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Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:50 am
by Wolfwood
Luckily, I don't have to explain my fascination with any games to my wife. She accepts my likings at face value as I do hers.

The strategy to achieve this blissful state of affairs:

1) Astound her with your intellect and general understanding of everything that happens in the world.
2) Astound her with your character and high values.
3) Explain to her that your utter excellence at being a human is based on you playing Elite/Oolite and Civilization, reading graphic novels, watching SF movies, reading fantasy and historical fiction.

VoilĂ !
BlackKnight wrote:
(*1) as in, Farcebook and Twatter, or something...
Just to correct you, it's Twitter - as in "a twit". As in "more twit" -> "twitter". No one's developed "twittest" yet, though I'm sure that day will come. Or may it be that the people using the Twitter are the twittest of them all, as they use the twitter to show to the world that they are twits? ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:11 am
by Steve
I've a variation on that.

"I'm off to play Oolite. Bring me a beer".

Click your fingers at the same time to make her hurry up.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:36 am
by drew
Steve wrote:
I've a variation on that.

"I'm off to play Oolite. Bring me a beer".

Click your fingers at the same time to make her hurry up.
Sounds great! Does it work? 8)



Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:28 pm
by Steve
drew wrote:
Steve wrote:
I've a variation on that.

"I'm off to play Oolite. Bring me a beer".

Click your fingers at the same time to make her hurry up.
Sounds great! Does it work? 8)


Of course not! If I'm lucky I'll get a girly punch in the ribs :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:14 pm
by ClymAngus
yes, this kind of blistering brain fart would lead to a bowel cutlery moment. Of such monumental proportions that would be extremely difficult to comprehensively survive.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:38 pm
by Star Gazer
...that good, ehhh... ...certainly sounds nasty... :shock:

GF: Do you really enjoy doing that? (re: Oolite/Oblivion/AstroWars/Dragon Age or any computer game, usually whilst negotiating a really difficult bit)

M: Yep

GF: DO you really enjoy doing that?

M: Yep...

GF: Do YOU really enjoy doing that?

M: Yes, of course...

GF: Do you REALLY enjoy doing that?

M: Yes, it's really good fun.

GF: Do you really ENJOY doing that?

M: YES! (starting to lose concentration)

GF: Do you really enjoy doing THAT?

M: Oh for f***'s sake, of course I do... (Having died just as finishing sequence)

GF: There's no need to be so unpleasant, I was only trying to understand...

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:47 am
by ClymAngus
Usually as soon as the question is asked, I give up all hope of flying anywhere. You see what she's saying is; I think I want you to stop that now.

Blokes just say stuff, ladies Say things that imply something different, but they always have the default meaning to fall back to so it's you that looks unreasonable, if they are taken to task.

Funny thing is they still think this is clever when in actual fact it's mildly irritating. Not as irritating as the legendary; sperm banking makes the male gender obsolete argument. But still lightly annoying none the less.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:05 am
by Killer Wolf
you need to distract her w/ lies that imply the game might be girl-friendly. mention you're on a trading run taking 25 tons of shoes and/or handbags somewhere.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:03 pm
by Selezen
The most worrying conversation is this.

W: <after watching Oolite for a few mins> Do you enjoy playing this?

M: Yep.

W: <after another intent few minutes watching the screen> Why?

M: Well, I like space and space travel and the concept of travelling in space, and Oolite is like a window into what that world would be like. It's open-ended so I can pick my own missions and plot and lifestyle.

W: So would you rather have that life or life with me?

M: Both, obviously. The Cobra Mk III has room for a co-pilot.

WRONG ANSWER. Even though this is the most logical answer to us, since we get the best of both worlds and have our life in space AND our loved ones with us (the kids go in the cryotube), it's not what a woman would be most satisfied with since you are splitting your attention between two loves of your life.

Let's look at the correct answer:

W: So would you rather have that life or life with me?

M: You, of course. No question. I love you.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:10 pm
by Killer Wolf
point out the Cobra has large cargo space for shopping trips.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:13 am
by Disembodied
Sometimes I don't think women appreciate how emotionally complex men really are ... the whole either/or thing is terribly restrictive! :D


(from The Perry Bible Fellowship)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:56 pm
by Steve
At the end of the day, I don't think we need our Significant Others to understand our love of Oolite, First Encounters etc. I certainly don't understand her love of soap operas and cookery shows, but I wouldn't try to stop her watching them and she wouldn't stop me from doing my stuff either. After all, relationships are supposed to be good things!
As the Thargoids would say - Vive La Difference :D

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:44 pm
by masona2

Any new stories to tell since the last post?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:27 am
by SiriusCG
I just offer to play D&D Online for a few hours with her ...

Works every time ... :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:50 am
by Bugbear
I've got a significant problem (well at least until next year when I get a bonus from work) - my wife's laptop is of a much higher spec than mine.

She does interior design and way back when, I went about speccing up her machine to be able to run CAD programs smoothly - so I specced up a games machine without letting on.

Now she's discovered the internet, and all the fashion blogs and fashion websites and shoes and....well you get the picture.

I've managed to install Oolite on it and can marvel at the beauty of the constores and Black Monks and Griffs fine ships...

...but my real game is on my crappy 3 or 4 year old laptop that I scavenged from work, with the dodgy mouse and blistering 10fps while in a dogfight.

Still, I've managed to notch up 800+ kills and 130k Cr, so it can't be all bad.