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Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:21 am
by Lestradae
BTW, Frame, as far as additional features & frontier features are concerned, may I enquire as to how the solar systems concept is coming along? 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:49 am
by aceshigh
pagroove wrote:
Well there is a direct 3d frontier now. it;s revese engineered and downloadble at the russian elite sit. I think it's called

I have it and it's pretty but Oolite simply offers better gameplay. If they remove the Newtonian model then it's maybe ok.
there are newtonian models and there are newtonian models.

ever played Independence War Edge of Chaos?? That game has a kind of newtonian model that blows all other space games away. Its quite realistic and EXTREMELLY FUN. Same thing with INFINIT QUEST FOR EARTH (Combat Prototype).

And yes, I agree that the Newtonian model from Frontier is boring gameplaywise.

video showing IWAR-EoC gameplay. Notice the target distance indicator... how fast the ship sometimes is flying... it also has a in system hyperdrive similar to Elite... (in the beginning, he selects a planet on the Star System map... the planet is 2 billion km away. Also, its very cool that when it approaches the destination, the speed falls on geometric proportion... so you are zipping past planets and moons at lightspeed (all at real size, real distances) then they start going slower and slower until the planets dont move at all but the stations and smaller objects still zip past you are super speeds (showing the difference in size)

ps: during the lightspeed travel, you can notice the video creator CUT a few seconds of video... the distance changes SUDDENLY from 2 billion km to 500km...

another video showing interplanetary travel and also FUN newtonian gameplay combat

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:22 am
by aceshigh
Selezen wrote:

Newtonian flight: baaad

Check the videos I posted above, or even better, get yourself a copy of Independence War 2 Edge of Chaos.

Or better yet, get TWO copies and send one to Braben. :)