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Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:35 am
by maik
CheeseRedux wrote:
It's called "~script.js", though. Don't know it that makes a difference.
I downloaded it just before you posted and it's still called script.js for me...?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:58 am
by CheeseRedux
maik wrote:
CheeseRedux wrote:
It's called "~script.js", though. Don't know it that makes a difference.
I downloaded it just before you posted and it's still called script.js for me...?
My download is from last night too.

I can only come up with two explanations:

1. Eric switched things up last night, causing us to get different versions. (Unlikely)
2. Different OSs display the name differently. (Not that unlikely)
I'm on WinXP. You?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:11 am
by Eric Walch
CheeseRedux wrote:
I can only come up with two explanations:

1. Eric switched things up last night, causing us to get different versions. (Unlikely)
2. Different OSs display the name differently. (Not that unlikely)
I'm on WinXP. You?
My upload is unchanged since june 2010.

3. There is also an old version of the oxp installed. Everything will be overwritten by my version because the names are identical, but not the script and the script in the other oxp is still active.

Adding a tilde before the name should be enough to make it a fully different name for the computer, while the human eye immediately sees what file it is. (and that it is disabled from loading)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:14 am
by maik
CheeseRedux wrote:
maik wrote:
CheeseRedux wrote:
It's called "~script.js", though. Don't know it that makes a difference.
I downloaded it just before you posted and it's still called script.js for me...?
My download is from last night too.

I can only come up with two explanations:

1. Eric switched things up last night, causing us to get different versions. (Unlikely)
2. Different OSs display the name differently. (Not that unlikely)
I'm on WinXP. You?
3. I was talking about Griff's version and you were talking about Eric's version. ;-)

I'm on OS X.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:25 am
by CheeseRedux
maik wrote:
3. I was talking about Griff's version and you were talking about Eric's version. ;-)
Yeah, that'll do it. :D

To summarize the total hijacking of this thread:

- GriffKrait v1.1 contains "script.js" which will spawn a few of them unless renamed or removed.
- GriffKrait vEW contains "~script.js" which will not spawn anything unless renamed to "script.js".

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:37 am
by dogscoff
I removed the script file, the bad kraits went away.

Next OXP question: I have the FamousPlanets 2.5 oxp installed, but Lave, Zaonce etc don't look particularly famous. I don't think the oxp is working. I see the liners occasionally (and even came across a swarm of escape pods once, which I suspect came from a liner), but that's a seperate OXP.

I should know, right? I should launch from Lave station, take one look at the planet and immediately go "oooooh pretty, that OXP is definitely working." Also, the F7 screen should look different, shouldn't it?

Does famousplanets have any known incompatibilities? Have I neglected to switch it on somehow?

I've tried loading the game with the shift key pressed, makes no difference. Is there a way of manually clearing the cache, other than shift key?

OS is Ubunutu 64bit, if that helps. Game is 1.74.2.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:14 am
by Commander McLane
dogscoff wrote:
I have the FamousPlanets 2.5 oxp installed, but Lave, Zaonce etc don't look particularly famous.
What would it need to make a planet "look famous"?

What FamousPlanets.oxp does is to give the so-called famous planets one unique texture each (as opposed to SystemRedux.oxp, which randomly assign one of a bunch of textures to every planet, meaning that multiple planets will have the same texture, because we have 2048 planets in the game, and only 50-or-so different textures). And it probably changes the planet description on the F7-screen. But mainly it gives you written background info on how and why the planet is famous in a PDF-document which you have to read besides your game, because it cannot appear in-game. That's—as far as I know—all that's to it.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:56 am
by dogscoff
Well, the planets in question seem to have the old-fashioned randomly-generated textures. I was expecting pretty planets with visible cities, oceans, landmasses, clouds etc like in

Instead Lave is just a swirly green colour.

I assumed the descriptive texts in the pdf would also appear in f7.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:08 pm
by CheeseRedux
dogscoff wrote:
Is there a way of manually clearing the cache, other than shift key?
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong here, but I was under the impression that switching to strict mode (and back) would clear the cache.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:11 pm
by Commander McLane
dogscoff wrote:
Well, the planets in question seem to have the old-fashioned randomly-generated textures. I was expecting pretty planets with visible cities, oceans, landmasses, clouds etc like in

Instead Lave is just a swirly green colour.
This suggests a not-correctly installed (or indeed not-working) OXP.

Can you post the content of your logfile?