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Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:39 pm
by Cholmondely
Redspear wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:20 pm
Cholmondely wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:54 pm
Would it involve tampering with Weapon Laws?
OK, so here's the issue as I see it.

Weapon laws is supposed to prevent the sale of certain equipment in certain systems.
Weapon laws is not supposed to prevent the moving, awarding or swapping of pre-owned or non-GalCop/Station market weapons.

Unfortunately, it seems to be doing both.

The solution relates to the cause, namely the use of the condition script allowAwardEquipment being a blanket restriction.
The good news is that I can add context such as purchase or new ship limiting when the restictions are in place.

So this.allowAwardEquipment = function(purchase) might do it.
I'll give it a try and if all goes well provide an update soon.

Thanks for raising the issue.
But would it not be more realistic to have to fill out forms in quadruplicate, giving the name of the manufacturer's sainted great-grandmother and the exact dimensions of the laser mount in barleycorns? Think of the immersion.... :mrgreen:

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:57 pm
by Redspear
Cholmondely wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:39 pm
But would it not be more realistic to have to fill out forms in quadruplicate, giving the name of the manufacturer's sainted great-grandmother and the exact dimensions of the laser mount in barleycorns? Think of the immersion....
Dear Commander Jameson,


After completing a total of one successful legal appeal, three official complaints proceedings, 5 virtual consultations and 8 licensing forms (in triplicate) we are happy to inform you that you are now the proud owner of the spacefaring vessel fittings that you had previously legally possessed prior to docking at this station.

You are also 9 planetary cycles older.

We do hope you enjoy your stay.

Teveri Weapons And Technical Services

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:15 pm
by Cody
Redspear wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:57 pm
Teveri Weapons And Technical Services
<grins> Very good! My ED Cobra is parked at Teveri - and there it will probably remain!

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:44 pm
by Cholmondely
Redspear wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:57 pm
Cholmondely wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:39 pm
But would it not be more realistic to have to fill out forms in quadruplicate, giving the name of the manufacturer's sainted great-grandmother and the exact dimensions of the laser mount in barleycorns? Think of the immersion....
Dear Commander Jameson,


After completing a total of one successful legal appeal, three official complaints proceedings, 5 virtual consultations and 8 licensing forms (in triplicate) we are happy to inform you that you are now the proud owner of the spacefaring vessel fittings that you had previously legally possessed prior to docking at this station.

You are also 9 planetary cycles older.

We do hope you enjoy your stay.

Teveri Weapons And Technical Services
Exactly! Wonderful, wonderful immersion...

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:48 am
by Redspear
Cholmondely wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:44 pm
Exactly! Wonderful, wonderful immersion...
Thanks but I'd need to work out how to trigger it. My coding skill grows very slowly.

Maybe for a future incarnation (hopefully that will be of the oxp and not of myself :mrgreen: )

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 1:02 pm
by Cholmondely
Redspear wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:48 am
My coding skill grows very slowly.

At least yours grows!

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:53 am
by cag
Cholmondely wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:10 am
Wondering: I never understood GravLock to mean anything in particular, and certainly not the way you defined it. I still don't really understand what the gravity scanner is supposed to do - or how it makes any difference to my game, other than funny sounds when I'm close to a Large Body...

Might it be better to call AutoLock "Weapons-on Locking" and GravLock "Weapons-off Locking", or some such?
So I decided to rename the variable in my script & missiontext.plist. It was not fun. :(

So I've added a option naming feature, so the name of the option can be unrelated to the script's variable.

Code: Select all

"..._options" = "
    'AutoLock: targeting cone ',	// whitespace gets .trim'd off each end
    'GravLock: navigation cone ',
so on the config page, they appears as 'targeting cone', 'navigation cone' but the variables worldScripts.telescope.$AutoLock/GravLock still gets set.

All the related keys in missiontext.plist still use the variable name. That allow spaces and other characters not
suitable for variable names to be used in the option's name.

version 1.1 ... s.oxz?dl=0
(same link as 1st post)

NB: due to strict version numbering, you will also need to update Telescope v2 to the current (Dec.30/21) version.
Telescope: ... e.oxz?dl=0
Extender: ... r.oxz?dl=0

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:08 am
by Cholmondely
cag wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:53 am
Cholmondely wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:10 am
Wondering: I never understood GravLock to mean anything in particular, and certainly not the way you defined it. I still don't really understand what the gravity scanner is supposed to do - or how it makes any difference to my game, other than funny sounds when I'm close to a Large Body...

Might it be better to call AutoLock "Weapons-on Locking" and GravLock "Weapons-off Locking", or some such?
So I decided to rename the variable in my script & missiontext.plist. It was not fun. :(
cag wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:53 am
So I've added a option naming feature, so the name of the option can be unrelated to the script's variable.

Code: Select all

"..._options" = "
    'AutoLock: targeting cone ',	// whitespace gets .trim'd off each end
    'GravLock: navigation cone ',
so on the config page, they appears as 'targeting cone', 'navigation cone' but the variables worldScripts.telescope.$AutoLock/GravLock still gets set.

All the related keys in missiontext.plist still use the variable name. That allow spaces and other characters not
suitable for variable names to be used in the option's name.

version 1.1 ... s.oxz?dl=0
(same link as 1st post)

NB: due to strict version numbering, you will also need to update Telescope v2 to the current (Dec.30/21) version.
Telescope: ... e.oxz?dl=0
Extender: ... r.oxz?dl=0
Sounds good, thank you! Will try it out... Done! Tried out!

It looks superb and is even an enjoyable read in places ( enjoyable read for an options page!!!!)

Well done, sir!

There are one or two very minor nitpicks.

1) Use of the term "ident" key. Will everybody understand that you mean the "r" key? It is not referred to as the "ident" key anywhere else that I have seen in the Oolite literature - but I only know Oolite & Elite. I've never played anything else... And if everybody else blathers on about an "ident" key then my concern fades...

2) Personally speaking, I think that the full formatting on the GUI pages looks dreadful unless there are many short words on the line. That is only a personal opinion.

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:16 am
by Cholmondely
Another point prior to posting on the Expansions Manager:

Watching Arquebus's most recent films I notice that his Masslock rings no longer seem to work. And the in-flight controls seem too complex to work out what's what (see snippet starting at time:2:47, where it seems to me that his search for options gets diverted by an identical-looking targeting announcement which is possibly misinterpreted as being part of the Telescope options list).

I presume that the limitations of Oolite now prevent a simple on-off for masslock during flight if you are offering all those choices about red/yellow/green & weapons on/off.

Personally I prefer the first - and I would suspect Arquebus would too - I have no need to distinguish between the 6 conditions and would rather just have the simple on/off choice if the Oolite coding forces a choice between one and the other. I rather suspect that this will be true for most users of Telescope.

Notwithstanding the above issues of practicality, I do like the fact that you have offered these options (r/y/g & weapons on/off)... it seems more realistic and more immersive.

You have really added to Telescope and improved it (even your contract is fun!).

Re: [Beta] Release of Station Options 1.0

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:31 am
by cag
Cholmondely wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:16 am
Watching Arquebus's most recent films I notice that his Masslock rings no longer seem to work. And the in-flight controls seem too complex to work out what's what (see snippet starting at time:2:47, where it seems to me that his search for options gets diverted by an identical-looking targeting announcement which is possibly misinterpreted as being part of the Telescope options list).
No masslock rings are visible beyond 2500 km and nothing in his field of view is less than 7000 km, so the Masslock rings are working as intended.

As for stepping through the telescope's list, there are more than 10 items, so once beyond those in the MFD, none are 'current' (enclosed in square brackets) until he steps back into the subset of sightings shown in the MFD.

Things get more complex with different filters on both MFDs and I've no idea what to do in those cases. As it stands, it mimics Telescope 1.15 in that it steps through all sightings (i.e. filters are ignored).
Cholmondely wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:16 am
I presume that the limitations of Oolite now prevent a simple on-off for masslock during flight if you are offering all those choices about red/yellow/green & weapons on/off.
No, all you get during flight is a simple on-off for your current state (which gets incorporated into the full set you can modify when docked). The message reads Masslock rings: <alert>/<weaps>: on/off, where <alert>/<weaps> always reads your current state.

Unfortunately, there is a single character typo that only comes into play if you're running with DebugMessages turned on when changing Masslock rings during flight so the message text may be incorrect. :oops: