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Display Reputation OXP 1.3

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:56 am
by Wildeblood
cim wrote:
Asking for the other OXPs to be modified so that they used the Reputation heading anyway would probably be easier - if multiple OXPs define entries for the same heading Oolite will merge the lists.
Ta, that's something I've been meaning to ask. It's not completely straightforward to add it, however. It does require inelegant version checking code. I first made a version of Explorers' Club with such code to see this feature in action before I made Display Reputation 1.3.

I think a better solution would be to move all these reputation-related notes to an F4 screen, and off the manifest screen completely. But that's just me.

Re: Display Reputation OXP 1.3

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:47 pm
by spara
cim wrote:
Asking for the other OXPs to be modified so that they used the Reputation heading anyway would probably be easier - if multiple OXPs define entries for the same heading Oolite will merge the lists.
"Reputation" is a bit limited, IMHO. Maybe we could find some consensus on the heading to be something like "Reputations and Ranks" or something? I'm happy to define ranks/reputations from the OXPs I'm maintaining when there's some agreement on the heading.

Re: Display_reputation.oxp v1.2 now available

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:19 pm
by Day
I think a better solution would be to move all these reputation-related notes to an F4 screen, and off the manifest screen completely. But that's just me.
As a I generally play a mixture of passengers/parcels delivery and easy fugitives killer, I use the manifest screen almost only to check the destinations of passengers/parcels.

The manifest screen is a good idea, story-side speaking, as it show immediately the role you're playing; but the manifest side is functionnaly useless to me: I go into the F8 screen to see what I got to sell.

So I would be slightly in favour of moving the reputation-related notes in the F4 screen.

Still, the F4 screen is, for me, several pages long... It's not very user-friendly.

So I would totally be in favour of letting the player decide which F4 screens could be accessible through cycled-press of F4.
For example, F4: the main list of functions, new-F4: the commodities screen, new-F4: the passengers delivery screen, new-F4: the parcels delivery screen...