Famous Planets 2.5.OXP and Famous Planets for Povray

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Post by DaddyHoggy »

pagroove wrote:
I've stumbled upon the following thing that makes Famous Planets 2.5. unnecessary large than it has to be.

If you have already downloaded the whole package then please go into the texture directory and delete the sub directory G2WIP. This was a Work in progress dir and this should free about 200 mb.

Sorry I did'nt spot this earlier. I asked Lestradae to repackage the file with all the bug-fixes and then re-upload it. So The size will be reduced.

Also did a very light version with textures 512 by 384 and then the texture directory is only 56 mb.
Expect it to be up soon.
Won't Oolite have to scale the 384 aspect of the texture up to 512? I thought Oolite textures needed to be ratios that were powers of 2 (or they're scaled?)
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by JensAyton »

pagroove wrote:
Also did a very light version with textures 512 by 384
These will be rescaled to 512 × 256 each time they’re loaded.
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Ahruman wrote:
pagroove wrote:
Also did a very light version with textures 512 by 384
These will be rescaled to 512 × 256 each time they’re loaded.
Damn I had a choice of two - scale up or scale down - and I picked up! :oops:
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by JensAyton »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
Damn I had a choice of two - scale up or scale down - and I picked up! :oops:
The rule used is: 2/3 of the size, rounded up to a power of two. 384 is rounded down, 385 is rounded up.
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Post by Zieman »

512 x 384 ???!!!???
Why change texture proportions from 2:1 to 4:3 ?
Doesn't make sense...

The hi-res textures are 4096 x 2048, downscaling them will result in 2048 x 1024, 1024 x 512 or 512 x 256, if we stick to power of 2 dimensions.

Oh yes, one planet was at 8192 x 4096.

As a side note, little cleaning of the base/hi-res set might be a good idea, as there are several textures with weird dimensions, like 1010 x 509, 4088 x 1984, 4096 x 2000 and a couple of not power of 2 textures, like 4000 x 2000 and 1600 x 800.
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Post by drew »

Utterly, utterly awesome pagroove!

Amazing work, bravo!


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Post by DGill »

Excellent work, very much appreciate your efforts.

Seems a couple of errors in the log file, however:

[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (System Redux 1.0 1.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Welcome Information Script 0.7): Ship.hasEquipment("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") is deprecated, use ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") == "EQUIPMENT_OK" instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Onria.png".
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Onria.png".
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Welcome Information Script 0.7): Ship.hasEquipment("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") is deprecated, use ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") == "EQUIPMENT_OK" instead.

I suppose "onria.png" is a typo - should be Onrira

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Post by Thargoid »

Updating your Welcome Mat to 1.10 will cure some of those.

Just noticed I forgot to upload that one to box :oops: It's up and available now.
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Post by pagroove »

DGill wrote:
Excellent work, very much appreciate your efforts.

Seems a couple of errors in the log file, however:

[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (System Redux 1.0 1.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Welcome Information Script 0.7): Ship.hasEquipment("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") is deprecated, use ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") == "EQUIPMENT_OK" instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Onria.png".
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Onria.png".
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Welcome Information Script 0.7): Ship.hasEquipment("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") is deprecated, use ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_WELCOME_MAT") == "EQUIPMENT_OK" instead.

I suppose "onria.png" is a typo - should be Onrira

thnx I will look into that.
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Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

DGill wrote:
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning (Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2): Planet.setTexture() is deprecated, use planet.texture = "foo" instead.
DOH! Sorry, I thought I'd fixed that before I sent it back to PAGroove.
Open the script.js file, and change line 101 from:

Code: Select all

system.mainPlanet.setTexture(system.name + '.png');

Code: Select all

system.mainPlanet.texture = (system.name + '.png');
As for the file.notFound error - It's a typo on line 212 of the planetinfo.plist. Just open the file, add the missing 'r', re-save. You should be golden.

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Post by pagroove »

Thanx Cheyd!

BTW anyone visited any new planets?
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Post by DGill »

Thanks Cheyd

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Post by ZygoUgo »

As beautiful as these are it seems impossible to extend this project to all eight galaxies due to the amount of memory it requires, which is a shame. Is it possible to manually make up the generated planet seeds to approximate the the planets image instead of using textures? Is there a description anywhere of exactly how the planet seeds (would) work?
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

ZygoUgo wrote:
As beautiful as these are it seems impossible to extend this project to all eight galaxies due to the amount of memory it requires, which is a shame. Is it possible to manually make up the generated planet seeds to approximate the the planets image instead of using textures? Is there a description anywhere of exactly how the planet seeds (would) work?
Surely, you just break them up into Galaxy based subsets?

A core oxp (ala YAH) that sets it all up and then sets 1 to 8 which you pull in and move out as you move from chart to chart. After all no point in having all those enormous textures ready to go for chart 1 if you're in chart 2.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by JensAyton »

Um… Oolite doesn’t load every file it encounters into memory just in case it’s used, you know. What do you take me for, an idiot?
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