Page 24 of 43

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:01 pm
by ClymAngus
if you compare that "white thing" at the same elevation to a road or a car or a house. It's BIG!

also it looks like pharagorth has pulled out a blinder with the map programming. This may soon becoming a LOT LOT easier. AAAnnd I'm going to have to take second place on the credits :D

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:05 pm
by PhantorGorth
ClymAngus wrote:
also it looks like pharagorth has pulled out a blinder with the map programming. This may soon becoming a LOT LOT easier. AAAnnd I'm going to have to take second place on the credits :D
That's Phantor Gorth by the way and I doubt you should take second place I am only a follower not the leader here.

For those unaware of mine and Clym's private conversations I have nearly completed the Wiki page -> XML -> SVG -> PDF (optional) automation of creating the maps. When complete I will post the scripts, data and map files. All I have left to do is the legend and credits sections and we will have a way to create automatic static maps of the Galaxies. One good thing, which is poignant after the arguments about the best colour schemes, etc., is that anyone will be able to easily modify colours, lines widths, font sizes and can add their own regions and trade routes and can change pretty much anything they like.

Later I will try to add interactive features (SVG only) such as pop-ups that appear when you click on worlds to get a clear view of the world icon and world details without zooming in; and maybe ways to filter what is displayed.

But as people say one step at a time.

@ClymAngus: BTW my ISP's POP3 email server is back up and running so use my original email address


Phantor Gorth

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:20 am
by Alex
I'd say, if you absolutely have to fall in Loch Ness, make sure that you
Having grown up in Scotland and been in many a loch...
Try to be wearing a dry suit, even in a wet suit, that water is soooooo cold. Anytime of year.

Happy holidays

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:28 pm
by ClymAngus

your intersecting systems sir!

map 6
182-194(Gearge (54,48 ) Geargeat (52,50)
47-160(Esbileat (48,12) Aten (47,15)
12-129(Dixetiso (70,45) Engean (69,44)
62-220(Enorar (190,8 ) Orgete (190,11)
230-249(Xebeaza (249,54)Edsoeded (249,53)
205-216(Lelale (234,73) Bilaza (232,70)
183-195(Isata (144,99) Ribege (145,99)
76-190(Qubiisis (124,78 ) Ertear (125,78 )
13-52(Leonus (103,87) Xemadi (104,84)
49-68(Anma (90,85) Ledius (90,81)
112-233(Araron (74,118 ) Sodionbe (74,122)
0-210(Veleeder (64,75) Entere (63,74)
94-125(Ataren (22,98 ) Antima (24,99)
73-166(Oranesri (20,109) Maessote (18,107)
122-135(Xeongeza (1,122) Edbeined (0,123)
1-143(Arendi (48,184) Raxeuson (49,188 )
64-147(Tiatenqu (9,16) Xear (71,154)
60-138(Ormadi (73,136) Onente (74,136)
48-57(Ormala (81,193) Racemace (82,191)
105-228(Ainlete (101,182) Veatma (100,183)
40-164(Bearrabe (150,160) Atbidi (150,158 )
9-79(Ismaarbe (162,139) Enbece (161,140)
114-235(Latius (154,199) Ataor (152,198)
132-137(Biedbi (199,138) Lainusar (199,143)
74-126(Zainer (254,137) Lemaar (254,139)
140-159(Soesgera (241,175) Rileaa (239,178 )
130-248(Erisonin (113,219) Quesla (113,221)
16-102-139(Usbeus (108,222) Raonbe (106,224) Tecea (109,220)

67 V 56(Zalaxe (8,72) Veed (9,76)
250 V 209(Xeorusge (12,73) Leisinma (12,79)
148 V 177(Zaanxege (66,20) Dicelaso (66,21)
199 <> 251(edienza (65,40) Zaati (67,40)
238 <V> 206(Intean (82,61) Ismaan (83,58 )
141 <V> 220(Esverara (116,24) Zaerma (117,22)
242 <V> 184(Usquen (142,67) Zarausxe (143,64)
71 > 221 V 122(Isesusa (161,11) Vegeedat (158,13)
104 V 160(Qulaaon (159,27) Xeleza (159,31)
171 <> 185(Cemaer (192,166) Onarmala (194,168 )
82 < 105 > 190 >V 0 V 254(Estiri (125,144) Celaqula (127,143) Leveti (127,149)
154 < 210 > 187 V(Atuszais (74,172) Ladire (75,172) Usxela (74,176)
61 V 228(Isanesle (16,173) Isteesge (16,175)
186 > 110 < 97 V(Inreerar (21,235) Ervean (20,241) Soinsoan (20,240)
140 <^ 68 > 8 < 98 V>(Teed (187,223) Rabegema (188,226) Aaored (187,228) Reatte (187,231)

122 ^ 26(Inusge (14,13) Titiridi (14,17)
0 ^< 236 V>(Anesbi (1,45) Labirior (2,46)
205 < 146 >(Dibiedin (100,20) Eres (102,19)
63 V > 79(Edsoan (123,20) Raaran (124,25)
249 < 202(Enrienge (129,10) Atisen (131,8 )
170 ^ 87 V(Ontear (174,15) Teteus (174,17)
115 < 160 >(Bebima (177,1) Raeserre (179,1)
62 ^ 240 V(Onusra (172,60) Edzaar (172,63)
4 V< 92 ^>(Tebienla (206,59) Orus (207,55)
32 V 191 ^(Dieranor (190,100) Anteed (192,97)
168 ^< 64 >(Xetila (122,122) Onveat (123,123)
192 < 35 >(Biabi (112,152) Atanon (114,151)
5 V 12 ^(Revequ (85,146) Biis (86,143)
173 V(Tetige (79,107)
81 ^ 65 V(Areran (101,239) Rebite (102,241)
232 ^ 105 V(Biraa (117,248) Maantege (117,250)
47 < 55 >(Maisrais (171,198) Getiusza (173,198 )

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:01 pm
by PhantorGorth
The long awaited Galaxy 6 map:


Phantor Gorth

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:10 pm
by PhantorGorth
Here is are some ideas for Galaxy 6. Even if everyone doesn't like them you have admit that it shows some of the interesting features of Galaxy 6:

Phantor's Ideas on Galaxy 6

Also I notice that two very closely neighbouring Human Colonial worlds in the top left of the map. (at the top my Western Industrial Belt) These are Gearge and Geargeat. Gearge is a tech-level 11 Multi-Government world and Geargeat is a tech-level 8 Dictatorship. With such similar names there has to a story behind that.

Phantor Gorth

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:28 pm
by ClymAngus
we've still got a bit of over lap haven't we? Damn I thought I got everything. I'll take a look tomorrow and get another list of things to fine tune. Still looking Good!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:34 pm
by PhantorGorth
ClymAngus wrote:
we've still got a bit of over lap haven't we? Damn I thought I got everything. I'll take a look tomorrow and get another list of things to fine tune. Still looking Good!
Yes I noticed a few after I posted the map I can fix those tomorrow (10th Sep) night.

Phantor Gorth

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:22 am
by zevans
Gearge is more highly populated, more advanced, higher GDP... and likes soap operas, whereas Geargeat is... boring.

Maybe Geargeat's Dictatorship is some sort of Spartan/Presbyterian/Amish clean-living breakaway faction, driven into exile and a return to basics thanks to the incessantly low-brow sitcoms prevalent on Gearge.

G6 Adien (232, 22-ish )

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:47 am
by Dyn
Adien (G6 232,22) has to be one of the worst places to be stuck in the Ooniverse.

Imagine it.

Anarchy, dirt poor. Its covered in furry green rodents.

Its only in contact with only one other planet (Enriorar), and that's a human dictatorship that has to deal with 2 anarchic neighbours so they are probably are about as compassionate as a pair of kicks in the face.

I'd hate to be stuck in a prison on Adien. I bet busting someone out of a prison there would make for a real "Count of Montechristo" mission.
Adien is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos and its vast dense forests.
- The Wiki
Heh, casinos on a planet this remote? Sounds like kidnapper / hostage taker bait to me.

Re: G6 Adien (232, 22-ish )

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:37 am
by JensAyton
Dyn wrote:
Its only in contact with only one other planet (Enriorar)
Yeah, imagine being stuck on a planet in contact with only one other. Or even none. How dull. OH WAIT :-p

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:04 am
by PhantorGorth
I have to say that the way the industrial and agricultural worlds are clumped together (and hence the regions I has highlighted on my version of the map) will mean that finding trade routes will be more difficult.

I like Zevan's Geage and Geargeat idea.

Dyn you are right about Adien. I am just think that Adien could be the diplomatic outpost or company branch people get threatened with if they displease their bosses. Take this example of a Line Manager talking to her subordinate: "Yes I know you didn't know, but that woman you picked up in the bar last night was the CEO's girlfriend. ... Yes he could of fired you but he thinks sending you the Adien branch is a more fitting punishment" :D

The world Rabi will have significant political control over the 8 worlds in the in the spur at the top of the map. Interestingly Rabi has unusual sitcoms where as the corporate world it neighbours (Soamaxe) in the spur has an exceptional loathing of them. Maybe Soamaxe inhabitants are ridiculed in Rabian sitcoms but can't do much more than repeated diplomatic protests as Rabi could easily blockade them and ruin their economy.

@Ahruman: Very funny :D

Phantor Gorth

Re: G6 Adien (232, 22-ish )

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:02 pm
by Dyn
Ahruman wrote:
Dyn wrote:
Its only in contact with only one other planet (Enriorar)
Yeah, imagine being stuck on a planet in contact with only one other. Or even none. How dull. OH WAIT :-p
Oh you!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:42 pm
by ClymAngus
To get back on track due to PhantorGorth's work we now technically have the last 3 maps made. Unfortunately due to my inability to pick up new ways of coding with any speed (there was a reason why I used illistrator) It may take a bit of time for me to get my flawed artistic head around the bold new way of doing things.

During this brief intermission we would appreciate you patience and the steady persistence of passion seen so far.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:45 pm
by DaddyHoggy
This is the least we can do - besides there's at least a good half dozen short stories bubbling around my head now!