only be named on execution or ransom missions.

That said, I think something's wrong with the way ranks are being selected and applied by the script. I'll take a look and see what's up.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:56 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
Whoops! You're right, 'twas a ransom mission! I'm in the middle of an escort mission right now. Sorry for the confusion!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:44 pm
by DGill
I edited out some lines in feudal-target.js (vrs 1.9.4) to get the ransom mission to work, but can't remember why!

if(missionVariables.feudal_mission == "RANSOM_RUNNING" && this.ship.primaryRole == [missionVariables.feudal_mission_house]+"-prince")

// { if(this.ship.primaryRole == [missionVariables.feudal_mission_house]+"-prince")
// {
// {this.zETimer = new Timer(this,this.zeroEscorts,null,0.2);}

// if(this.ship.displayName ==
// { this.ship.displayName = expandDescription("[mission_feudal_mission_middle_rank] [mission_feudal_mission_of] [mission_feudal_mission_house]") // Show the ID of the ransom target target
// }
// }

// if(this.ship.primaryRole == [missionVariables.feudal_mission_house]+"-knight")
// {
// {this.ship.setAI("feudal-escortAI.plist")}
// }
// }

if(this.ship.displayName ==
this.ship.displayName = expandDescription("[mission_feudal_mission_rank] [mission_feudal_mission_of] [mission_feudal_mission_house]") // Show the ID of the ransom target target

if(this.ship.primaryRole == missionVariables.feudal_mission_role)

{this.zETimer = new Timer(this,this.zeroEscorts,null,0.2)}

if(this.ship.primaryRole == [missionVariables.feudal_mission_house]+"-knight")


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:43 pm
by Ramirez
OK, I've made some tweaks to the defineFeudalRansom function in the main script to make sure the rank is being set properly. I've also tweaked the ransom parts of the feudal-target script so that the escorting knights get set the correct AI.

I've uploaded v1.9.5 to my site so see if that helps.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:04 pm
by DGill
Thanks Ramirez, the update works well

No Opponents for challenge

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:09 am
by Critter
Hi Ramirez, and the rest of you galactic reprobates. I'd wasted weeks if not months of my gentle youth playing the original, and I've been utterly delighted (the wife, not so delighted, but hey, you can't please everyone :lol: ) to find your efforts here,so I can continue the tradition well into my first off, well done all of you, the OXPs are brilliant, and I have a whole raft of them installed, with very few issues indeed.

However , much as it pains me, I'm afraid my first post to these boards is to resolve one such issue.

I run the Feudal States OXP v 1.9.5, among others (including the Planetfall OXP), and when I accept a challenge at the Hunting Lodge and fly out to the tournament buoy, no challenger appears.

At first I thought it was my BO, from being cooped up in the Cobra for the better part of 100 days, so I had a shower on-station and used some Thargoid-strength anti-perspirant, but to no avail.

I've read through the pdf that came with v1.9.4, and i'm fairly certain i'm doing things correctly.

Any idea why this might be happening?

note: I have not yet gone planetside and presented myself to the local ruler. Is this necessary?

I await your reply with bated breath... this Thargoid-strength BO basher is playing havoc with my CO2 scrubbers, i'll need a new set in a week i'm sure.


Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:48 am
by Smivs
Hi Critter, and welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat.
I can't help with the mission I'm afraid, but just had to say I love your sig. That's brilliant :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:01 pm
by Ramirez
Hi Critter. You don't need to visit the planet surface before taking part in a challenge.

The most likely culprit for this sort of thing is a typo somewhere in the OXP relating to the planet names. If there's an error there then the correct ship isn't spawned near the tournament buoy. Is it a persistent problem or does it only come up here and there? If you note down the name of your opponent's rank and feudal house I can track back through the OXP and see where the problem is. Also, what galaxy are you in?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:07 pm
by Critter
I'm in Galaxy 1, at Aronar. It has occurred each time I tried for a challenge. Last time I noted the challenger as being from Tibedied House. Later tonight i'll find another Feudal system and see what happens there.

OK, made it to Onusorle, challenged a Sir Vincent Lindstrom (with an umlaut on the o) in a Ritter Jaeger. Started straight away. This time there was no beacon and no Vincent. Returning to the Hunting Lodge forfeited my stake, as per normal.

Reloaded the saved game, took a trip to a nearby system and back, then flew direct to the lodge and tried again: same result.

Seems to be a persistent bug so far. I'll be back later on tonight, we can continue testing then.

I'm fairly sure it's something at my end, otherwise other players would have raised the issue with you before now.. the question is, which of the many oxp's are conflicting, and how?

I'll remove all of them except Feudal States and see what happens.

Still no joy. All oxp's removed, loaded at Onusorle main base, launched, left and returned to the system, docked with the Lodge, accepted a challenge, chose 'launch later', switched to equip screen and bought fuel, switched back and accepted challenge.

Result: No buoy, no challenger.

Conclusion: This bug is persistent and not due to a conflict with another oxp. Returning to your original suggestion of a spelling error.

Action: reload all oxps

Query: Can you recommend a Java interpreter to view the script in? Notepad is somewhat tedious.

@Smivs: Thanks mate... Unfortunately, the link to my sig really HAS been taken over by Trumbles... I've reported the fact to my ISP, and they are currently hosting a Trumble Hunt/BBQ event in an effort to resolve the situation.

Re: The Feudal States

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:10 am
by Mauiby de Fug

Code: Select all

[script.javaScript.exception.noProperties]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-promotion.js 3.0): TypeError: player.ship.dockedStation has no properties
[script.javaScript.exception.noProperties]:       /home/robert/.Oolite/AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-promotion.js, line 28.
is now popping up in my log file. I've no idea why...