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Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:17 pm
by Ark
Griff is this coplatible for the 1x1 billboard of the constore?
What shader should i use the simble one or the one with the monitor distortion?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:29 pm
by Griff
hi ark, it's a neon roof billboard like the dancing chicken & drinking spaceman, the station looks absolutely fantastic in the screenshots by the way!

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:30 pm
by Ark
Griff wrote:
hi ark, it's a neno roof billboard like the dancing chicken & drinking spaceman, the station looks absolutely fantastic in the screenshots by the way!
A Roof billboard :shock: . Interesting.Let me try it at home and see how it looks.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:38 pm
by Griff
ah, for some reason i just assumed it was a roof billboard - possibly because the artwork looked like neon tubes?, anyway now you've mentioned it, it would work perfectly well as disembodied's original artwork on a 1x1 animated billboard frame (like the madam hiss ad), if you do this - use the one without the monitor distortion as there's no alpha channel in disembodieds original artwork

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:49 pm
by Pangloss
One more thing down... the final Ad Board. Couldn't have done it without the help of everyone contributing to the YAH thread. Special props goes out to Dr. Nil, who produced a LOT of these designs.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:59 pm
by Ark
Well I am in a friendly house and since I still do not have internet in my house I entered the forum from there.:twisted:

@Griff: The roof billboard with the happy frog is great but we have a big problem. The billboard has words. It would be perfect for a non rotating station but ours rotates so the billboard does not have symmetry. Is it possible to remove the words and add something else.

Moreover what should we do with pangloss glow ads. I do not know if you can see the problem but apparently the lower left gap was not necessary so the lower left add in the set is smaller than it has to be (the soobaru in the most recent set). Can this be fixed (at least in the most recent one)?

@Griff and Daddyhoggy: Also the problem with the non glowing shaders in the Sainsbbory does not exist. Apparently something was wrong with the screenshot. Strange!! or maybe my theory about the dark side of the station has a basic in simple shader mode. I will check it again

That is all for now I have to go

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:07 pm
by Griff
Ark, here's pangloss's first and second set of glow ads again, i noticed some problems with the glow map they were using, fixing the glow map has also fixed the problem you originally asked me to look at.

Code: Select all

"pangloss_glowads_for_trade_outpost" = 
   model = "griff_station_glowads.dat"; 
   roles = "griff_station_subent";    
   materials = 
        // Swap out texture when shaders are off 
        "griff_station_glow_ads.png" = { diffuse_map = "pangloss_glow_ads_set1.png"; }; 

   shaders = 
            "griff_station_glow_ads.png" = 
                vertex_shader = "ahruman-generic.vertex"; 
                fragment_shader = "griff_station_hull.fragment"; 
                textures = ("pangloss_glow_ads_set1.png"); 

Code: Select all

"pangloss_glowads_set2_for_trade_outpost" = 
   model = "griff_station_glowads.dat"; 
   roles = "griff_station_subent";    
   materials = 
        // Swap out texture when shaders are off 
        "griff_station_glow_ads.png" = { diffuse_map = "pangloss_glow_ads_set2.png"; }; 

   shaders = 
            "griff_station_glow_ads.png" = 
                vertex_shader = "ahruman-generic.vertex"; 
                fragment_shader = "griff_station_hull.fragment"; 
                textures = ("pangloss_glow_ads_set2.png"); 

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:19 pm
by Griff
Here's Pangloss's latest set

Code: Select all

"pangloss_glowads_set4_for_trade_outpost" = 
   model = "griff_station_glowads.dat"; 
   roles = "griff_station_subent";    
   materials = 
        // Swap out texture when shaders are off 
        "griff_station_glow_ads.png" = { diffuse_map = "pangloss_glow_ads_set4.png"; }; 

   shaders = 
            "griff_station_glow_ads.png" = 
                vertex_shader = "ahruman-generic.vertex"; 
                fragment_shader = "griff_station_hull.fragment"; 
                textures = ("pangloss_glow_ads_set4.png"); 
fab work yet again pangloss!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:03 am
by Ark
Griff I love you!!!!!! :D

What we still need in order to finish the 5 sets!! is

1. To decide what to do with the Happy Frog roof billboard.

For set E
2. A Roof billboard for the Sainsboory's. A pacman with arms and legs doing something (eating a fruit) would be ideal
3. A non shader version of the pacman adring
4. a 1x1 billboard ad

For the final 6th set i am going to have a replica of an existing station (i am lazy i know :oops: but in the original set there was a replica of Pi-42)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:12 pm
by DaddyHoggy
The other thing to think about is if Ads keep coming in on the YAH thread - there will soon be a set G and what after that? The original YAH with the old constores for older spec PCs and a whizzy Trade Station based alternative with the possibility of shady billboards into the future...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:29 pm
by Ark
DaddyHoggy wrote:
The other thing to think about is if Ads keep coming in on the YAH thread - there will soon be a set G and what after that? The original YAH with the old constores for older spec PCs and a whizzy Trade Station based alternative with the possibility of shady billboards into the future...
Well that is doc nil’s decision. If he wants to maintain 2 deferent versions of the same oxp one for low spec pcs and one for high end it is his choice. I have made the new version with the same monolithic stature of the old one for 3 reasons

1. Easy maintenance - creation of new sets.
2. Every player can chose how many and what sets will be installed in his oolite (as long as he has the basic package)
3. Not alienate Doc Nil from his oxp (it is his oxp after all)

Personally I would advice him to also keep the old version sets in his site for now until we have a stable oolite release but not maintain them (in other words not create new sets with the old stations)

I know that Doc Nil is not so active in the forum recently but I still want to believe that this will not be a permanent situation. If I am wrong we will see what we can do

Always remember that the name of this topic is replacing constores not completely change this oxp or dictate the future of this oxp

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:44 pm
by Pangloss
I have an idea for a final roof ad. I'm going with a cute alien look, which is drawn using simple blob shapes. He'll do SOMETHING from left to right... but first, I have to go to Denny's because it's FREE BREAKFAST FOR EVERYONE IN AMERICA DAY.

Offer in participating locations while supplies last, dine-in only, Grand Slam breakfast only.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:06 pm
by Ark
If you refering to the roof billboard of sainsboory's i asked for a pacman not an alien :cry:

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:23 pm
by Pangloss
Ark wrote:
If you refering to the roof billboard of sainsboory's i asked for a pacman not an alien :cry:
Well, you'll get an alien a Pacman and like it!


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:39 pm
by Ark
Imagine a constore with a pacman adring and an alien as a roof billboard. Oh man :cry: !! I do not want to see that.

If you want to do the alien for another station do it. Still there is an empty room in set C unless Griff modifies the happy frog (love that thing - so simple and clever) by removing the letters.

So we have:

scenario number 1
The modified happy frog in set_C and the the pacman in set_E

scenario number 2
Your alien in set_C, the pacman in set_E and a very nice gift to somebody else :wink: