Interstellar Space
2 ways to get there: deliberate & negligent.
Both contain elements of choice.
2 dangers to getting there: destruction & marooning.
Both effectively end the game but only one actually does so.
2 reasons to go there: challenge & system hopping.
Neither should be easy but the former should ensure that is true in both cases.
Qualifier : Without having used it, my understanding is that Interstellar Tweaks does some similar things to my suggestions here but takes a more random approach.
Idea 1: deliberate entry into interstellar space doesn't always draw Thargoids.
When it's the player's choice then they clearly have some degree of control. When it's not their choice then it may reasonably be someone else's control.
Thargoids are canonically supposed to be able to intercept vessels in witch space under some circumstances. If that vessel is poorly maintained then entering interstellar space really is a 'misjump' and perhaps Thargoids could be drawn to that.
The idea that interstellar space is always choc-full of Thargoids is problematic and so if you could occasionally get there without encountering them then that would seem reasonable.
But why might it be fun?
Idea 2: place rock hermit(s) in interstellar space
To be clear, this would be for a deliberate 'misjump', and not
necessarily for an accidental one.
Lower entity count - those asteroid clusters could potentially be much bigger.
Ready made escape route - they do charge a lot for their fuel but then why wouldn't they?
Interstellar space as an alternate trading destination - adding some much needed variety to not just stations but also to systems.
- Questions:
- 1. You did say asteroids, right?
- 2. Who are they trading with?
- 3. Where exactly is their fuel coming from?
- 4. Why the hell would anyone want to 'live' in interstellar space?
1. Yep, I'm thinking particularly of the Oort cloud, or 'icesteroids' if you prefer. I don't see why a deliberate jump couldn't take the player right to the edge of interstellar space, or anywhere else between two stars for that matter - where exactly that is should be determined by gameplay reasons I think.
2. Passing traders of course.
If interstellar space isn't just full of thargoids then that's a reasonable option, especially if precious metals were relatively cheap and/or there was plenty of opportunity for larger vessels with a mining laser to load up on minerals.
Then both a precious metals trader and a miner could be actual careers rather than just sidelines.
Crucially, the rinse & repeat nature of entering a new system would also get broken up a little, at the players discretion.
3. Solar wind? Salvaged vessels? Molecular clouds? Where the hell ever?
No expert here but according to NASA...
Inside the heliosphere, the solar particles are hot but less concentrated. Outside of the bubble, they are very much colder but more concentrated.
Once you arrive in interstellar space, there would be an increase of “cold” particles around you.
I quite like the idea of there being a collector of some sort. Imagine if the model for the Tionisle Chronical Array were used for such a purpose, or the solar station from the kiota stations. Stick one of those next to a rock hermit and, in the absence of a star, they've potentially got a nice little earner.
4. Having already established some rewards for doing so, they need to be balanced with (rather than overwhelmed by) risks.
If thargoids aren't everywhere in interstellar space then they should at least 'be around'.
No police - it's too big an area and GalCop presence is low to non-existent.
Chaotic hermits - if salvage is so valuable out here then perhaps it could occasionally be 'induced'.
Pirates? - maybe not. Keeping the entity count down gives more room for asteroids and I think it would nice to feel that you were very much off the beaten track.
Very few traders, but crucially some.
Encounter wise, interstellar space should feel sparse but dangerous I think.
Key considerations with my thinking:
Big difference between deliberately or accidentally entering interstellar space.
That interstellar space isn't just an interesting or variable aside but rather that it be a valid trading/mining destination or stop-off for semi-predictable returns and risks.