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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:47 am
by another_commander
A good strategy when creating OXPs is to not have any others installed. With 600+ expansions and increasing it is very easy for cross-talk between OXPs to occur. If your expansion depends on others, just install whatever is absolutely necessary for it to function and nothing else.

The same is good practice when reporting bugs too. Unless a reported bug can be reproduced without any OXPs present, chances that one of the core devs will dedicate time to it are small.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:09 am
by Reval
I haven't come across it anywhere in the Wiki, but is there a method for changing the player's legal status? Is it possible at all?

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:12 am
by montana05
Reval wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:09 am
I haven't come across it anywhere in the Wiki, but is there a method for changing the player's legal status? Is it possible at all?
try bounty in the Oolite JavaScript Reference: Ship:

bounty : Number (read/write integer)

The bounty on the ship.

In 1.77, changes to the bounty are given a reason. If you change this directly, the reason sent to shipBountyChanged will be "scripted". To set a different reason, use setBounty instead.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:20 pm
by Reval

Would anyone happen to know the acceptable maxima for a ship's maxForwardShields, maxEnergy, maxRechargeRate? ie. 0..???

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 7:24 am
by another_commander
All three appear to be unlimited.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:46 am
by Reval
What is a "non-localised name"? - as in the following:

The playerSoldCargo handler is called when cargo is sold at the market screen. commodity contains the non-localised name for the cargo. You can get the localised name using expandDescription("[commodity-name "+commodity+"]");

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:16 am
by another_commander
It is the commodity name that the game sees internally and refers to. The localized name is the name used for displaying on screen and has to be a sεparate thing from the non-localized name because it can be used in potential localization OXPs (e.g. Italian, Russian, etc). The same goes for pretty much everyhting in the game. Ships for example have a name and a displayName property for this reason.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:30 am
by Reval
How does one change the colour of a HUD's energy bars? I've tried just about everything in hud.plist, including things like

color_medium = "newColor";
color_high = "newColor";


color = "newColor";


rgb_color = (X,X,X);

('new' here being any of the Wiki's documented colour values, like cyan, yellow, orange, magenta etc) ...

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:19 am
by another_commander

Code: Select all

{	// speed bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
	draw_surround	= yes;
	height		= 8;
	selector	= "drawSpeedBar:";
	width		= 80;
	x		= 200;
	y		= 95;
	y_origin	= -1;
	color_medium = "blueColor";
This works for me.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:50 am
by Reval
Many thanks, but that didn't work for me, I'm afraid. The bars stay yellow :(

Edit - but it's the Energy bars I'm trying to change.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:07 am
by another_commander
OK, this works for me:

Code: Select all

{	// energy gauge, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
	draw_surround	= yes;
	height		= 48;
	selector	= "drawEnergyGauge:";
	width		= 80;
	x		= 200;
	y		= 35;
	y_origin	= -1;
	labelled	= yes;
	color_medium = "blueColor";
For the energy bars, you only get color_medium and color_low. There is no color_high there.
Edit: Also, retry after removing all OXPs.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:08 am
by Reval
Again, changing color_medium only gave me the usual yellow bars. Here's my entire (non-working) entry:

Code: Select all

		{	// energy gauge, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
			draw_surround	= yes;
			height		= 48;
			selector	= "drawEnergyGauge:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= 200;
			y		= 35;
			y_origin	= -1;
			labelled	= no;
			color_medium = "orangeColor";			

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:09 am
by Reval
another_commander wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:07 am
Edit: Also, retry after removing all OXPs.
Ah, OK, I'll give it a go on a clean install...

Edit: even on a completely non-OXP's install, my energy bars remain yellow.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:26 am
by Reval
And, FWIW, here's my entire hud.plist:

Code: Select all

	crosshair_scale		= 32.0;
	crosshair_width		= 1.5;
	crosshair_color		= "greenColor";
	dials			= //these are drawn, in order, after the legends
		{	// Targeting enhancement
			equipment_required 	= "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET";
			selector		= "drawTargetReticle:";
			// reticle_scale = 0.015625 /* 1/64 is default */
			target_rgba = "greenColor";
			target_sensitive_rgba = "redColor";
			wormhole_rgba = "cyanColor";
		{	// Waypoint display
			equipment_required 	= "EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS";
			selector		= "drawWaypoints:";
		{	// scanner
			alpha		= 1.0;
			selector	= "drawScanner:";
			x		= 0;
			y		= 68;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 64.0;
			width		= 288.0;
			rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.4, 0.3);
		{	// scanner zoom indicator
			alpha		= 1.0;
			selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
			x		= 100;
			y		= 36;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// compass
			alpha		= 1.0;
			selector	= "drawCompass:";
			x		= 132;
			y		= 32;
			y_origin	= -1;
			rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
		{	// station aegis
			alpha		= 1.0;
			selector	= "drawAegis:";
			x		= -132;
			y		= 32;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// fuel scoop status
			alpha		= 0.75;
			selector	= "drawScoopStatus:";
			x		= -132;
			y		= 92;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// speed bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
			draw_surround	= yes;
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawSpeedBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= 200;
			y		= 94;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// Reval - digital speed
			data_source = "shipSpeed"; 
			selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alert_conditions = 14; // hide when docked
			alpha = 1.0; 
			height = 13; 
			width = 15; 
			x = 180; 
			y = 68; 
			y_origin = -1; 
		{	// energy gauge, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
			draw_surround	= yes;
			height		= 48;
			selector	= "drawEnergyGauge:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= 200;
			y		= 35;
			y_origin	= -1;
			labelled	= no;
			color_medium = "orangeColor";			
		{	// forward shield bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
			draw_surround	= yes;
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawForwardShieldBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 94;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// aft shield bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
			draw_surround	= yes;
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawAftShieldBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 78;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// just draws a surround 2 units around the selected size
			height		= 40;
			color		= "yellowColor";
			selector	= "drawSurround:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 46;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// fuel bar
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawFuelBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 61;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// cabin temperature bar
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawCabinTempBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 51;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// weapon temperature bar
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawWeaponTempBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 41;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// altitude bar
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawAltitudeBar:";
			width		= 80;
			x		= -200;
			y		= 31;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// missile display, x and y give the location, the x-spacing is given by spacing, the size defines the icon size
			height		= 12;
			selector	= "drawMissileDisplay:";
			spacing		= 16;
			width		= 12;
			x		= -228;
			y		= 16;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// status indicator light, x and y give the location, the size defines the icon size
			height		= 8;
			selector	= "drawStatusLight:";
			width		= 8;
			x		= -108;
			y		= 32;
			y_origin	= -1;
		{	// ship's clock, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size
			height		= 12;
			selector	= "drawClock:";
			width		= 12;
			x		= -41;
			y		= 18;
			y_origin	= -1;
			rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
		{	// primed equipment, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size, n_bars is the number of items to show (default 1)
			selector	= "drawPrimedEquipment:";
			y_origin = -1;
			x = 156;
			y = -2;
			width		= 10;
			height		= 10;
			rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.6, 0.5);
		{	// compass beacon/waypoint ID, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size
			equipment_required 	= "EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS";
			selector		= "drawASCTarget:";
			height		= 12;
			width		= 12;
			x		= 144;
			y		= 4;
			y_origin	= -1;
			align = 1;
			rgb_color	= (1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // target names in white
		{	// weapons systems offline text, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size
			height		= 10;
			selector	= "drawWeaponsOfflineText:";
			width		= 10;
			y_origin = -1;
			x = -51; // Reval - was -51 (screen center)
			y = -2; // Reval - was -51 (screen center)
			rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
		{	// fps counter, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size
			height		= 18;
			selector	= "drawFPSInfoCounter:";
			width		= 18;
			x		= -300;
			y		= -20;
			y_origin	= 1;
			rgb_color	= (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	legends		= // these are drawn, in order, before the dials, add any other images you want here
		{	// LHS
			text		= "FWD";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 86;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 12;
			width		= 12;
			with_dial	= "drawForwardShieldBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
		{	text		= "AFT";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 70;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 12;
			width		= 12;
			with_dial	= "drawAftShieldBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
			text		= "FUEL";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 55;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 10;
			width		= 10;
			with_dial	= "drawFuelBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
			text		= "CT";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 45;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 10;
			width		= 10;
			with_dial	= "drawCabinTempBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
			text		= "LT";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 34;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 10;
			width		= 10;
			with_dial	= "drawWeaponTempBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
			text		= "ALT";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 24;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 10;
			width		= 10;
			with_dial	= "drawAltitudeBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
			text		= "MISS";
			align		= 1;
			x		= -245;
			y		= 3;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 14;
			width		= 14;
			with_dial	= "drawMissileDisplay:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
		{	// on a separate line with speed readout
			text		= "SPD";
			x		= 155;
			y		= 68;
			y_origin	= -1;
			height		= 14;
			width		= 14;
			with_dial	= "drawSpeedBar:";
			color = (0.0, 0.5, 0.4);
	multi_function_displays = (
			width = 198;
			height = 132;
			x = -156;
			y = -72;
			y_origin = 1;
			width = 198;
			height = 132;
			x = 156;
			y = -72;
			y_origin = 1;
	message_gui = {
		width = 252;
		height = 140;
		x = 128;
		y = -60;
		row_height = 14;
		permanent = no;
		background_automatic = yes;
		// default background transparent
		background_rgba = "0.0 0.05 0.45 0.0";
		text_color = "yellowColor";
		text_comms_color = "greenColor";
	comm_log_gui = {
		alpha = "0.75";
		width = 216;
		height = 132;
		x = -156;
		y = -68;
		row_height = 12;
		permanent = no;
		automatic = yes;
		background_rgba = "0.0 0.05 0.45 0.5";		
	overall_alpha	= 0.75;
	reticle_target_sensitive = no;
	cloak_indicator_on_status_light = yes;
	scanner_minimalistic = yes;
	scanner_non_linear = yes;
	scanner_ultra_zoom = yes;

And perhaps it might be relevant to add that this is an OXP - I'm no longer tinkering with the original hud.plist in Resources/Config. All my other colour changes work fine.

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:36 am
by another_commander
Did a Select All and pasted your code into an AddOns\TestHUD.oxp\Config\hud.plist file. Run the game, orange bars visible right away without changing anything in your code.