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Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:51 am
by UK_Eliter
Commander McLane wrote:
I'm happy to announce that [EliteWiki] Anarchies.oxp has been updated to version 2.4, which works with Oolite 1.75. :)

Other OXPs of mine will follow in (hopefully) short order.

EDIT: [EliteWiki] Flying Dutchman.oxp updated as well.

EDIT: And so is [EliteWiki] Generation Ships.oxp.
Good stuff!

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:26 am
by Okti
Hi Eric,

I just came across with that in my log file.
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (ups_container 1.7.5): TypeError: Math.Random is not a function
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ../AddOns/UPS-courier v1.7.5.oxp/Scripts/ups_container.js, line 532.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:17 am
by Smivs
Commander McLane wrote:
I'm happy to announce that [EliteWiki] Anarchies.oxp has been updated to version 2.4, which works with Oolite 1.75. :)

Other OXPs of mine will follow in (hopefully) short order.

EDIT: [EliteWiki] Flying Dutchman.oxp updated as well.

EDIT: And so is [EliteWiki] Generation Ships.oxp.
All three now show as OK in the compatibility column.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:49 am
by Eric Walch
Okti wrote:
Hi Eric,

I just came across with that in my log file.
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (ups_container 1.7.5): TypeError: Math.Random is not a function
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ../AddOns/UPS-courier v1.7.5.oxp/Scripts/ups_container.js, line 532.
Thanks, I fix it in a next release. It will be a very rare bug that must have been there since the beginning. The bug triggers only after having destroyed 10 or more of the normal pirate rocks. (in my save file the count is only at 7 :!: ). It will stop the player from getting more missions of this type but will do no big harm. I'll include it in a later update, not now.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:48 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
Eric Walch wrote:
Update for thargoid containing oxps

The npc missile launches always had an interesting 'feature' that when the missile_launch_position was defined inside the bounding box, the missile got 10 m/sec extra speed for every meter it was from the outside of the bounding box. This resulted in launch positions close to the ships center having a very strong extra speed boost. Examples are the thargons from the thargoids that were thrown out at high speed, for the internal thargoids, while ox's that used a more correct position, like the Griff ones, didn't have that extra speed.

Somehow that looked wrong. And now it seems that even the direction was wrong: not away from the ship, but always along the same system vector, no matter of the position of the ship. The only thing preventing missiles from crashing was additional code that made missiles crash-proof during the first 0.25 seconds of their existence.

Anyhow, this code is now removed, resulting in a new problem: the missile_launch_position of thargoids was defined exactly behind the ship at the same position as the aft_eject_position. This will cause thargons to immediately crash into their mother. I examined many ox's with thargoids and all added the thargons wrong. The only exception are Griff his thargoids.

Trunk will now check for such wrong launch positions at [0,0,-x] and replace it with a default position. It will also write an error to the log to inform that the position was wrong, so that oxp makers know that they have to update their work.
(from the "Progress" thread in "Discussion")

I've gone through and re-downloaded my oxps, started Oolite, and let the all ships appear on the start-up screen. I left it a while, and it must have gone through some of them more than once. Anyway, these popped up in my log file.

Code: Select all

[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x9fa561b8>{"Thargoid Warship" position: (-8062.63, -8443.24, 363418) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x9fa561b8>{"Thargoid Warship" position: (-9283.38, -9627.06, 361096) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x9fa561b8>{"Thargoid Warship" position: (-9398.72, -9793.93, 360857) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x9fa561b8>{"Thargoid Warship" position: (-9440.84, -9812.89, 360815) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x9fa561b8>{"Thargoid Warship" position: (-10147.9, -9586.17, 360928) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x8be605e0>{"Thargoid Pathfinder" position: (4020.85, -9826.29, 13206.8) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x8be605e0>{"Thargoid Pathfinder" position: (3960.4, -9613.78, 12995.7) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x8be605e0>{"Thargoid Pathfinder" position: (3947.44, -9569.88, 12950.4) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x8be605e0>{"Thargoid Pathfinder" position: (3931.95, -9515.77, 12896.2) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
[ship.missileLaunch.invalidPosition]: ***** ERROR: The missile_launch_position defines a position (0, 0, -20.5) behind the <ShipEntity 0x8be605e0>{"Thargoid Pathfinder" position: (3890.59, -9368.21, 12751.5) scanClass: CLASS_THARGOID status: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT}. In future versions such missiles may explode on launch because they have to travel through the ship.
I remembered reading something about it, so I searched the forum and found Eric's post. And then searched my AddOns folder using grep to see where the offending lines are. In the shipdata.plist file for the relevant oxps, we have:


TCAT uses a like_ship to thargoid in the Pathfinders in lines 932 and 941 for the "TCAT_warship" and the "TCAT_armadaWarship"


Griff uses
missile_launch_position = "0.0 -58.0 -0.0";
(line 6338 in the all in 1, in "griff_thargoid_template", which according to above is okay.)

DeepSpace Ships uses
missile_launch_position = "0.0 0.0 -20.5";
(line 2410 in the version which works with other shipsets, in "ds-alt-thargoid")

Smivs (standard) uses
missile_launch_position = "0.0 0.0 -20.5";
(line 2334 in "thargoid")

Neolites uses
missile_launch_position = "0.0 0.0 -20.5";
(line 3864 in "neolite-thargoid")

Thargoid Wars uses
<string>0.0 0.0 -20.5</string>
(lines 60, 61 in "thargoid_wars_decoy")

Should all of the above be changed to match Griff's values?

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:58 pm
by Eric Walch
Mauiby de Fug wrote:
Should all of the above be changed to match Griff's values?
The optimal value depends on the ship geometry and the tharglets geometry. Griffs values are okay. But for thargoids that use the same mesh as the internal thargoids I would suggest the same value as the current internal value:

Code: Select all

missile_launch_position = "0.0 -46.0 91.0";
Having the release point a bit in front of the ship lowers the change of colliding with the mother. For real missiles not a problem as they fly fast but tharglets might get hit by a turning mother when not in a front position. (Although is never witnessed such a problem with Griffs location).
Thargoid Wars uses
<string>0.0 0.0 -20.5</string>
(lines 60, 61 in "thargoid_wars_decoy")
Somehow I missed that one. I probably did not look at that ship because it is a decoy that never will try to launch missiles, even when 5 are defined for it. (it uses a dumbAI.plist) Ignore that position, but I'll change it for a next version and set max_missiles to 0 to avoid confusion.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:12 pm
by Thargoid
And for TCAT, as you rightly say it uses like_ship so as to pick up on the installed thargoids (in case they have been replaced by Griff's or someone elses). So fixing the trunk ones or their replacements will automagically fix TCAT too.

There are some specific built-in models for the other alien craft in TCAT, but they should not be affected as they have calculated launch-points.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:33 pm
by Smivs
it seems that Deepspace, Neolyte and Smivs'Shipset have all taken the missile_launch position from an earlier version of Oolite (1.73 I believe in my case), which is why they are all the same.
As far as Smivs'Shipset is concerned I will amend this in the next update.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:46 pm
by Eric Walch
I just opened my box account and noticed at the account details: 92% of monthly bandwidth. I did notice a strongly increased number of downloads since 1.75 was released and feared some time that download limit would be reached before the month ended. Just a luck that February has just 28 days. :P

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:06 pm
by Commander McLane
Thargoid wrote:
And for TCAT, as you rightly say it uses like_ship so as to pick up on the installed thargoids (in case they have been replaced by Griff's or someone elses). So fixing the trunk ones or their replacements will automagically fix TCAT too.

There are some specific built-in models for the other alien craft in TCAT, but they should not be affected as they have calculated launch-points.
I had to fix the positions in SecondWave, however. And I think that was after I downloaded the post-1.75 version.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:09 pm
by Thargoid
Second Wave also like_ships, so again it may be better to fix the ship source rather than just that implementation of it.

The only difference there is it like_ship's both the tharglet and the thargoid entities.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:27 pm
by Eric Walch
Thargoid wrote:
Second Wave also like_ships, so again it may be better to fix the ship source rather than just that implementation of it.

The only difference there is it like_ship's both the tharglet and the thargoid entities.
It does use like ships, but for some it adds additional launch_positions. And those are wrong. But I have a version from 2009. It might be okay in the current one.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:31 pm
by Thargoid
Eric Walch wrote:
When I looked, it did not use like_ships for all its ships. But maybe I don't have the latest version.
Second Wave current version is 1.31, and does (and has never) contained any models. All it does is change the textures and AIs used, plus some of the ship stats for the "thargoid" and the "tharglet" entities.

I just noticed that the Thargoids do indeed re-define missile launch positions (I've no idea when or why I set that in) - that should probably be removed anyway. So my apologies to McLane, he is indeed right that it needs fixing. Simplest will be just to remove those explicit position settings I think, and let it inherit the trunk (or replacement) ones.

Version 1.32 will be posted in a moment or three...

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:52 pm
by Commander McLane
It's not about models, only about shipdata. In SecondWave 1.31 there are exactly six instances of

Code: Select all

"missile_launch_position" = "0.0 0.0 -20.5";
which I corrected in my local copy.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:56 pm
by Thargoid
And version 1.32 which I just uploaded removes those, and also makes the modification from missile role "thargon" to role "EQ_THARGON". The positions shouldn't be there at all, as the entity may be overwritten on some peoples systems by new models. Hence it should inherit those values from the source ship.

Looks like something got screwed up when I updated to 1.31. Both of those should have been done then but seemingly got missed and only the tharglets got updated. Anyway all fixed now.