The Party whipped a bunch of Astromine inmates into working on 1.5 and 1.6 day and night.HueijRevisited wrote:Man, don't you commies never sleep? I just installed 1.5 not 20 minutes ago...

Glad that you liked it.
Moderators: winston, another_commander
The Party whipped a bunch of Astromine inmates into working on 1.5 and 1.6 day and night.HueijRevisited wrote:Man, don't you commies never sleep? I just installed 1.5 not 20 minutes ago...
I suppose there is a way to optimize this, so that it first checks for systemGovernment_number equal 4, then within that check branches out and checks for STATUS_LAUNCHING and STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE and then within each of those two branches does the individual checks related to the appearance of the different ships, so that the game usually only would have to do 1-3 checks each cycle (except when actually exiting witchspace or launcing), instead of the many that I have it doing now. Isn't it so?{
"communist_population" = (
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 50",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.8"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: workcom",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 5");
do = ("addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.8");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 50",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.92"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: workcom",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 5");
do = ("addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.92");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 50",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.6"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: workcom",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 5");
do = ("addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.6");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 50",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.55"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: workcom",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 5");
do = ("addSystemShips: workcom 1 0.55");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addShipsAt: workcom 1 spu 0 0.06 0.35"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: workcom",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 5");
do = ("addShipsAt: workcom 1 spu 0 0.06 0.35");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: comlim 1 0.3"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: comlim",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 2");
do = ("addSystemShips: comlim 1 0.3");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: comlim 1 0.35"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: comlim",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 2");
do = ("addSystemShips: comlim 1 0.35");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"d100_number greaterthan 90",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addShipsAt: comlim 1 spu 0 0.08 0.4"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"d100_number greaterthan 90",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: comlim",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 1");
do = ("addShipsAt: comlim 1 spu 0 0.08 0.4");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: comviper 5 0.47"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 75",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: comviper",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 5");
do = ("addSystemShips: comviper 5 0.47");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 10",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addSystemShips: politicop 1 0.48"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 10",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: politicop",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 1");
do = ("addSystemShips: politicop 1 0.46");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"d100_number greaterthan 95",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addShipsAt: politicop 1 spu 0 0.06 0.36"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"d100_number greaterthan 10",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: politicop",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 1");
do = ("addShipsAt: politicop 1 spu 0 0.06 0.36");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"systemTechLevel_number lessthan 10",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addShipsAt: comczgf 1 spu 0 0.05 0.35",
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 6",
"systemTechLevel_number lessthan 10",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: comczgf",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 1");
do = ("addShipsAt: comczgf 1 spu 0 0.05 0.35");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 9",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"addShipsAt: comslapu 1 spu 0 0.05 0.35",
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHING",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"systemTechLevel_number greaterthan 9",
"planet_number greaterthan -1"
do = (
"checkForShips: comslapu",
conditions = ("shipsFound_number lessthan 1");
do = ("addShipsAt: comslapu 1 spu 0 0.05 0.35");
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 80",
"planet_number equal -1"
do = (
"addShips: comgrc 1",
"addShips: comgrc-defender 2"
conditions = (
"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
"systemGovernment_number equal 4",
"d100_number greaterthan 90",
"planet_number equal -1"
do = (
"addShips: comgrc 1",
"addShips: comgrc-defender 3"
1.7 Dec 2006
Made the script a lot more compact and made a minor change in shipdata.plist
1.8 Dec 2006
Added Neuropol Info Service (AD-X screens from YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp fitted with communist messages) as Navigational Buoy in Rich Industrial commie systems.
Propaganda Poster 1: johnsmith
Propaganda Poster 2: HueijRevisited
1.81 Dec 2006
Refitted the new smaller N-buoy Terascreen form Your Ad Here v.0.993 for Neuropol propaganda.
Oolite Life is now revealed hereSelezen wrote:Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
I think that's rather hard to do. Easier to script your 'own' asteroids as pseudoships (w/o thrust) copy of the original model with some extra pockmarks and give them an AI that screams bloody murder when shot at, and deathactions script etcDaddyHoggy wrote:Finally a suggestion: I'm guessing prisoners are punished by being made to mine the asteroid fields. How about making the shooting up of asteroids in Communist space an offence? How can the people's party punish people to the full extent of the law if Imperialist commercial-driven scum from outside the system destroy the tools of punishment for a single credit at a time!.