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Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 1:30 pm
by spud42
You sir, are an enabler.

Fortuitously my digital library has a few gigabytes of shelf space left. which is fortunate due to the lack of physical space available to me.

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:39 pm
by ffutures
spud42 wrote: Tue Mar 22, 2022 1:30 pm
You sir, are an enabler.

Fortuitously my digital library has a few gigabytes of shelf space left. which is fortunate due to the lack of physical space available to me.
I know the feeling - as part of my current bout of decluttering I'm giving a hundred and fifty or so books to local charity shops (and it's getting harder to find shops that want them) and still have about a hundred that I want to shelve but don't currently have room for, despite having more than 110ft of shelf space in this room, and about the same again in the rest of my flat. The perils of a long term (approx 60 years and counting) book addiction...

Last time I did this, circa 2005, I gave away and sold roughly 300 books, when I did a flat swap in 1995 I had to get rid of a vast collection of SF magazines, many of which were pulp and rapidly disintegrating so essentially worthless. It was NOT fun.

After that I'll have to start dealing with the DVDs, laserdiscs, etc. etc...

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:10 am
by spud42
i feel the pain. Due to various domestic upheavals i have had to divest my self of my paperback collections several times.
i still have to digitise my music collection about 1/2 way through. its a tedious process. not a lot of fun.
I lost a 2 TB external HDD a couple of years ago. It had my Movie and TV collection on it and i didnt get around to having a backup of it. some stuff i probably cant find again. like all of the "Is Born " series.. Jaguar, a racing car, a helicopter etc.....

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:30 am
by Cody
spud42 wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:10 am
Due to various domestic upheavals...
Been through a few of those, one way or another. Parting with my vinyl collection was the most painful.

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:24 pm
by Cody
Next on my re-reading journey, one of my favourite Asimov tales: Nightfall (the 1990 expanded edition with Silverberg).

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 1:25 pm
by spud42
yes a very good read that one.
im currently listening to the disc world series on audiobook. currently book 17 Interesting times.

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 10:04 pm
by Cody
Audiobooks? How about old-time radio drama? Some real gems in this collection from the CBS Radio Workshop.

Re: Sci-fi paperbacks

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:02 pm
by spud42
bookmarked, thanks Cody