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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:20 am
by Commander McLane
You're always welcome! :D

But you have forgotten something cost-wise: May I ask you to put the 500 Cr advice-fee into my personal inter-galactic account immediatly. If not: bounty hunters are on their way! :twisted:

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:36 am
by Captain Hesperus
hwtan wrote:
Finally, I fried the trumble. It does not taste nice and costly (it takes 1,500 credit and three attempts to cook it without I myself being fried.). Thanks for the tips guys. :)
<sob> My poor little Trumble....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:38 am
by Hoopy
It not a waste of a Trumble life if you make the most of it with a nice glass of red wine...

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:39 am
by Captain Hesperus
Hoopy wrote:
It not a waste of a Trumble life if you make the most of it with a nice glass of red wine...
I'm surrounded by scoundrels.....

...but that's nothing new :lol:

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:22 am
by GothStag
Hoopy wrote:
It not a waste of a Trumble life if you make the most of it with a nice glass of red wine...
I had mine with a bottle of quiante & some fava beans ffff ffff ffff ffff :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:50 pm
by Hoopy
I wonder if we could think up a suitable plot for an OXP where you have to fly trumbles to the galatic cuisine conference whilst the GWF (Galactic Wildlife Fund) or TLF (Trumble Liberation Front) try to blow you up, scoop up the trumbles and release them back into the wild...

or maybe vice-versa you join the TLF?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:54 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
How about a "Thermal pest control treatment" (for some preposterous amount - Cr4500.0, maybe?) on the shipyard, the same way as the ship servicing? For extra fun, set a 1/3 chance that a trumble survives and shows up on the screen after the next jump... :twisted:

It won't be of very much help for a young, poor Jameson, (until he finds out about trumble roasting and slaps his/her/its own forehead (if available, or other similarily meaning culturally adquired behaviour), that is). The name itself should give the clueless a lead, and that makes it an even funnier afterthought...
In fact, it's more of a way for a wealthy veteran to both waste some of its useless money and save the hassle of a suntrip.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:25 pm
by Hoopy
Nice idea :)
Maybe it should be a one shot device so you buy it, 2/3 chance it works. Then sometime later if you see a trumble pop up you can either buy another one and try again or give in and roast them the old fashioned way.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:19 am
by Commander McLane
I just wrote a short pestcontrol.OXP to try it out. Problem is: removeEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE doesn't work, although you get your first trumble by awardEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE.

Question to the codemonkeys: How can the number of trumbles be controlled (read: set or reduced) by a script?

Second problem: Oolite (vv. and 1.65) crashed, whenever I jumped to another system with a trumble visible on my screen. Anybody else had that?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:51 am
by another_commander
I think the problem is that, while the addExtraEquipment method deals with the case of trumbles, the removeExtraEquipment one does not. This is because there is supposed to be one and only one way to remove them, so until now there has never been a need to check against this case. I think the remove method needs to be updated to include the case of mass eradication of furries for the OXP to work as intended.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:34 pm
by davcefai
The Clock-Tower Nutter wrote:
I'm surrounded by scoundrels.....
That's nothing. Look behind you.... :D

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:29 pm
by Eric Walch
McLaine wrote:
Second problem: Oolite (vv. and 1.65) crashed, whenever I jumped to another system with a trumble visible on my screen. Anybody else had that?
It is a known bug in version 1.69.1 It is reported and Ahruman found and removed the bug within 24 hours. On a mac it crashed the game on ever second jump. However with version 1.65 there should be no problem. Whenever I got a trumble on board I switched back to 1.65 untill I had it removed.
McLaine wrote:
I just wrote a short pestcontrol.OXP to try it out. Problem is: removeEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE doesn't work, although you get your first trumble by awardEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE.

Question to the codemonkeys: How can the number of trumbles be controlled (read: set or reduced) by a script?
This is how it works: The awardEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE will add it into your inventory. Then as second action it looks if you have trumbles on board. If none it start the internal trumble routine and removes the EQ_TRUMBLE itself.

But there is a bug. When you use awardEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE at a moment you still have trumbles on board nothing happens but the EQ_TRUMBLES stays in your inventory. With EQ_TRUMBLES on board you never can add it anymore and you can not be infected. This is not really a bug as it was never planned to be infected more than once. So for pest control you should buy trumbles when already infected. That protects you from further infection. (Unless you encounters trumbles in my next courier release. There I worked around this unintended trumble protection and will still give you some. Just one tiny one.)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:09 pm
by JensAyton
Eric, I’m trying to work out what you mean here. I can’t find anything related to removing EQ_TRUMBLE. Maybe that’s a result of some earlier attempt to deal with you reporting the problem… :-)

Anyway, the crashing-with-trumbles bug was a texture management issue and is fixed in 1.70.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:12 pm
by Eric Walch
Eric, I’m trying to work out what you mean here. I can’t find anything related to removing EQ_TRUMBLE. Maybe that’s a result of some earlier attempt to deal with you reporting the problem…
Maybe I was not that clear, but that was because I was unsure if this should be fixed or stay this way so it is a little more difficult to infect someone to often. But try it. Change the savefile so the played has EQ_TRUMBLE. (or award it twice). A ship with this equipment can not be infected as long the equipment is on board in the inventory.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:19 pm
by JensAyton
Ahh. I was distracted by the claim that the EQ_TRUMBLE is added, then removed. In fact, it is never added, unless the player is already infected… and awardEquipment: checks whether equipment is already installed before calling through to the underlying method addExtraEquipment: that does the actual trumble check.

Two fixes:
  • Don’t add an EQ_TRUMBLE to the equipment list if “awardEquipment: EQ_TRUMBLE” is called when there is already a trumble infection; just do nothing.
  • Delete EQ_TRUMBLE from equipment list on loading, to mend saved games broken by this bug.
I’m not sure about making trumbles removable, due to the potential for abuse. Then again, JavaScript’s increased access to the guts does this anyway, with things like player.credits = 100000000.