@ mods -- maybe its better to splitt this diskussion
!!! standard game
where does the energy come from?
- the answer " from the machine" is not satisfying
i have just tried -- all fuel exhausted by injection / then stopped flying further on
to be shure that its empty - inititated fuel to energy (oxp)
==>> i have no fuel anymore
now started "range finder" - till my energy is near zero
before zero i stopped this
==> energy banks begin to reload.
where does the energy comes from?
-- fuel is not the answer!
====>> alcohol initiated idea
the HQVEE --- (Hawking Qantum Vakuum Energie Extractor )
-> replacing the energie recharge number with the number of max. HQVEE
-- every HQVEE makes 0,1 recharge ( for 3,0 recharge you'll need 30 HQVEE
the max. number of HQVEE should fit to the former energy recharge rate of an actual ship
EEU & NEU / why HQVEE?
...to make it logical
the HQVEE produces energy -- but "dirty" energy => only ~10% are useable
EEU - cleans the HQVEE energy so that more energy can be used ( x% )
NEU - cleans to y%
for the game
++++ new buyable equipment that doesn't change gameplaying - but makes it more realistic
----- a lot of work for the developpers
++++ could preserve a lot of questions from players / and maybe - helps for making a energy-float-diagram