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Re: Group dogfight tactics

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:05 pm
by Sendraks
el_Paraguayo wrote:
What tactics do people use for dogfighting large groups of ships?
Depends on what I'm flying.

When I've been in haulers, my preference has been to turn tail and use my aft mil laser to desuade the pirates. Judicious use of fuel injector to maintain distance as much as possible and keeping pipping away.

In combat ships like others here I start with sniping, then close range quickly using injectors to get behind the enemy vessels and take them out, using missiles as appropriate.

If you're flying a ship that has turrets (which are short range) then you're best served getting in close so they can do their work. Ofc if you're up against something that has turrets, you may well want to stay at range.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:52 pm
by FlammableFlower
After a few Navy missions chasing Thargoids I decided I wanted a Caduceus. The side turrets on that are great - approaching at mid-speed wearing them down with the front military laser, then once in range (~6K) turning side on and using the pitch and yaw controls to keep on target. Full-on plasma bursts + side military laser are really useful for dealing with bugs. Turns out you can't do the same thing on a Renegade Naval Frigate though.....

I've got to learn better missile technique though. I normally forget to use them, and then if I remember in the panic, I burn the lot on one target and regret the bounty to missile cost ratio...

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:02 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
FlammableFlower wrote:
After a few Navy missions chasing Thargoids I decided I wanted a Caduceus. The side turrets on that are great - approaching at mid-speed wearing them down with the front military laser, then once in range (~6K) turning side on and using the pitch and yaw controls to keep on target. Full-on plasma bursts + side military laser are really useful for dealing with bugs. Turns out you can't do the same thing on a Renegade Naval Frigate though.....
That's the same tactic I use on Bug cruisers and battleships, though I might throw a hardhead or military missile at them to soften my prey up a bit. The SunGun turrets on my Omega is good for some finisher blows to warships - especially after heating my lasers on the big Bugs.

Now rogue frigates need a long-range attack, a nuke launch immediately followed with a barrage with fore or aft mil laser. You want to keep your distance; the frigate's flak batteries are short range, but nasty.
The same tactic also works on pirate Kirins and Griff Boas.

Re:Group dogfight tactics

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 6:56 pm
by Cholmondely
Are these tactics still good?
docwild wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:48 pm
I'll share some of my tactics, these are mostly anecdotal so you'll have to experiment for yourself. I don't really like the snipey way of doing it. I say get in among them. Fly like a madman, you will only improve with time.

1. If you're heading directly towards them then you present a still target to shoot. A small hit on them may cause them to turn and attack you, they will then present a still target to you. Keep moving at 90 degrees to them, until you are ready to kill.

2. Collapsing shields will cause a ship to break formation, use this to split large groups. I recommend Nelson's tactic of getting in among them, upsetting their formation. Attack the strongest first.

3. When you see the whites of there eyes... STOP. They will burn their engines trying to get a bead on you and all you have to do is turn and pick them off. If they start hitting you, create distance and change directions. (This is actually an AI bug, shhh, they don't know what to do if you're still when close). When close, it is advantageous to be travelling slower, when far away it is better to be travelling faster than your opponent.

4. When facing multiples, don't concentrate on the ones running away from you. Let them run and get the others who are still trying to shoot you.

5. If you're chasing them, it is better to be on an identical heading. This way they will be still on your screen. You can do this by getting very close, stopping, and then following them.

6. Know the shape of your ship, present the smallest profile to them while your guns are charging, only moving towards them when ready to fire.

7. Use your speed control like a weapon. Suddenly stopping can turn being chased to being the one who chases. Ramming small ships to death is also fun and I defy you not to shout "Ramming Speed Mr. Sulu", while you're doing it.

8. Know your enemy. If done correctly, you can cause a wolfpack of pirates to chase you until they are in range of Navy frigates or police squads. Then just wait for the cargo to pop out.

It'd be awesome to have a strafe control, where you can turn your ship without affecting the direction of movement. It'd be visually impressive too, I imagine.