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Re: [RELEASE] Fighters 1.3

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 2:12 am
by cag
I encountered:

Exception: Error: Ship.addDefenseTarget: Invalid arguments (null) -- expected target.
Active script: fighters-ship 1.3
fighters-ship.js, line 139:

Improbable as it may seem, a fighter can die w/o a ship targetted! I cannot reproduce this as they weren't my fighters. I was waiting to dock when my debug console burped.

Re: [RELEASE] Fighters 1.4

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 11:19 am
by Norby
Thank you for the report! I fixed it in v1.4.

Re: [RELEASE] Fighters 1.5

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:47 pm
by Norby
Fighters v1.5 is out, featuring a new type: Robot Fighter.
Available in all stations as a smaller but more costly alternative of the Light Fighter: need only 1t cargo space instead of 5t, but each costs 5000 credits.
Looks like a Tharglet but internally controlled by computers.


A Cobra Mark III can hold up to 15 of them in Fighter Bay, which is a good help against large groups of attackers, at least as chaff. ;)

Re: [RELEASE] Fighters 1.5

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:17 pm
by Cholmondely
Norby wrote: Thu May 26, 2016 8:15 pm
The following fighters are in real sizes, compare with a cargo box:

Compare size of a heavy fighter with light ones:

More comparsion from missiles to Adder:
I've created a new Category page for our wiki: Category:Drones

Does anybody have a feel for which of these are manned and which are drones? Am I correct in presuming that only the robot fighters are drones?

Code: Select all

Fighter     Class  Size(m)  Speed    Cost  Occupy En.+Arm Recharg Pitch Laser      Other
Light       Knight 6x4x10   600      1000  5t     0+1     0       2.5   Pulse      No shields, just armor
Robot       AI     7x2x8    400      5000  1t     1       2       3     Pulse      No pilot so need only 1t cargo space
Swarm       Pawn   6x2x10   500      2000  5t     0+0.5   1       2     3*Pulse    3 ships in a group, Organic armor, need 3 Alien Items
Raider      Bishop 13x3x16  400      3000  10t    2       1       2     Dual Pulse ECM, passive cloak in cloaked era
GalTech     Rook   19x5x23  300/2100 5000  15t    2       2       1.8   Beam       ECM, Injectors, need Galaxy 6 or Constrictor mission
Steel Shark Queen  20x8x22  200      10000 20t    2       2       1.6   Sniper     ECM, Need Galaxy 7 or Nova Mission
Shark       Queen  20x8x22  200/1400 10000 20t    2+2     2       1.4   Sniper     ECM, Organic, Injectors, need 5 Alien Items, Galaxy 7 or Nova
Iron King   King   28x6x18  100      20000 25t    2       2       1.2   Thargoid   ECM, need Galaxy 8 or Thargoid Plans
King        King   28x6x18  100/700  50000 25t    2+6     2       1     Thargoid   ECM, Organic, Injectors, need 10 Alien Items, Galaxy 8 or Thargoid Plans

Re: [RELEASE] Fighters 1.5

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:40 pm
by montana05
Cholmondely wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:17 pm
Does anybody have a feel for which of these are manned and which are drones? Am I correct in presuming that only the robot fighters are drones?
Swarm Group and Robot Fighter are unmanned, all others using the spacesuit as escape craft for the pilot.