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Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:30 pm
by Disembodied
There is a great big hole in the market for a single-player, fun space exploration and trading game. I don't understand why LucasArts hasn't released something like a Han Solo simulator, for example.

For what it's worth, here's my dream setup:

Flight characteristics: as per TIE Fighter. A great balance of twitchy dogfighting with a subtle blend of tactics as you shunt energy around between engines, shields and weapons. Perhaps for warping between systems you could add a little arcadey element, where you have to negotiate a short wormhole ride: the better you are, the smoother and quicker the transition. A similar effect could be used for an in-system Torus drive analogue.

Universe layout: clumps of star systems linked by "warp channels" (or something). Basically laid out like Escape Velocity. But a crucial aspect would be exploration: not all jump routes are known at the beginning of the game, and whole new clusters could be opened up by the player.

Star systems: big and sprawling, with planets made actual size (i.e. vast). A gas giant should be GIANT. But players can shuttle around at a-little-bit-faster-than-light, as per the Torus jumpdrive, masslocks (or equivalent) included. Planetary landings would be nice – and could allow for the occasional first-contact scenario, too

Money and trade: I'd start players out, not with a small amount of money, but with a whacking great overdraft. I'd make debt a fundamental part of the game, from banks all the way to loan sharks and mobsters. Clearing out your loan would be a major goal. Trade, meanwhile, would be much more specific. Generally I'd avoid generic items and let players hunt around for elusive big scores. I'd also include opportunities for haggling and barter.

Ships: tinkerable. I'd let players fiddle with their engines and power conduits and the like, and give them the chance to buy (or find, or steal) all manner of gizmos and widgets which they can try out wo twek the performance of their ship – sacrifice a bit of power for more cargo space, or tougher shields for a slightly reduced speed, etc. And endlessly reskinnable, too.

Moddable: let the public work for you! Have the game built ready to accept plugin expansions. Microtransactions, where people pay to download expansion packs (as per Elder Scrolls: Oblivion) would mean that the game could continue to produce an income stream. Expansions would include new ships, stations, colonies etc. – but primarily they would include clusters of new star systems for players to explore.

And ... a whole bunch of other things, too. One of the most important, though, would be a direct lift from Oolite: the player would NOT be the centre of the universe.

And while I'm at it, I'd like the moon on a stick, too.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:05 pm
by Sendraks
I like your dream set-up Disembodied, I could go to my happy place there.

If I might make a couple of additions?

Missions/Quests - lots of em (and the playerbase can add more). Some would be like the endlessly recycling RH, GN, Trading, Passesnger missions, but others would be story arcs that give particular systems, planets or stations, a real personal flavour. I really like games that have quite intense mission hubs that really tie you to an area for a length of time, so you learn its quirks and it feels like home. So moving to a new area eventually feels like a bit of a wrench to leave home.

Epic Spacefights - these do happen in Oolite sometimes, although I haven't been in any recently, where you get involve in a fight between a big ass Thargoid/Pirate fleet and a whole mess of Gal Navy craft up to and including Behemoths. These shouldn't be common place, but would be nice to have in mission arcs and also as part of occasional random pirate/alien/oppposing force attacks on whatever system you're in.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:38 pm
by Disembodied
Sendraks wrote:
I like your dream set-up Disembodied, I could go to my happy place there.

If I might make a couple of additions?

Missions/Quests - lots of em (and the playerbase can add more). Some would be like the endlessly recycling RH, GN, Trading, Passesnger missions, but others would be story arcs that give particular systems, planets or stations, a real personal flavour. I really like games that have quite intense mission hubs that really tie you to an area for a length of time, so you learn its quirks and it feels like home. So moving to a new area eventually feels like a bit of a wrench to leave home.

Epic Spacefights - these do happen in Oolite sometimes, although I haven't been in any recently, where you get involve in a fight between a big ass Thargoid/Pirate fleet and a whole mess of Gal Navy craft up to and including Behemoths. These shouldn't be common place, but would be nice to have in mission arcs and also as part of occasional random pirate/alien/oppposing force attacks on whatever system you're in.
It's all good! Lots of endlessly recycling missions, as well as one-off stories, would be ideal. I like the point you make about making certain areas feel like home.

Epic space battles: I would ration these out, severely – although they could be good places for players to hide on the sidelines, and see what they can pick up, as well as occasionally get in over their heads!

I have a good idea about the sort of universe where this takes place, too. Another Oolite element I would keep would be an (almost) universal currency, to make trading easier, and a similarly universal (and basic) legal system – although this would have a twist. I'd introduce an alien artificial intelligence called the Akasha: they're the leftover remains of a species which hit a technological singularity and disappeared, eons ago. Essentially, they're intelligent currency: "smart money", if you will. ;) They exist in a symbiotic relationship with spacefaring civilisations, using them to encourage trade, which creates wealth, which is how the Akasha (AKA the 'Kash) breed. They monitor systems quite closely, and keep a record of your deeds – but they're only interested in financial gain. Piracy is frowned on as bad for business, but – if the Akasha aren't watching, or you're in a system where they're not present – then you can get away with it. Smuggling, etc. they don't care about at all: it's all just trade as far as they're concerned! Non-payment of debt, though – that's a really serious crime in their eyes ...

Of course, not all spacefaring races coexist with the Akasha. Some are just jealous of their independence, and others are convinced that the 'Kash have some sort of sinister agenda ...

Possibly, I have too much time on my hands!

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:25 am
Disembodied wrote:
There is a great big hole in the market for a single-player, fun space exploration and trading game...
I totally agree, I think it's because developers are afraid they can't live up to the expectations of the fans, and that the fans memory of Elite can not be overthrown :P Elite will always be THE space exploration and trading game, everything else is just an imitation, even Oolite (although, it is by far the best imitation)