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Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:47 pm
by superbatprime
A few vanity shots of my baby, just testing camera angles.

CMKIII: "Vagabond 1"

Sailing the void.

Weapons Hot.

Lurking... (was waiting for a massive furball to get broken up by the cops, then zip in and scoop me some free salvage!)

Big thanks to El Viejo who opened my eyes to custom views, it was actually pretty fun figuring out what each value related to.

Thinking hard about giving Griff's 4 decal custom version a go, but I think my heart is set on a Chopped Cobra, only 300k in the shipyards, pocket change! :D

Yeah right... :roll: I better get back to hauling.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:48 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Nice ship, nice paint job, nice views.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:51 pm
by Rxke
Those are really good looking 'shots!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:57 pm
by Cody
superbatprime wrote:
... but I think my heart is set on a Chopped Cobra
A very nice boat, is the chopped Cobra! I have a customised model parked-up somewhere - but then I have a purple Adder, a rustbucket Python, and a high-perfomance sport ship too. Mostly though, I stick to my old scuffed-up multi-decal Cobra III Rolling Thunder. Glad you got into the custom views, SBP - good screenshots!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:03 pm
by Svengali
Yes, it looks great. Nice texture, superbatprime .-)

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:51 pm
by superbatprime
Thanks dudes, I have to say that tweaking the game is just as much fun as playing it.
Truth be told, I've been spending a lot of time flicking through this thread being really jealous lol.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:13 am
by Smivs
superbatprime wrote:
I have to say that tweaking the game is just as much fun as playing it.
Therein lies the danger :lol:
Once you start tweaking, you are lost! You'll start doing OXPs and it will take over your life (in a good way, of course).

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:38 am
by superbatprime
Smivs wrote:
You'll start doing OXPs
Heh, funny you should mention that... I realized the other night that the Commies don't seem to have any mission as part of their oxp (like the Feudals and Anarchists do for example).
I feel kinda sorry for them so I've been tearing apart other mission oxps to see how missions are structured, so who knows, I may be bugging everyone for advice in the oxp forum soon.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:45 pm
by Shipbuilder
I may be bugging everyone for advice in the oxp forum soon.
Sounds like another conversion the the dark side Smivs :mrgreen:

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:22 pm
by Thargoid
Mwaaa Haa Haa! :twisted:

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:44 pm
by Smivs
Shipbuilder wrote:
I may be bugging everyone for advice in the oxp forum soon.
Sounds like another conversion the the dark side Smivs :mrgreen:
<Smivs feels sorry for any friends and family superbatprime used to have...he hopes they don't miss him too much :lol: >

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:40 pm
by Smivs
The Bilbo Maru docking at Xetila after a gruelling run in-planet.


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:10 am
by Rxke
Reminds me a bit of that toddler game where you have to fit objects in matching holes.


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:55 am
by Diziet Sma
Last night I dropped into the drop-dead-gorgeous system of Diso, and when I came across what I initially thought was a small group of pirates (turned out to be a Pirate Cove) I figured it was a great chance to crank down the TAF and grab a few spectacular screenshots. As the Cove kept spewing pirates, the battle became a bit bigger than expected, and eventually I decided to destroy the asteroid as well. :twisted:

In the course of the battle, I took just over 600 pics, from which I selected the best 141 to use as my screensaver. Of those, I selected the best 73, resized them to 900x720 for forum use, and uploaded them to a Photobucket album.

Anyone who want to see the entire album can go access it at:

The full collection of 141 .png images in 1280x1024 resolution is available to download as a zip at: (65MB) They make great wallpaper or screensaver images.

The shots showcase CSOTB's and Griff's talents extremely well. Many thanks to them and the authors of other OXPs that make an appearance in the shots as well!

So now, some highlights from the collection.

First up, a Moray Star Boat in all its angry glory, flashing warning patterns across its skin, like the sea-creature it is.





A nice example of CSOTB's custom shields taking a hit.


But soon he's dead...


A Sidewinder loses a panel.


About to fly through my cross-hairs..


A Krait takes a hit. I like the blue flare of the shields being hit, and the hot-metal afterglow on the hull.



And another hit.




A Cobra MkIII scores a hit on my shields while I line up on his friend.




Silhouetted against a nebula.


The Custom Shields doing their thing again.. this OXP is a must-have, IMO.




Cobby loses a panel.


Here's one of the things that one almost never notices in the heat of combat. When the damage on a Griff ship becomes severe, the engines start to stutter and flicker on and off.. great stuff!




Just 200 metres ahead of me, the Cobby turns into hot metal and even hotter expanding gases.


Hot on the six of the Cobby's friend.


The scenery is great.. a pity there's no time to admire it..



Time to get rid of the Pirate Cove.


When moving at just over 290 m/s, 66 metres is a close encounter of the "oh SH*T!" kind.. :twisted:


Those lasers are HOT!


Another nice Custom Shields touch.. scoopable fuel leaks in combat. Note the vapour-trail of fuel leaking from the Cobby MkI, which goes up and then down towards the bottom-left of the screen.


Goodbye, and thank you for playing.


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:09 am
by JazHaz
Great! Well done.