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Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:35 am
by Lestradae
Thanks A_C :D ... will play around with that.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:25 pm
by allikat
Would someone be willing to tell me how to amend the YAH! scripts to allow it to spawn a specific station in places the regular YAH wouldn't?
I have an OOldi constore station built on the old shape, and want it to turn up in lower tech and less savoury systems than the usual YAH stations, but not conflict with them. (Don't want them spawning on top of the normal ones)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:12 pm
by Diziet Sma
Ooldi.. :lol: nice idea! be sure to share it with us when you have the bugs ironed out..

Re: ..

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:40 am
by Commander McLane
another_commander wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
Would it be possible via java script to create an entry on the missions page giving the datum as "1st of January 3125" or so for the Oolite "Galactic Mean Time" start date and then upgrade that, so that the datum is visible also?

I think it should be possible, not sure if I'd try to have a go at it.
Use the JavaScript Date object. In the example below, whenever the player launches, the current date (starting from 21 Mar 3125) appears on the screen. 21 Mar 3125 corresponds to 2084004 and the date is calculated based on days passed since. I'll leave the mission screens part to you.

Sorry to be picky on this one, but Oolite isn't set in 3125. Elite is set in 3125. Oolite, however, is not exactly the same, time-wise. It has new technologies, like fuel injection etc. Therefore it must be a little later. Selezen in his timeline sets it an arbitrary 16 years later (he gives a reason why he choses this number, please read for yourself). So Oolite starts in 3141, not 3125.

(Actually it's even worse. Long time ago I alerted Selezen that there is a lapse of thinking in his reasoning for 3125 as the Elite-date. But as this date has become practically canonical, probably it won't be possible to change it again.)

Re: ..

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:06 am
by another_commander
Commander McLane wrote:
Sorry to be picky on this one, but Oolite isn't set in 3125. Elite is set in 3125. Oolite, however, is not exactly the same, time-wise. It has new technologies, like fuel injection etc. Therefore it must be a little later. Selezen in his timeline sets it an arbitrary 16 years later (he gives a reason why he choses this number, please read for yourself). So Oolite starts in 3141, not 3125.
The year in the example is a random number and does not have anything to do with any timeline. Consider me lucky for being only 16 years off. Whoever decides to use this example can make sure that the year shown corresponds to cfanon.

Re: ..

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:33 am
by Lestradae
Commander McLane wrote:
... Elite is set in 3125. Oolite, however, is not exactly the same, time-wise. It has new technologies, like fuel injection etc. Therefore it must be a little later. Selezen in his timeline sets it an arbitrary 16 years later (he gives a reason why he choses this number, please read for yourself). So Oolite starts in 3141, not 3125. ... there is a lapse of thinking in his reasoning for 3125 as the Elite-date. But as this date has become practically canonical, probably it won't be possible to change it again.)
Well ... if this is done as a little oxp, perhaps "canonical" could be defined by it. So either Selezen could alter his timeline accordingly or the oxp could simply set the "1st January 3141" as the Oolite start date.

For purely aesthetical reasons, I would find 3140 nicer, but there you go.

What about you, McLane - you could do the oxp, similar to the reputation ones, no? Since you are basically the canonicals guy here, I'd say.

If no one else does it at some point I'll probably try my hand, but there are many people who could do this better than myself.

Re: ..

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:27 pm
by Commander McLane
Lestradae wrote:
What about you, McLane - you could do the oxp, similar to the reputation ones, no? Since you are basically the canonicals guy here, I'd say.
Personally I am perfectly fine with 2084004, so I wouldn't want to convert that into some year AD. So I can't promise anything. Perhaps, if I get some time (I am not using the display_reputation as well, anyway :wink: )...

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:11 pm
by JensAyton
The canonical starting date for Oolite is 2084004. The relationship between this date and the Gregorian or any other calendar is not addressed in canon. </Word of Demigod>


Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:06 pm
by Lestradae

So then, oh demi-creator ours, give us a date :twisted:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:03 pm
by Cmdr James
Ahruman wrote:
The canonical starting date for Oolite is 2084004. The relationship between this date and the Gregorian or any other calendar is not addressed in canon. </Word of Demigod>
And makes no sense in the ooniverse, what is a day (Earth day?) month or year? These are useful for Earth dwellers because they relate to our orbit and rotation, but make no sense for space travellers. I think it is deliberate that the dates in oolite are not cleanly mapped to the Gregorian calendar. Feel free to do so if you wish, but I dont think it will ever be meaningful.

I know its just a game, but then I dont see how earth dates make life easier or better for a player.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:38 pm
by SiriusCG
Greetings Commanders...

Other than the wiki, which appears to be down for an unknown length of time, is there somewhere else one can find the specs for the scripting language(s) in Oolite?

I've been reading through the code in a few of the oxps that I've downloaded, but a more comprehensive document would be helpful.

Cheers and thanks.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:36 pm
by another_commander
SiriusCG wrote:
Other than the wiki, which appears to be down for an unknown length of time, is there somewhere else one can find the specs for the scripting language(s) in Oolite?
For JavaScript, you can find a large number of tutorials for various level of competencies, as well as references on the web. For Oolite specific stuff, like properties and handlers that are available, you can download the source code and have a look inside the src/Core/Scripting folder, where all the game's JS classes, their properties and methods are defined. I would recommend that you concentrate on JavaScript for scripting. The legacy scripting system is basically for compatibility with older OXPs these days and JS is far more powerful, faster and overall better.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:24 pm
by SiriusCG
Thx for the info a_c... I shall take a look at the source... I've got some JS background on a few other projects so I think I'll be able to grok the JS classes, etc as you point out.

Cheers. 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:31 am
by Commander McLane
Ahruman wrote:
Fixed the link for you. :wink:


Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:06 pm
by Lestradae
Commander McLane wrote:
Ahruman wrote:
Fixed the link for you. :wink:
So, is Ahruman now Demigod or Dante?